A few questions...
Hello all,
First off, i'd like to thank all of you offering advice. It's helpful to those of us who are too intimidated by the Law School Application Process to even think clearly.
I'd like to ask some question which are a little more pertinant to my situation:
I'm a recently graduated EE (Electrical Engineer), and i've been fortunate enough to find employment at a small electronics company. My company is slowly shifting over to China, and as a result, i'm interested in what I can do with my EE degree (which was a pain and a half to get) which won't be outsourced to someone who's smarter than I am, and getting paid at a fraction of what I'm paid.
I've recently stumbled across IP/IT Law, which seems right up my alley. I have a strong technical background (Design Engineer), and i've gotten some solid work experience. I think i'll be working in a more business oriented job when I get my pink slip, something along the lines of technical policy writing or insurance/venture capitol management for small tech companies. If I can get a job with an IP/IT Lawyer or Agent, i'd gladly take it, as it'll only be to my benefit.
My question is this: will there still be a demand for IP/IT Lawyers in the upcoming years? I don't want to sink a considerable fortune into getting another hard degree, only to watch my job opportunites shipped off to someone who earns pennies on the dollar. My GPA was ok, nothing too fancy (ie around the high C+/B mark - thanks to a difficult engineering program), and i'll be sitting for the LSAT soon. How much weight do Law Schools put towards the GPA...should I be worried about not making it in? I'm a Canadian (in Canada
) but i'd like to go to a Law School in the States, as there are better opportunites in the States, and you guys have much better cell phone plans than we do up here :wink:.
I've spoken to a few IP Lawyers, and while the work is demanding, I love writing, and I'm technically inclined. I'd much prefer writing to evaluating circuits all day long, truth be told. I'm convinced that it's for me, I just hope that I have what it takes to make it in, stay in, and have a long lasting and interesting career for years to come.
Any advice/concerns would greatly be appreciated.
Thanks again.