I'm just getting over my dose of flu/bronchitis and now Rosie is not well.
On Thursday her inner eyelids were over her eyes and she was listless, not eating, felt hot and was sad so I took her to the vet, who gave her 2 injections - one long lasting antibiotic and one pain killer, she perked up and on Friday seemed quite a bit better, the eyes looked almost normal.
Friday night she went downhill again, eyes half covered by third eyelid and a very sad girl.
Saturday I phoned the vet and he gave her some antibiotic tablets - she's looking lots better.
She's such a good girl at taking her tablets
and doesn't hold a grudge. I just hold her mouth open (scrabbling going on but no scratching) drop the tablets right down her throat and follow quickly with a spoonful of water - that triggers the swallowing reflex and they are gone.
expensive week
I hope these do the trick.