Tue 7 Dec, 2004 07:18 pm
So, what's up with streets called "Private Way"? Do people just go out and buy a little sign and stick it on top of their street sign. Could I do that on my street? Are these streets actually on private property Or does the city put them up? Why do some streets get them and not others? Are there any legal ramifications to driving, uninvited, down a private way?
When I was sitting on a town inland wetlands commission in Connecticut a private way was a driveway or a subdivision street that had not been accepted by the town. In these cases up keep and liability was the responsiblity of the owner. I'm not certain what the definition is in Massachusetts but they may be streets that have not been approved by the City of Boston.
Interesting..... Come to think of it, I should ask my mother, she worked at the DPW department in the town I grew up in.
The City of Cambridge defines a private way as private road furnishing the
primary means of access to two or more parcels of land.
A private road is defined as every way or place in private ownership and
used for vehicle travel by the owner and those having express or implied
permission from the owner, but not by other persons.
Interesting. Thanks George!
Actually, the private way I was thinking about, specifically, is in Winchester. The neighborhood is an old one and abutts the town center.
There was a big to-do over there last year about private ways.
Several hilly private ways were to be improved by the town with the cost
assessed to the residents. All well and good until the residents found out
how much it would cost.
I had a similar sign stuck on the back of my jeans, but you know how it is with tresspassers - they always go where they are not allowed to....
Mine says "Wide Load"
Mine says "dangerous curves" haha! So not true.
This road was cool, it had an old drainage gutter made from granite cobble stones the whole length of it. It was hilly too. Hmmm. Weird thing is that the street was private coming from one direction, but not the other.
littlek wrote: the street was private coming from one direction, but not the other.
Maybe someone pinched the sign. Given that this is Boston I'll bet it was for a dorm room.
Mine says, "Slippery when wet."
Around here, private drives still have to meet certain codes, so that fire trucks can drive on them and turn around. They are maintained by the adjoining landowners.