Sun 6 Aug, 2017 01:58 pm
I send out thousands of Emails to folk all over the globe but get replies only from my No. 2 Son and from a fine fella out in Ohio [or is it Oklahoma?]. When I write one for a2k it usually gets deleted, a mystery I been workin' on some eighteen Mo now !
Anyhow I'm apparently so reviled that my No. 1 Son, who I let revise from his home in LA , yeterday deleted his add.'s from my Email Listin's ! and I don't blame him
What happens in my realm is so unbelievable, and mebbe that's one reason they don't read my msgs, but everything I say is literally true but nonetheless my most sincere apolos to them who don't
...still thanks to a2k over the past coupla decades, that is 'til' recently when apparent Sfw Glitches won't lemme.
Hello test 1234.....
...My God, still here!......
A2K rule 6: "Nonsensical or incoherent posts will be removed at any volume".
Oh hi, Cen. Yes I know, but my postin's can't be incoherent, many of 'em get published in our local newspaper. It's gotta be sumthin' else, mebbe some kinda glitch
I know why you're having problems. You don't remember where your emails are coming from. Don't feel bad. My memory has begun to fail me for a couple of years. It's a frightening prospect.
@cicerone imposter,
Thank you Cis, how encouragin'
@cicerone imposter,
Please, Tak, don't just leap to some text.