And Ros, I have read all those opinions and others. I just don't agree with them. I am hoping the Supremes won't agree with them either. I am sure an athiest or anti-religious judge might see this in the way you (and others) see it and in this day of judicial activism, judges will do social engineering from the bench. I think they are wrong to do so. The Supremes may agree with you too and, if they do, I will live with that for now.
I do think that the more militant minorities try to force their ideology on the majority in way that the majority see their rights violated, the more we will see backlash and resistance that simply did not need to happen.
We should all have a live and let live attitude about most things I think.
And though we disagree, my hat is off to you Ros as a principled person who can actually hold her own in a reasoned discussion and without demeaning and/or insulting her opponent. Kudos. And I will be proud to have that lunch with you anytime.