Debra_Law wrote:Ticomaya wrote:Are you suggesting, with a straight face, that the ACLU is not "anti-religion"?
What are you suggesting? If the ACLU brings lawsuits to enforce the First Amendment, it must be a fanatical anti-religious organization? If so, then I guess you must also characterize people like Foxfyre who demand the satisfaction of prayer before a football game as religious fanatics.
Are you suggesting there are only two categories: Religious fanatics and Anti-religious fanatics?
I don't get your post . . .
I am suggesting the ACLU is anti-religion. Foxy, on the other hand, is pro-religion. I didn't call the ACLU a
fanatical organization, nor to I believe the opposite of "anti-religious" is "religious fanatic."
It was a simple question really.
DebraLaw wrote:As a lawyer, I represented people who were accused of crimes. I even represented people who were accused of sexual abuse of children. That doesn't make me a criminal or an abuser. The ACLU may represent an atheist. That doesn't make the ACLU a fanatical anti-religious organization.
The ACLU is even willing to support Rush Limbaugh in his fight concerning his right to privacy protected by the Constitution. The ACLU supports the Constitution.
Quite a difference between representing a criminal defendant and taking on the types of cases the ACLU brings, don't you agree? There is a reason the ACLU only handles certain cases, and that reason is because the case obviously represents some interests it feels are important.
The ACLU supports
it's view of the Constitution.