A2K Predictions for 2005 - 2010

Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2006 03:32 pm
1) In 2006, the US will next go to war with
(a) Iran
(b) North Korea
(c) Nobody, it'll be same old, same old with what we currently are doing
(d) Venezuela


2) We'll see the obituary for
(a) Donald Rumsfeld
(b) Maya Angelou
(c) Lou Reed
(d) Jesse Ventura

None of the above (who the hell is Jesse Ventura?)

3) Hilary Clinton will
(a) make a powerful friend on the other side of the political aisle
(b) endorse Donald Trump's candidacy for Governor of NY
(c) appear on Oprah
(d) start blogging

None of the above.

4) This couple will head to divorce court
(a) Britney Spears and Kevin Federline
(b) Faith Hill and Tim McGraw
(c) J. Lo and Marc Anthony
(d) Madonna and Guy Ritchie

I cannot summon enough care energy to think about it!

5) The FDA will announce
(a) vegan diets can increase life span by 5%
(b) a recall of cardiac stents, including the one in Dick Cheney
(c) Viagra will be available over the counter
(d) Tylenol will no longer be available without a prescription

That Viagra causes cancer...

6) The following person will open up an exploratory committee for possibly running for President in '08
(a) John Edwards
(b) Hilary Clinton
(c) Condoleeza Rice
(d) Jeb Bush


7) The winners of the World Series will be
(a) The Chicago Cubs
(b) The New York Yankees
(c) The Boston Red Sox
(d) The Chicago White Sox

What's a world series?

8) The next major astronomical discovery will be
(a) two faraway galaxies in the process of colliding
(b) Enough gravitational shifts in a nearby star so as to indicate the possibility of a multi-planet system
(c) An asteroid headed on a trajectory bringing it uncomfortably close to the earth
(d) A regular radio signal from a distant star, possibly indicative of communications technology


9) The hottest electronic device/toy will be
(a) portable satellite radio
(b) an iPod which also takes pictures
(c) a phone that can be programmed with credit card numbers and used for purchases, thereby allowing the user to leave a wallet or purse at home (expect these to be stolen a lot)
(d) A hand-held DVD recorder for home movies


10) The hottest fashion item will be
(a) Thigh-high leather boots with spike heels
(b) Cheek piercings
(c) Off-the-shoulder blouses for work
(d) Tee shirts with political slogans

e. Fake nipples. (like in sex and the city!)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2006 08:06 pm
These are great, keep 'em comin', folks.

Deb, Jesse Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota, is also a former professional wrestler. I think he's in his late 50s or so.

Psst, Reyn, I predict dys will only like you if he can call you rain. At night. 'Cause <bad singing commences> he loves a rainy night. Smile

I think that came out because we have a 'Net radio station on and it's oldies.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2006 08:12 pm
Damn fine song..
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2006 09:30 pm
Best drivin'-down-the-road song I know...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2006 09:36 pm
dlowan wrote:
1) In 2006, the US will next go to war with
(a) Iran
(b) North Korea
(c) Nobody, it'll be same old, same old with what we currently are doing
(d) Venezuela

(C) We will stick with the quagmire we are in. 3,000 US soldiers dead by the end of 2006.. Sad.

2) We'll see the obituary for
(a) Donald Rumsfeld
(b) Maya Angelou
(c) Lou Reed
(d) Jesse Ventura

Politically, at least, Rumsfeld

3) Hilary Clinton will
(a) make a powerful friend on the other side of the political aisle
(b) endorse Donald Trump's candidacy for Governor of NY
(c) appear on Oprah
(d) start blogging

(c) But who cares?

4) This couple will head to divorce court
(a) Britney Spears and Kevin Federline
(b) Faith Hill and Tim McGraw
(c) J. Lo and Marc Anthony
(d) Madonna and Guy Ritchie

Which ever one's publicist says "Kid, your career is in the toilet unless we can get your picture on the front page of a paper; any paper". Again, who cares?

5) The FDA will announce
(a) vegan diets can increase life span by 5%
(b) a recall of cardiac stents, including the one in Dick Cheney
(c) Viagra will be available over the counter
(d) Tylenol will no longer be available without a prescription

If those are are the only choices, I'd go with Viagra

6) The following person will open up an exploratory committee for possibly running for President in '08
(a) John Edwards
(b) Hilary Clinton
(c) Condoleeza Rice
(d) Jeb Bush

They already may have, all four, but I would bet on Jeb Bush. He could probably run on the campaign theme of "Somewhere in the Bush family, there is someone with a bit of a brain."

7) The winners of the World Series will be
(a) The Chicago Cubs
(b) The New York Yankees
(c) The Boston Red Sox
(d) The Chicago White Sox

Yankees. Money talks

8) The next major astronomical discovery will be
(a) two faraway galaxies in the process of colliding
(b) Enough gravitational shifts in a nearby star so as to indicate the possibility of a multi-planet system
(c) An asteroid headed on a trajectory bringing it uncomfortably close to the earth
(d) A regular radio signal from a distant star, possibly indicative of communications technology

I'll go for (A). Far enough away, like Sudan or some place, such that it doesn't affect us directly. At least , not yet.

9) The hottest electronic device/toy will be
(a) portable satellite radio
(b) an iPod which also takes pictures
(c) a phone that can be programmed with credit card numbers and used for purchases, thereby allowing the user to leave a wallet or purse at home (expect these to be stolen a lot)
(d) A hand-held DVD recorder for home movies

They are all coming but (A) is next. People will be driving along an eight lane highway with a cell-phone in one hand and their little portable radio in the other.

10) The hottest fashion item will be
(a) Thigh-high leather boots with spike heels
(b) Cheek piercings
(c) Off-the-shoulder blouses for work
(d) Tee shirts with political slogans

(d) 2006-2007 will, and I mean this quite seriously, turn out to to a tumultuous time. Folks on the right and folks on the left are going to get anxious about their core beliefs and are going to campaign hard.

(I hi-jacked dlowan's format here, with my own inserts. I hope you don't mind)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2006 09:39 pm
jespah wrote:
Psst, Reyn, I predict dys will only like you if he can call you rain. At night. 'Cause <bad singing commences> he loves a rainy night. Smile

I suspect he'll end up calling me whatever he likes! Laughing

Let me tell you an embarrassingly funny story. Depends on which side of the fence you're listening from.

I was born with the first name of 'Reinout' in 1951.

We moved to Canada in 1956. When I started going to school, my teachers had trouble saying my first name (what a surprise), so they called me 'Reynold'.

Now, here's where the fun part starts. In 1964, my folks became Canadian citizens. At that time, children didn't need to apply. They automatically became citizens as well. Anyways, when it was time to fill out the paperwork, my folks used 'Reynold' instead of my birth name.

Yup, you got it. So, years later, Reynold gets a Canadian passport in that name. No problems at all.

Then, marries wife #1, divorces, and subsequently marries wife #2, all in the name of 'Reynold'. It's on the birth certificate of my older daughter.

I adopted our younger daughter under that name. No probs.

About that time, my father had to apply for his Canada Pension benefits. His legal first name was 'Jan'. Some of his documentation was in 'John'. He had hassles.

So, my parents said, "By the way, you remember that your name was Reinout.......," etc, etc.

Subsequently, I had my name changed legally from 'Reinout' to 'Reynold' in 1987. I'm all legal NOW! Laughing

To stop this story from getting any longer, would anybody really blame me for not wanting to legally change my name from 'Reynold' to 'Rain' at this point for anybody? Mad Laughing

Methinks not! :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:23 am
How 'bout Reynaud? Smile

rjb, you can always pick (e) none o' the above/your own choice if you like.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 09:30 am
jespah wrote:
How 'bout Reynaud? Smile

Nope, nyet, nil, nada, etc.... :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 01:58 pm
Re: A2K Predictions for 2006
1) In 2006, the US will next go to war with
(a) Iran
(b) North Korea
(c) Nobody, it'll be same old, same old with what we currently are doing
(d) Venezuela


2) We'll see the obituary for
(a) Donald Rumsfeld
(b) Maya Angelou
(c) Lou Reed
(d) Jesse Ventura


3) Hilary Clinton will
(a) make a powerful friend on the other side of the political aisle
(b) endorse Donald Trump's candidacy for Governor of NY
(c) appear on Oprah
(d) start blogging


4) This couple will head to divorce court
(a) Britney Spears and Kevin Federline
(b) Faith Hill and Tim McGraw
(c) J. Lo and Marc Anthony
(d) Madonna and Guy Ritchie

a, c, & d

5) The FDA will announce
(a) vegan diets can increase life span by 5%
(b) a recall of cardiac stents, including the one in Dick Cheney
(c) Viagra will be available over the counter
(d) Tylenol will no longer be available without a prescription

e: Aspartame is a silent killer.

6) The following person will open up an exploratory committee for possibly running for President in '08
(a) John Edwards
(b) Hilary Clinton
(c) Condoleeza Rice
(d) Jeb Bush


7) The winners of the World Series will be
(a) The Chicago Cubs
(b) The New York Yankees
(c) The Boston Red Sox
(d) The Chicago White Sox

e: Colorado Rockies

8) The next major astronomical discovery will be
(a) two faraway galaxies in the process of colliding
(b) Enough gravitational shifts in a nearby star so as to indicate the possibility of a multi-planet system
(c) An asteroid headed on a trajectory bringing it uncomfortably close to the earth
(d) A regular radio signal from a distant star, possibly indicative of communications technology

e: Pluto has ears.

9) The hottest electronic device/toy will be
(a) portable satellite radio
(b) an iPod which also takes pictures
(c) a phone that can be programmed with credit card numbers and used for purchases, thereby allowing the user to leave a wallet or purse at home (expect these to be stolen a lot)
(d) A hand-held DVD recorder for home movies


10) The hottest fashion item will be
(a) Thigh-high leather boots with spike heels
(b) Cheek piercings
(c) Off-the-shoulder blouses for work
(d) Tee shirts with political slogans

0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 02:06 pm
I will finally get that threesome with Mariah Carey and J-Lo with squinney's consent and blessing.....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 02:31 pm
Ah, that's why you're working out so ferociously bluevein - now we know!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 04:14 pm
Well, you heard it here first.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 08:28 pm
And last, I hope. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Dec, 2006 05:34 pm
Re: A2K Predictions for 2006
Hmm, how'd we all do?

jespah wrote:
Here are 10 questions with 4 choices. But there's a 5th choice for all of the questions. It's just (e) Your own choice, please specify. So please do, and add a question if you like!

1) In 2006, the US will next go to war with
(a) Iran
(b) North Korea
(c) Nobody, it'll be same old, same old with what we currently are doing correct answer
(d) Venezuela

2) We'll see the obituary for
(a) Donald Rumsfeld
(b) Maya Angelou
(c) Lou Reed
(d) Jesse Ventura
oops none of the above, unless one of 'em shuffles off the mortal coil in the next coupla days

3) Hilary Clinton will
(a) make a powerful friend on the other side of the political aisle
(b) endorse Donald Trump's candidacy for Governor of NY
(c) appear on Oprah
(d) start blogging
sort of (a) but mainly none of the above is the correct answer

4) This couple will head to divorce court
(a) Britney Spears and Kevin Federline correct answer
(b) Faith Hill and Tim McGraw
(c) J. Lo and Marc Anthony correct answer
(d) Madonna and Guy Ritchie

5) The FDA will announce
(a) vegan diets can increase life span by 5%
(b) a recall of cardiac stents, including the one in Dick Cheney
(c) Viagra will be available over the counter
(d) Tylenol will no longer be available without a prescription
none of the above, although (b) might be coming soon, as there are a lot of questions about these devices

6) The following person will open up an exploratory committee for possibly running for President in '08
(a) John Edwards correct answer
(b) Hilary Clinton
(c) Condoleeza Rice
(d) Jeb Bush

7) The winners of the World Series will be
(a) The Chicago Cubs
(b) The New York Yankees
(c) The Boston Red Sox
(d) The Chicago White Sox
oops none of the above. Congratulations to the St. Louis Cardinals

8) The next major astronomical discovery will be
(a) two faraway galaxies in the process of colliding
(b) Enough gravitational shifts in a nearby star so as to indicate the possibility of a multi-planet system
(c) An asteroid headed on a trajectory bringing it uncomfortably close to the earth
(d) A regular radio signal from a distant star, possibly indicative of communications technology
none of the above, although (b) seems to be coming soon

9) The hottest electronic device/toy will be
(a) portable satellite radio somewhat correct answer; it exists but isn't the big seller
(b) an iPod which also takes pictures
(c) a phone that can be programmed with credit card numbers and used for purchases, thereby allowing the user to leave a wallet or purse at home (expect these to be stolen a lot)
(d) A hand-held DVD recorder for home movies
correct answer is probably Wii or PlayStation3

10) The hottest fashion item will be
(a) Thigh-high leather boots with spike heels
(b) Cheek piercings
(c) Off-the-shoulder blouses for work
(d) Tee shirts with political slogans
oops none of the above

My predictions from the above:
1) (c) correct
2) (b) sorry, Maya
3) (d)
4) (a) either this or (c) was correct
5) (b)
6) (d)
7) (b)
8) (a)
9) (a) I'll give myself half credit for this one
10) (d)

What do you think?

My crystal ball was cloudy this year. Stay tuned for the 2007 predictions.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Dec, 2006 05:55 pm
A2K Predictions for 2007
Here are 10 questions with 4 choices. But there's a 5th choice for all of the questions. It's just (e) Your own choice, please specify. So please do, and add a question if you like!

1) In 2007, the US will next go to war with
(a) Iran
(b) North Korea
(c) Nobody, it'll be same old, same old with what we currently are doing
(d) Afghanistan

2) We'll see the obituary for
(a) Donald Rumsfeld
(b) Eva Marie Saint
(c) Victore Mature
(d) Anthony Quinn

3) Hilary Clinton will
(a) get buddy buddy with Nancy Pelosi
(b) learn to sky dive
(c) appear on Oprah
(d) start using her maiden name officially (this does not necessarily mean a divorce is imminent)

4) This couple will head to divorce court
(a) Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
(b) Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones
(c) Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
(d) Madonna and Guy Ritchie

5) The FDA will announce
(a) white wine helps to lower cholesterol
(b) regular dental care prevents heart disease
(c) Viagra will be available over the counter
(d) Decongestants will no longer be available without a prescription

6) The following person will open up an exploratory committee for possibly running for President in '08
(a) Joe Lieberman
(b) Hilary Clinton
(c) Condoleeza Rice
(d) John Ashcroft

7) The winners of the World Series will be
(a) The St. Louis Cardinals (they won in 2006)
(b) The New York Yankees
(c) The Boston Red Sox
(d) The Houston Astros

8) The next major astronomical discovery will be
(a) a new planet in our solar system, beyond Sedna
(b) A supernova in a nearby star
(c) An asteroid headed on a trajectory bringing it uncomfortably close to the earth
(d) the discovery of what dark matter really is

9) The hottest electronic device/toy will be
(a) Bratz dolls
(b) an American Idol game
(c) Hot Wheels 2007 (a return to a classic toy)
(d) wireless tech that can be used on an airplane (expect an investigation if someone is found using one of these right before a crash)

10) The hottest fashion item will be
(a) Bright magenta tops
(b) Tailored jeans
(c) Bubble skirts for work
(d) Very low-cut dresses

My predictions from the above:
1) (c)
2) (c) sorry, Victor
3) (a)
4) (a)
5) (d)
6) (b)
7) (c) (hope springs eternal)
8) (a)
9) (a)
10) (a)

What do you think?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Dec, 2006 06:19 pm
1) In 2007, the US will next go to war with
(a) Iran
(b) North Korea
(c) Nobody, it'll be same old, same old with what we currently are doing
(d) Afghanistan


2) We'll see the obituary for
(a) Donald Rumsfeld
(b) Eva Marie Saint
(c) Victore Mature
(d) Anthony Quinn

b. (trying to be tricky, huh, Jes?)

3) Hilary Clinton will
(a) get buddy buddy with Nancy Pelosi
(b) learn to sky dive
(c) appear on Oprah
(d) start using her maiden name officially (this does not necessarily mean a divorce is imminent)


4) This couple will head to divorce court
(a) Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
(b) Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones
(c) Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
(d) Madonna and Guy Ritchie


5) The FDA will announce
(a) white wine helps to lower cholesterol
(b) regular dental care prevents heart disease
(c) Viagra will be available over the counter
(d) Decongestants will no longer be available without a prescription

e. Aspartame is a silent killer. (I'm recycling that one.)

6) The following person will open up an exploratory committee for possibly running for President in '08
(a) Joe Lieberman
(b) Hilary Clinton
(c) Condoleeza Rice
(d) John Ashcroft


7) The winners of the World Series will be
(a) The St. Louis Cardinals (they won in 2006)
(b) The New York Yankees
(c) The Boston Red Sox
(d) The Houston Astros


8) The next major astronomical discovery will be
(a) a new planet in our solar system, beyond Sedna
(b) A supernova in a nearby star
(c) An asteroid headed on a trajectory bringing it uncomfortably close to the earth
(d) the discovery of what dark matter really is


9) The hottest electronic device/toy will be
(a) Bratz dolls
(b) an American Idol game
(c) Hot Wheels 2007 (a return to a classic toy)
(d) wireless tech that can be used on an airplane (expect an investigation if someone is found using one of these right before a crash)

e. A computer/.mp3 player that uses MRAM memory for storage.

10) The hottest fashion item will be
(a) Bright magenta tops
(b) Tailored jeans
(c) Bubble skirts for work
(d) Very low-cut dresses

0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Dec, 2006 06:23 pm
I get the feeling you just wanna see the very low cut dresses. Hmmm. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Dec, 2006 06:55 pm
realjohnboy wrote:
1) In 2006, the US will next go to war with
(a) Iran
(b) North Korea
(c) Nobody, it'll be same old, same old with what we currently are doing
(d) Venezuela

(C) We will stick with the quagmire we are in. 3,000 US soldiers dead by the end of 2006.. Sad.

2) We'll see the obituary for
(a) Donald Rumsfeld
(b) Maya Angelou
(c) Lou Reed
(d) Jesse Ventura

Politically, at least, Rumsfeld

I did okay on the first two n 2006. But that was it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Dec, 2006 07:33 pm
1) In 2007, the US will next go to war with
(a) Iran
(b) North Korea
(c) Nobody, it'll be same old, same old with what we currently are doing
(d) Afghanistan

(c) I hope in the other direction.

2) We'll see the obituary for
(a) Donald Rumsfeld
(b) Eva Marie Saint
(c) Victore Mature
(d) Anthony Quinn

Victor Mature
I was at a small event with Eva Marie Saint in the mid or late nineties, she looked perfectly healthy. May she live long and well.

3) Hilary Clinton will
(a) get buddy buddy with Nancy Pelosi
(b) learn to sky dive
(c) appear on Oprah
(d) start using her maiden name officially (this does not necessarily mean a divorce is imminent)

Oooh, interesting. I'll pick C

4) This couple will head to divorce court
(a) Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
(b) Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones
(c) Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
(d) Madonna and Guy Ritchie

I'll go for all four

5) The FDA will announce
(a) white wine helps to lower cholesterol
(b) regular dental care prevents heart disease
(c) Viagra will be available over the counter
(d) Decongestants will no longer be available without a prescription

Also interesting. I'll pick B

6) The following person will open up an exploratory committee for possibly running for President in '08
(a) Joe Lieberman
(b) Hilary Clinton
(c) Condoleeza Rice
(d) John Ashcroft

I dunno about a committee. I'll guess Hillary will go for it.

7) The winners of the World Series will be
(a) The St. Louis Cardinals (they won in 2006)
(b) The New York Yankees
(c) The Boston Red Sox
(d) The Houston Astros

I have no opinion, not having gotten back into baseball yet.
So, I'll guess. yankees

8) The next major astronomical discovery will be
(a) a new planet in our solar system, beyond Sedna
(b) A supernova in a nearby star
(c) An asteroid headed on a trajectory bringing it uncomfortably close to the earth
(d) the discovery of what dark matter really is

I'll just skip this one

9) The hottest electronic device/toy will be
(a) Bratz dolls
(b) an American Idol game
(c) Hot Wheels 2007 (a return to a classic toy)
(d) wireless tech that can be used on an airplane (expect an investigation if someone is found using one of these right before a crash)


10) The hottest fashion item will be
(a) Bright magenta tops
(b) Tailored jeans
(c) Bubble skirts for work
(d) Very low-cut dresses

0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Dec, 2006 08:32 pm
Re: A2K Predictions for 2007
jespah wrote:
Here are 10 questions with 4 choices. But there's a 5th choice for all of the questions. It's just (e) Your own choice, please specify. So please do, and add a question if you like!

1) In 2007, the US will next go to war with
(a) Iran
(b) North Korea
(c) Nobody, it'll be same old, same old with what we currently are doing
(d) Afghanistan
E.-I see war coming with Somalia

2) We'll see the obituary for
(a) Donald Rumsfeld
(b) Eva Marie Saint
(c) Victor Mature
(d) Anthony Quinn

3) Hilary Clinton will
(a) get buddy buddy with Nancy Pelosi
(b) learn to sky dive
(c) appear on Oprah
(d) start using her maiden name officially (this does not necessarily mean a divorce is imminent)

4) This couple will head to divorce court
(a) Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
(b) Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones
(c) Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
(d) Madonna and Guy Ritchie
E.-Britney and whoever she marries next.

5) The FDA will announce
(a) white wine helps to lower cholesterol
(b) regular dental care prevents heart disease
(c) Viagra will be available over the counter
(d) Decongestants will no longer be available without a prescription
E.-8 cups of coffee per day increases hearing loss

6) The following person will open up an exploratory committee for possibly running for President in '08
(a) Joe Lieberman
(b) Hilary Clinton
(c) Condoleeza Rice
(d) John Ashcroft

7) The winners of the World Series will be
(a) The St. Louis Cardinals (they won in 2006)
(b) The New York Yankees
(c) The Boston Red Sox
(d) The Houston Astros
E.-Oakland Athletics (the Yankees will be back in '08)

8) The next major astronomical discovery will be
(a) a new planet in our solar system, beyond Sedna
(b) A supernova in a nearby star
(c) An asteroid headed on a trajectory bringing it uncomfortably close to the earth
(d) the discovery of what dark matter really is

9) The hottest electronic device/toy will be
(a) Bratz dolls
(b) an American Idol game
(c) Hot Wheels 2007 (a return to a classic toy)
(d) wireless tech that can be used on an airplane (expect an investigation if someone is found using one of these right before a crash)
E.-portable electron microscopes

10) The hottest fashion item will be
(a) Bright magenta tops
(b) Tailored jeans
(c) Bubble skirts for work
(d) Very low-cut dresses
A.-although I should point out they will be for men and will be a fishnet sort of material.
0 Replies

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