traviscorn wrote:I just feel that they would be attending for the wrong reasons. I believe that allot of churches preach fear instead of love. The times I have attended church in my life there seems to be allot of talk about how you will go to hell if you don't believe. I had a friend of mine tell me a story when he was trying to help me with my faith or lack there of. He had said that his pastor told him about a 12 year old girl that passed away that had not been saved. He said that the mother came to him and asked wether her little girl would be in Heaven, and he had to tell her no. Basically my instinct is to protect them and with my past experiences I have a hard time letting them attend church. My daughter asked me a few months ago if she could start attending church with her friend up the road. So I sit her down and asked why she would like to go. Her reply was that she thought it would be fun. To me I felt that was the wrong reason. If she had said she wanted to learn about God then I might have been more compelled to let her. I also feel that it was more about not having to tell anyone she didn't go to church. Or answer the questions about wether or not she believes in God. I know it may not sound like it but I really want to believe. I believe in everything that christianity stands for except for the existence of God. I know that sounds odd but I do believe in the way of life as a Christian as being that of pure good. I do believe that if I were a Christian that my family would benefit greatly from it. And it is these beliefs that has made me consider posing as a Christian for the benefit of my family, but I just cant. I am scared to death what I would do if I lost one of my children. I would love to belive that I would see them again one day but I cant. I have often wondered if these fears I have is more of the reasons people worship God rather than love for him. If people did not believe in God then they like me would have to think about the possibility of not being with their departed loved ones again. I have prayed to God many times for some sort of proof, something that could help me believe, but nothing. I fight this battle every day of my life and I just wish I could resolve it.
Don't pray for proof (one should never test God), pray instead that the Holy Spirit shall take up residence inside your heart and that the veils in front of your (spiritual) eyes shall be lifted. Do this persistently and with sincerity of heart and I'm convinced that you will ultimately experience the reality of God as so many others have done.
As for the old testament, it's absolutely not required that you believe in it literally. The Bible is after all not a history book, but a book for conveying spiritual and divine realities. You don't have to literally believe that Eve spoke to a snake, or that Jonah spent three days inside the belly of a big fish.
It is not through the intellect that one embraces God, but through the heart. When the light of God is inside of it, then much of that which previously seemed incomprehensible is seen in a new light, and actually makes full sense.
You say you believe in everything that Christianity stands for except for the existence of God. Do you then believe that Jesus was not the one he claimed that he was? That he was lying, and thus acted in disagreement with his own teachings? Or do you believe that the entire Bible is a fabrication made to fool people?
I believe that you know deep inside your heart that Jesus' teachings and his message of Love is indeed true. Try then also to believe that he was not a hypocritical liar, but actually was the one he said he was. Or if it's the possibility of the Bible being a fabrication that troubles you. Let's suppose that some benevolent people wanted to propagate truth and love, do you then believe they would be stupid enough to base everything on a lie? Or contrariwise, let's suppose it was made by people with evil intentions, would they then preach love and truth?
I wish you luck in your search for God and pray that you shall come to know him and love him as he loves you. And remember to pray a lot; the efficacy of sincere prayer cannot be overestimated.