Quote:Really? I see a lot of sputtering and not a lot of reasoned argument. I don't see any surprises about Jesus being mentioned in the Koran... it is a book that "came after," you know, and the Muslims do like to think of themselves as "of the Book." Most any student of religion will tell you that. As for other "hostile sources" -- you're right. I think it is fairly interesting that none of the Roman records show anything about the events -- a census, great wise men visiting, even the crucifixion. Care to comment?
What's interesting is not that the Koran mentions Jesus, but that it also claims He was born of a virgin. Since a virgin birth is supernatural, that implies that Jesus is something more than just your average human/prophet/teacher--something you wouldn't expect from the Koran.
Also, as I recall (from a class I took 10 years ago

), the Roman records DO record the crucifixion of a Jewish teacher thought (based on the author's description) to be Jesus. But, I don't remember the details--based on the manuscripts considered in class I'd guess it was in either Josephus' or Tacitus' writings.