Seeing as the old Fitness Links and Tips thread disappeared, and my questions were left hanging, I thought I'd put them back in here and carry on from where I left off.
I'm 16, 5'7" and 130 vertical growth has slowed considerably, so I'm only expecting to gain a few more inches in the coming years. I play football (QB, HB, and CB, if that's any help). And yes, I am aware that I will fill out a bit during the next few years, but I want to help that along a bit
Essentially I need to gain more pounds, but I want to do this without sacrificing (or perhaps enhancing) my current levels of speed, flexibility, agility and stamina (I'm also a short and middle distance runner). My body type is somewhere between ecto and mesomorph, leaning towards mesomorph perhaps. I also have a fast metabolism (I'll go into eating habits later). I really need to get some kind of workout routine that I can do at home, preferably without the use of weights, that will help me with my aforementioned aims. I do have a (somewhat unstable) barbell I can use if necessary, and I might have access to weights once a week, but I'd prefer a routine that does not rely on weights.
Current diet: I don't really pay a lot of attention to what I eat, but I do eat a lot, but given my fast metabolism, don't seem to gain any weight as a direct result of my eating. I usually get at least four decent meals in per day (7am, 12noon, 4pm, 7pm): all except perhaps 7am include meat, 2 veg, and bread (dinner often includes pasta or rice, though only perhaps 3 times a week). I go through at least one loaf of bread a day, usually white, though I do have a penchant for that honey grain bread
. I tend to snack on meats, nut, raisins, bread, or whatever else is in the cupboard...oddly enough, sweets don't feature in my diet....
Current Exercise: Not particularly well planned or thought out. In the afternoon, each day I do: 10 push-ups, then 14 of those knee to elbow crunches, 5 pull-ups, and then repeat this until I can't be bothered continuing (5-8 times maybe, I'm not quite sure). Every couple of days I also get up at 5'ish, down 5 or so slices of bread and go running for half an hour to an hour.
If I think of anything else I'll post it here, but in the meantime, any advice would be much appreciated