Cam in another OP suggests, 'The theories of evolution are fake.'
This subject deserves an OP of its own. I've thought about this for many years, and finally concluded that there's some truth to what he's sayin.' It seems we evolved
too quick for present theory
Just as with some of the difficulties of relativity, I have a proposal to explain it all. However, it's not very well developed and so I will squeeze it into one inadequate para:
I maintain that present theory, insofar as it goes, is absolutely correct. The incredible speed with which we've evolved, however, owes to all the physical constants having worked out just right, making the humanoid a sort of 'goal'
My thinkin' supposes 'em all to be interrelated in sduch a way as to make such evolution inevitable, that a difference in one would upset another; that is: Things are the way they are not 'cause She made 'em so but because She didn't have much choice in many respects. The Universe is the way it is 'cause that's the way it
hasta be
All right, two
I'd be happy to elaborate, chat further