SUCCESSSSS!!!! they are playing!
Rosie and he are chasing each other around the living room and she isn't hissing! well, only occasionally, she seems to be having fun.
She made a point of drinking some of his milk this morning but as he'd got loads I didn't interfere - it was obviously part of a power game as he was watching!
They are flying up and down stairs now.
He does his prancing and wiggling and inviting her to chase him and she now gets the message.
I'm still making a big extra fuss of her and telling her how good she is
phew! this is hard work!
he's a real chatterbox (and she's so silent) - he chirrups and squeaks and when he's cuddling up to you he looks you in the eye every so often and miaows this squeaky little miaow - very endearing, he also came out with some squeaky little bad language last night when I didn't put him down when he wanted to get down - instinct? or learnt from Rosie?!
Both my daughters have very very chatty cats . When I'm on the phone to them I can hear the cat in the background chattering away,
Rosie watching Paddy