Wow, am I surprised.
I'm good friends with a pro ball player, and from what he's told me, from what I once heard from his teamate, and from being a little knowledgeable in this subject, steroids is actually MORE rampant than what most people think in pro sports. Don't be shocked as more guys come out of the woodwork.
Here's what I think most people's take is: "You got guys like Sosa, Bonds, Giambi, all the big guys are on steroids, and it's giving the game a black eye. It's cheating. Those drugs make them hit the ball 100 feet further, and they're all going to keel over and die in 5 years from steroids."
Here's what I think: the MAJORITY of pro athletes, in NFL, NBA, and MLB are taking, or have taken steroids in their professional careers. Look at the size of the guys in the NBA compared to 10 years ago. The NFL: lineman are on an average almost 100lbs heavier than the guys in the 80's, and they're much faster. Newsflash: there's no dramatic change in workout programs, diets, or evolution from 20 years ago! Is there a change, yes...but not enough to make this kind of difference.
"Steroids" is a very general term. There's no such thing as a single drug called "steroids." There's many, many different types of drugs, that do different things, that fall into this category. Some are "heavier" than others.
I guarantee a lot of pitchers, shortstops, the smaller guys in MLB are on some form of these drugs. Some take them to maintain some strength through the season, and some take them to put on that extra 15-20lbs to become noticeably stronger(cough*nomah*cough). For example, on my friend's minor league team last year, he said there was about 5 guys that weren't openly taking them. And alot of them weren't "big," you would never look at them and think "juice head."
The thing is, it's truly a big part of being a pro athlete today. They have to make some huge changes to make the sport clean. And, a lot of the drugs can go undectable, or you can take other drugs that cover up the roids in drug tests.
-Do you think that steroids is making these sports tainted? If you're going to put an "*" next to a record set by a guy who was discovered taking them, what about everyone that didn't get caught?
-How can sports really clean this stuff up? Anyone here actually know anything about this subject besides what you read in the paper?