Democracy is best served by strict separation of...

Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 08:13 am
Spendius if you have a question or comment for me I will respectfully ask that you repeat it. I went back to look for the one you referenced and didn't find it. I have never posted on the Shakespearean thread I don't believe (or did I?). If I did it was sometime ago. If you wish for me to reference a distant thread, you'll need to provide links, not a post number.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 08:13 am
Speaking for myself, it is not a question of being offended by religious symbols. I just want government to be neutral. I would prefer that governmental institutions avoid even the appearance of endorsing religion.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 08:24 am
So would I Wandel. And I contend that a neutral government neither embraces nor bars religion in the public life.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 08:49 am
Debra_Law wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Are you suggesting, with a straight face, that the ACLU is not "anti-religion"?

What are you suggesting? If the ACLU brings lawsuits to enforce the First Amendment, it must be a fanatical anti-religious organization? If so, then I guess you must also characterize people like Foxfyre who demand the satisfaction of prayer before a football game as religious fanatics.

Are you suggesting there are only two categories: Religious fanatics and Anti-religious fanatics?

I don't get your post . . .

I am suggesting the ACLU is anti-religion. Foxy, on the other hand, is pro-religion. I didn't call the ACLU a fanatical organization, nor to I believe the opposite of "anti-religious" is "religious fanatic."

It was a simple question really.

DebraLaw wrote:
As a lawyer, I represented people who were accused of crimes. I even represented people who were accused of sexual abuse of children. That doesn't make me a criminal or an abuser. The ACLU may represent an atheist. That doesn't make the ACLU a fanatical anti-religious organization.

The ACLU is even willing to support Rush Limbaugh in his fight concerning his right to privacy protected by the Constitution. The ACLU supports the Constitution.

Quite a difference between representing a criminal defendant and taking on the types of cases the ACLU brings, don't you agree? There is a reason the ACLU only handles certain cases, and that reason is because the case obviously represents some interests it feels are important.

The ACLU supports it's view of the Constitution.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 08:52 am

First Politics forum.

Then The Trouble With Labels thread.

Then select page number.

Then scroll.

It's easy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 08:53 am
Repeat Spendius, please post your links or repeat your question if you want an answer.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 09:18 am
Hell ... I'm going to repeat it for him, if for no other reason that I find it amusing, admittedly in an odd sort of way:


What's the problem with getting psychoanalytical?
You might risk spending your whole life on the surface of things.When somebody buys you a present haven't they psychoanalysed you?If I want to keep in tight with Foxy I'll buy her a present.Now what would she like?A DIY toolbox or a new frock.But she already has a lot of frocks.But she likes a new one.Why does she like a new one and another new one.So she can display herself.Why does she want to display herself when she's married.No-that makes no sense.The tool box is the best bet surely.Or maybe a deep fat fryer.But then she would think I was hinting that she could make me some improved chips and I would be buying myself a present and then I wouldn't be in as tight with her as I would be if I bought her a new frock.I could buy her two presents.A new frock and a deep fat fryer.Then I could get improved chips and she could display herself cooking them.That sounds okay.But suppose she doesn't want to display herself cooking chips because it's no fun for her to display herself before a man she has already caught and prefers to have little harmless fantasies about displaying herself in front of the unexplored field.
Oh-now I see the problem.Better stay on the surface of things.


Can someone psychoanalyze that post? Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 09:25 am
Here's the other one from the Shakespearish? thread. I'm just doing the heavy lifting. Have no idea why he would like for you to read it, Foxy ...


I got the name slightly wrong.
Tyndale or Tindale.William.1494-1536.Gloucester born.Oxford and Cambridge.A Church reformer.Wanted a vernacular version,a blasphemy at the time,because they suspected the priests of using the Latin for their own purposes as a secret language.Charged with heresy in 1522 but flew the coop.Visited Luther in 1524.Whilst there translated New Testament.Published translation of Pentateuch in 1530.Executed in Vilvorde near Brussels.Strangled before being burnt so it wasn't too bad.Left translation of Joshua through second Chronicles.Mainly from Greek and Hebrew texts with bits from Latin.
After that comes Wycliffe 1329-84.The Council of Constance condemned his work in 1415 and his books were burned and his bones dug up.They didn't do things by half.

Then Miles Coverdale 1488-1568.Best known for Psalms.

Other versions-
The Great Bible 1539
Geneva Bible 1560 for Protestants.
Bishops Bible 1568.
Roman Catholic Douas-Reims 1582-1609.

James 1 organised the Authorised Version in 1604.
A panel of 54,some say 47, translators in 6 groups.2 in Westminster.2 in Oxford and 2 in Cambridge.All work revised by committee of 2 men from each group.Revision done by reading aloud every verse.There's a division here too between a "He Bible" and a "She Bible" stemming from different readings of Ruth 3:15.
Main sources were Tyndale (mainly),Coverdale and Geneva with bits from Wycliffe.Finished in 1611.
This is THE BIBLE.It was meant to be read or declaimed from pulpits etc to provide a guide to conduct and truth.Not as literature.
Jonathon Swift thought that THE BIBLE kept the language intact over generations.Without it we may not be able to enjoy Shakespeare today so the Authorised Version can be defended on that score alone.
Coleridge said-"without this holdfast,our vitiated imaginations would refine away language to mere abstractions.(see many threads).

The Revised Version (1881-95) came out along with many other new versions tailored to fit the needs of a wide collection of nuts a few of whom you have no doubt heard of.The whole caboodle may be equally nutty.If you were King you would get a translation that made you look good wouldn't you?
I would.This is one of the reasons for all the loggerheading.They are not singing from the same hymn sheet and even when they are they have different interpretations.
There's also the Breeches Bible and the Vinegar Bible.The Breeches was an English version of Geneva which took its name from Gen3:7-"They sewed fig leaves together,and made themselves breeches."The Vinegar 1716-17 had a misprint or alteration of "vineyard" to "vinegar" in Luke 20.
As far as my sparse knowledge goes you should only treat with the Authorised Version and The Book Of Common Prayer.The Prince Charles/Mrs Parker-Bowles controvesy results from loggerheading.She is already married and what God has put together etcetc.There's trouble brewing.

The oldest OT is Hebrew fromAD 916.The Masoretic.
There's a Samaritan text of the Pentateuch from 5 century BC.And Jerome's Latin Vulgate.
And the Greek Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus of the 4th Cent.There's others too.From Africa,Spain,Ireland and England (Lindisfarne).
The Convocation of Canterbury had another go in
1870.Published the NT in 1881 and the OT in 1885 but neither well received.Others arrived sensing lucre.Rev Moffatt(1924),R.Knox(NT 1945 and OT in 1949).Then a committee of all churches minus the RCs (naturally) produced the New English Bible
NT in 1961 and the OT and Apocrypha in 1970.

So-there you go.Confusion galore.There are other confusions but I'll save them.As you probably know confusion isn't good.We could discredit the lot and start again.But it's all too embedded for that.The only thing that makes sense to me is for us all to learn to respect each others confusions much as we do with home decoration.If the anti-Bible brigade think that the Bible is not deeply embedded in their own hearts they are having themselves on.

Will that do Letty?No Shakespeare I'm afraid.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 09:27 am
Ticomaya wrote:

Can someone psychoanalyze that post? Laughing

spendius has repressed feelings about foxfyre

(only a joke, i hope i haven't offended spendius)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 09:41 am
wandeljw wrote:
Speaking for myself, it is not a question of being offended by religious symbols. I just want government to be neutral. I would prefer that governmental institutions avoid even the appearance of endorsing religion.

I agree with you Wandeljw.

In addition, I feel that the government simply doesn't need all the additional claptrap decorating its buildings and property. Courthouses don't even need to show us the history of law or any other damn thing. All they have to do is to do their job and stop wasting our taxes on stuff we don't need. The very fact that people want to put "stuff" in government buildings for everyone to see means that they are trying to "tell" us something. If they want to put something in the courthouse hallway, put the Constitution there. It's the only thing which matters.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 09:47 am
rosborne979 wrote:
wandeljw wrote:
Speaking for myself, it is not a question of being offended by religious symbols. I just want government to be neutral. I would prefer that governmental institutions avoid even the appearance of endorsing religion.

I agree with you Wandeljw.

In addition, I feel that the government simply doesn't need all the additional claptrap decorating its buildings and property. Courthouses don't even need to show us the history of law or any other damn thing. All they have to do is to do their job and stop wasting our taxes on stuff we don't need. The very fact that people want to put "stuff" in government buildings for everyone to see means that they are trying to "tell" us something. If they want to put something in the courthouse hallway, put the Constitution there. It's the only thing which matters.

I agree with both of you. What do you think they're trying to "tell" us?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 09:47 am

No sweat.Promising name Foxfyre.If I didn't have repressed feelings about a fundamentalist called Foxfyre I would head for Rome.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 09:57 am

Thanks mate.

It struck me that the short history I provided of Bible translations might well be useful as a general guide to confusion.An illustration,so to speak,of how much drivel we can end up living by if we don't find out how we get all these daft opinions.The confusion seems to run away on your constitution which is a piece of literature as well.

The translation covers what you might call the ref. when he has awarded a penalty for one of your perfectly legitimate tackles.You are a defender I presume.It carries power when you get your nose nearly up to his and pronounce the "2" emphatically.You add adjectives if he sends you off.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 10:16 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Hell ... I'm going to repeat it for him, if for no other reason that I find it amusing, admittedly in an odd sort of way:


What's the problem with getting psychoanalytical?
You might risk spending your whole life on the surface of things.When somebody buys you a present haven't they psychoanalysed you?If I want to keep in tight with Foxy I'll buy her a present.Now what would she like?A DIY toolbox or a new frock.But she already has a lot of frocks.But she likes a new one.Why does she like a new one and another new one.So she can display herself.Why does she want to display herself when she's married.No-that makes no sense.The tool box is the best bet surely.Or maybe a deep fat fryer.But then she would think I was hinting that she could make me some improved chips and I would be buying myself a present and then I wouldn't be in as tight with her as I would be if I bought her a new frock.I could buy her two presents.A new frock and a deep fat fryer.Then I could get improved chips and she could display herself cooking them.That sounds okay.But suppose she doesn't want to display herself cooking chips because it's no fun for her to display herself before a man she has already caught and prefers to have little harmless fantasies about displaying herself in front of the unexplored field.
Oh-now I see the problem.Better stay on the surface of things.


Can someone psychoanalyze that post? Laughing

I'm not sure I could make it simple and direct enough, Tico for you to understand. So I think I'll pass. But if you want a better understanding, try to think about metaphor. Look for symbolism and analogy. Look for humor. Think of poetry and let go.......then say the first thing that comes to your mind.

But don't expect too much. Concrete breeds concrete and literal breeds literal. Some people have trouble climbing out of the box.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 10:21 am

How sweet!

But Tico's okay.He plays football.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 10:30 am
wandeljw wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:

Can someone psychoanalyze that post? Laughing

spendius has repressed feelings about foxfyre

(only a joke, i hope i haven't offended spendius)

I believe he does. I have feelings too, but Woody Allen and I both have defective denial mechanisms.......and I think I'm a bit challenged in my ability to repress certain feelings as well.

Good bit of work on the Bible, Spendi...........lots of versions. I recognize it as the true act of love that it is. Too bad it's not recognized as such by the ungrateful. Lots of politics in Bible translation.

I'm still wondering why the Fundamentalists want a monument of the Ten Commandments in the court house. Let me see........what could it be?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 10:31 am
spendius wrote:

How sweet!

But Tico's okay.He plays football.

So do I. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 10:37 am

It's because they can't get enough of "thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother" twaddle.They love it
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 10:39 am

I can hear the distant sounds of the peasants singing "Why are we waiting".

See you.

Check out Spoonerisms.I think you might be good.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 01:08 pm
spendius wrote:

The translation covers what you might call the ref. when he has awarded a penalty for one of your perfectly legitimate tackles.You are a defender I presume.It carries power when you get your nose nearly up to his and pronounce the "2" emphatically.You add adjectives if he sends you off.

Of course I'm a defender .... sweeper. I tend to intimidate at 6'4", 225 lbs. (Can't translate that to stone for you, sorry. Laughing )

Hard to keep up with you sometimes, spendius, with your penchant for cross-talk between threads.

"A2 WAT"

Laughing Okay .... I get it now. Laughing
0 Replies

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