Reply Fri 28 Jan, 2011 05:59 pm
i just sent u a e mail
Reply Sat 29 Jan, 2011 06:10 am
Recieved and dealt with
Reply Sat 29 Jan, 2011 01:28 pm
good well looking forward to a e-mail back lets get started
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Jan, 2011 06:21 pm
I have sent you an email
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Jan, 2011 06:34 pm
All I can say is....that if you have read all the stuff on this site and are still not convinced that Jani King is a SCAM then by all means go for it but never say you were not warned. If you value your home, your family and your well being then I would say do not invest in ANY franchise whatsoever and especially not the JK one......Start your own if you really want a business.
If you have money to burn and want to see it go up in smoke....then YES JANIKING is definitley for you. You have spent 2 years pondering...that's long enough to realise the doom involved. Had we known of a site like this at the time we got involved, we would definitely NOT have invested with the mercenaries that control this Franchise and been part of the wagon of fools that gloat about turnovers that at the end of the day do not tell the whole story.
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Reply Sat 29 Jan, 2011 07:02 pm
I remember Bal and Ajaz very well.......I am not surprised though about their demise. It took a long time coming but it was bound to come. The longer they stayed the more debt they incurred no doubt...been there...... done that. I cannot imagine how much money they have lost and how much more debt they are in at the moment. It took us less than a few months to work out the damn thing was a scam. I recall that when we were jumping ship we informed Bal and Ajaz of the pitfalls and that they should get out sooner rather than later but I suppose like many who have been duped they could not see the wood for the trees. It probably looked rosy at the time. They were probably being given the accounts of other so called "failed" Franchisees who as far as Jani King were concerned did not know how to run a business and who were doomed from the start.....don't blame US Janiking would say it's the Franchisees fault every damned time. Well, here we go again now they are the "failed" despite probably trying to make their business succeed. Not sleeping much, worrying how the next payroll is going to be met, wondering whether they will be paid on time by JK, unecessary fines on their accounts and a host of other things as explained by Wale. They now join the host of other Franchisees who reportedly don't know how to run a business and whose accounts are now being taken over by other unsuspecting hard working people who have decided to invest in this SCAM. Or whatever else the new scam Ian and Paul have up their sleeves.
Reply Tue 1 Feb, 2011 12:56 pm
The truth about Jani-King, Jan-Pro, etc...

To be honest they all virtually run the same. Going with one over the other is just a matter of how much more fees you will pay because of their "name brand recognition". The reality is this. They will take almost all of your profits every month (20% of the contract you will be servicing or higher ) and leave you with pennies at the end of the month. Not only that, but they make you purchase a franchise. They actually make you pay thousands of dollars for training & "guaranteed contracts", the more you pay the more business they will provide (allegedly). They should be paying you to take on these awful accounts they give you!!! Mostly, they prey upon poor families looking to own a piece of the American Dream and trick you into believing it is a good investment. People invest their entire savings into this dream (more often nightmares). But, the only way these franchises can be profitable is if you have slave labor (you will be the slave in most cases). Working 5-7 days (mostly graveyard shifts) a week, with no vacation. Sound like fun? Not to mention what the work actually requires you to do. It is extremly hard, smelly, grotesque work. Not for the wimps that for sure.
Here are some facts:
1) Regardless of the lies you will be told, they are struggling to get new accounts to give new franchise owners. You will be told stupid taglines like "the dirt doesn't stop at the door, businesses need to be cleaned". Although it is true that businesses need to be cleaned, but unfortunately there are more cleaning companies and franchise owners then businesses that need cleaning. Most of the profits that you would like to make are taken away from you in order for them to get the contract in the first place. The margins are so thin that you will be working for minimum wage just to stay "profitable". They don't stop taking in peoples money to buy more franchises just because they don't have business to give them. The reality is that you will most certainly get an old account that is being transferred from another franchise owner. These accounts more often than not have business owners that are ready to terminate the agreement due to poor service, complaints, irrational business owners that are impossible to please. They are so fed up that it is impossible to save the account. They are simply waiting for the contract to expire in most cases (although you will be told if you work hard, you can save the account, which can happen but is not the norm). A lot of time they come from other franchise owners that turn in the accounts because they are unprofitable. Reminds me of a pyramid scheme to be honest.
2) They purposefully offer you accounts that you will not be able to service because it is too far away (by offering you an account which you don't except regardless of your reason, it meets their contractual agreement to offer you an account within their set time frame, once they have offered you an account, they are no longer obligated to get you more business within any set period of time. Meaning they still owe you more accounts, but there is no time frame in which they have to get you the business once they have offered you enough contracts to cover the amount you purchased (if you are promised $3k a month and are offered a $1500 which you can't service for what ever reason, now they only have to get you $1500 within the time frame that was promised. So if you accept another account they offer for $1500, they now have as much time as they like/need to get you the remaining $1500 they still owe you. Which you may never see! So knowing this, they will purposefully offer you accounts hundreds of miles away that they know you will decline just to fulfill their "end of the bargain". Doesn't sound like too good of bargain for the franchise owner though. Not only that, they will offer the same account to as many franchise owners as possible before it finally gets assigned after they receive as many no's as possible. You will be lied to and told that this doesn't happen. This is a fact though, it happens every day.
3) Labor Costs account for 50-70% of the accounts that you will be servicing. Equipment rental/payments account for roughly another 15%. If you have any financing when you purchase your business that will account for another 10-15%. You will always have 20-22% of your contract value going to the company every month (for example, Jani-King is 22%) You will most likely have to pay off your equipment/supplies that you recently purchased that will account for pretty much the rest of the contract leaving you with nothing. It will take you about 20 hours a week (4 hours a day, 5 days a week) to service every $1000 in contracts that they offer you. Meaning that 1 person can do a maximum of $4000 a month. This is assuming you can work a 16 hr grave yard shift everyday. Which usually isn't possible since most businesses are usually open 7am-5pm. They want to show up to a clean facility and don't want cleaning people there during normal business hours. Which means you normally have from about 6pm - 6 am to clean (only 12 hours). There are some exceptions (restaurants, bars, etc..), but this is generally speaking... So the reality is you can probably service about $3k by yourself, then you will need to hire people to help you (costs go up tremendously at this point). You need to buy more equipment, more expenses, more management... Thinner margins. At the end of the day, you will probably see about 10-15% profits if you are an excellent franchise owner. That means if you want to make about $4k a month, you need to be billing about $30k a month. You will need multiple crews with lots of equipment and supplies for each crew. Not to mention, what are they going to be driving? Who pays for fuel, insurance, etc.?
4) New large accounts will not go to a new franchise owner. They do not want to take a chance on losing new accounts, so they will assign them to existing franchise owner with a good work history (or the one that greases the wheel the best). So if you fork out the money to buy a franchise that guarantees you over ten thousands dollars in monthly contracts you will most likely have a bunch of small accounts. They will offer you accounts all over "your territory". Imagine starting a new crew just to service $1000 a month! Or a $500 contract for that matter! In fact, they will give themselves over a year to fulfill their contractual agreement to get you that business. They can offer you contracts that only bill $195 a month. Imagine the logistics in trying to manage 20 of those! They say this will never happen and most the time it wont, but it could. In fact, they might just keep offering you small accounts because they know you will decline them. They will add up and eventually their "contractual agreement" will be fulfilled.
5) The Director of Franchise Sales job is to make this investment sound as great as apple pie. If you work hard you can succeed like all these other franchise owners (most franchise owners are not happy nor have they succeeded. Although there are some!). They will show you Entrepenuer magazine or what ever their highest ranking is and say "look here, see we ranked #7 out of all franchises to own"... We are the best low investment franchise, these people think we are so great.. Blablabla. They will tell you that you will be offered new accounts that are close to your home. "We always try to find the nearest franchise owner to the business. If they don't want it, we offer it to the next closest, etc... Now technically we can offer you business anywhere in our territory." They most likley fail to mention that some territories are hundreds of miles from one end to the other, covering multiple counties (It's in their FDD so that's how they get around it) . If you take traffic into account, you could be several hours from your home. Refer back to my point #2. They do this on purpose because they are lacking new accounts! You will be told that there is plenty of business and you can always bring in new accounts or you can buy more contracts if you want to expand your business (which of course you will be paying 22% to the corporation every month, regardless of if you bring in the business or if they provide you the accounts).
6) You must purchase and operate under an LLC or Corporation. Sounds great right? Well, this is just one more expense. You will pay about $800 a year on top of the money it takes to file the paperwork with your state. Figure another $500. You will have to file separate business taxes which is also an additional expense every year if you use a CPA.

The bottom line is that they feed on people coming in with the dream of being business owners. They make it sound great because you can invest as little as $3000 and own your own business (not true by the way). You have to buy equipment, start an LLC, etc... What eventually happens is that people will be offered small accounts. They will start to service them and be offered more accounts (most of which are impossible for them to service since they are so far away). So here they are sitting on a $1000 a month contract that they service every month. Almost $700 a month of which is being taken to pay your fees to the corporation leaving you with about $300 a month. It cost you more in fuel to get to most of the business than you make in cleaning them! You will continue to ask for more accounts which they will never give to you (unless you are very lucky, it does happen from time to time). You will be told to go out and get your own accounts if you are sick of waiting. "We already offered you this account and you turned it down. We met our contractual agreement. Go get your own business!!!" So you continue struggling to service the small account you are given, most of the time working for less than minimum wage in hopes that one day you will get the additional business that you were promised. Eventually, you tire of waiting for the account and turn in the account you were servicing. Which then gets transfered on to the new sucker and the viscous cycle continues. The fact is, the people that are making money in this business are the ones that take 22% of your blood and sweet every month. They sit in their mansions, yachts and fly around on their Gulfstreams laughing at all the money they are rolling in, as people pour everything they own into this industry to try and put food on their tables. It's really sad if you think about it.
If you still want to invest in this industry knowing the facts, I wish you the best of luck. Not too many people have what it takes to make it. It can be done, but you will need a lot of luck on your side. When all else fails, you may need to bribe someone to get you the extra business you need! Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2011 08:36 am
I have recieved your e-mail and replied. I ahve asked you a question in my last e-mail to you. Would you mind answering. Many thanks
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Reply Tue 1 Mar, 2011 01:09 am
I do have Jani King franchise. I don't think that there can be cons of this franchise.I am getting very regular benefits from it..It has actually showed me the way of actual marketing.
Reply Mon 7 Mar, 2011 10:36 am
What territory do you operate in. What plan are you on. Tell us more about your franchise i really want to know how you can be making these profits.
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Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2011 05:25 pm
I haven't been on here for a year or so and I see the JK issues are rumbing on and on.
Just to remind people that I was employed by Ian and Paul to recruit franchisees, terminate franchisees, get cleaning accounts and help operationally. I was there for quite a while (several yrs) and must say that JK seems to have changed quite a bit. Howarth seems to have gone (along with his nervous twitch) and the shareholders are a little different, except for Ian and the South African.
To potential investors, I need to refer you to my earlier posting about wrong 'doings' within JK and the risk you're taking getting involved. I am still involved in the industry and if JK are asking the sales people to quote jobs with labour at 50%, they'll sign nothing. With min wage around the £6, this means quoting at £12 or thereabouts. No cleaning companies are quoting at anything like £12. Mitie are quoting below £9 an hour as are many of the nationals and the independents are following.
The industry is very competitive and with the franchise fees you'd need to pay to JK there would be very little left. Look at the net margins cleaning companies all over are making, without paying out fees. If you think you're going to be better and more professional that the OCS's, Initials, Mities, ISS and a boat load of smaller companies, you're kidding yourselves.
When I was involved in JK there were HUNDREDS of franchises all across the UK. Where are they now? To leave quietly you sign a press release saying how well you've been treated and you sign to keep quiet. too many are scared of going for JK legally due to costs and the way JK have the paperwork to back up their stories.
The way I (and others) were treated was appalling working within JK. I can only imagine the hurt and suffering franchisees may have had.
One way of getting a point across is to tell their stories to JK customers, that will do far more damage than letters and potential legal action will. Without customers, JK have no business.
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2011 04:07 pm
Paul is still there just not as a director now, he is still involved in recruiting new franchisees, he stepped down as director when he split from his wife so she could not get her hands on any of his money, yes Ian will never change and not sure who you mean about the South African. Yes the hundreds that were there are all but gone, only about 10 or 12 still there. We always said JK were in the business of selling franchisese at over £100,000 and not in the cleaning business, that was only a side line. well now that they are that short of franchisees most of the work has gone in house.
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2011 04:47 pm
Sven Quant I think his name is. Was still about as a shareholder.
Reply Thu 17 Mar, 2011 03:53 pm
Would you know the exact number franchisses still operating and who they are.
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2011 07:42 am
Very interesting, I have also had a very bad experience with Jani King, Paul Howart, Ian Thomas, Guy Strang and Will Gavan. I know you all posted a few years back now but I want to put a group together to shut them down and stop them from robbing other people. Please contact me on [email protected]
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2011 07:44 am
please contact me, I cannot give out my personal details just now but I am really keen to warn other people of our bad experiences. I have contacted a franchise magazine that would like to do a feature on our collective bad experiences
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Reply Sun 27 Mar, 2011 03:21 pm
shane miller is a plant from the USA many bad reports about
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Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2011 07:09 am
I am trying to find people who have had a bad experience with JK as I am a former franchisee and looking to take them to court. I have a lawyer who thinks I have a very strong case and I am looking for others who want to join the bandwagon and expose every scam JK GB pull on unsuspecting people. please email me at [email protected]
Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2011 09:30 am
dear cleanup, i know that you posted a long time ago but i have been burnt by the jani king scam and i am taking them to court and getting editorials done in major franchise magazines about the way they scam people. i hope that you could find time to send me a quick email to [email protected] so that we can swap experiences and maybe you would like to be part of the editorial and get some justice from JK GB.

unhappy franchisee
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2011 08:20 am
@christian fick,
I used to work for them and i know they have lost all the NEXT stores and H&M Hennes, also all the River islands and the best yet is they are in the process of loosing all the Odeon cinemas too!

I have also just been told by some of their cleaners inside the Odeon's that they are only getting paid £9 per clean???
If you have been involved in cleaning the Odeon cinemas you know that the cleaners will have to be there at least 2 hours and thats if they have the correct amount they need on site. £4.50 per hour?

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