WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 06:03 am
Tatum O'Neal
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Tatum Beatrice O'Neal (born November 5, 1963 in Los Angeles, California) is an American actress, and the daughter of actor Ryan O'Neal and actress Joanna Moore.

Brief biography

Tatum Beatrice O'Neal was born in 1963 into the motion picture family of actor Ryan O'Neal and actress Joanna Moore. Her mother died in 1997 of lung cancer after a successful career in which she had appeared in such movies as Touch of Evil. Her father Ryan who is struggling with a form of leukemia, recently reunited with Farrah Fawcett after many years of separation.

Troubled childhood

In her autobiography called A Paper Life, Tatum O'Neal alleged that she had been the victim of child molestation by a male friend of her father's. Tatum also alledges physical and emotional abuse from her father, much of which she attributes to drug use.

Academy Award as a child

In 1974, Tatum O'Neal became the youngest person ever to receive the Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Paper Moon. This controversial movie which also featured her real-life father as a con-man, portrayed young Tatum as a child in the company of a crook who was being further tutored in a life of crime and corruption. The motion picture was financed by Herbert W. Armstrong's Ambassador International Cultural Foundation.

Other movie roles

Other movies starring Tatum O'Neal include The Bad News Bears, Nickelodeon (both 1976), International Velvet (1978), and Little Darlings (1980).


In 1986, O'Neal wed tennis superstar John McEnroe, and the couple had three children: Kevin, Sean, and Emily. Following their divorce in 1992, she took up residence in New York City. McEnroe, who in 1997 married musician Patty Smyth, has custody of his three children with O'Neal.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 06:26 am
Good morning, WA2K radio fans and contributors.

Bob, for once, Letty knew all the bio folks, but I was surprised at Tatum O'Neal's troubled childhood. Thank you, Boston.

I will be in and out of our studio today and in subsequent days, my friends. Please keep our international radio on the air.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 06:31 am
Aye aye, skipper!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 06:50 am
A young woman was preparing for her wedding. She asked her
mother to go out and buy a nice long black negligee and
carefully place it in her suitcase so it would not wrinkle.
Well, Mom forgot until the last minute. So she dashed out
and could only find a short pink nightie. She bought it and
threw it into the suitcase.

After the wedding the bride and groom entered their hotel
room. The groom was a little self-conscious so he asked his
new bride to change in the bathroom and promise not to peek
while he got ready for bed.

While she was in the bathroom, the bride opened her suitcase
and saw the negligee her mother had thrown in there. She
exclaimed, "Oh no! It's short, pink, and wrinkled!"

Then her groom cried out, "I told you not to peek!"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 07:42 am
Good morning WA2K. Interesting bios, Bob. As for the joke - I'll give it a Very Happy

Today's birthdays:

1271 - Mahmud Ghazan, Persian ruler (d. 1304)
1549 - Philippe de Mornay, French writer (d. 1623)
1592 - Charles Chauncy, English-born president of Harvard College (d. 1672)
1613 - Isaac de Benserade, French poet (d. 1691)
1615 - Ibrahim I, Ottoman Sultan (d. 1648)
1667 - Christoph Ludwig Agricola, German painter (d. 1719)
1742 - Richard Cosway, English artist (d. 1821)
1854 - Paul Sabatier, French chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1941)
1855 - Eugene V. Debs, American socialist leader (d. 1926)
1855 - Léon Teisserenc de Bort, French meteorologist (d. 1913)
1857 - Ida Tarbell, American journalist (d. 1944)
1885 - Will Durant, American historian (d. 1981)
1890 - Jan Zrzavý, czech painter (d. 1977)
1892 - J. B. S. Haldane, Scottish geneticist (d. 1964)
1895 - Walter Gieseking, French conductor (d. 1956)
1895 - Charles MacArthur, American author (d. 1956)
1900 - Martin Dies, Jr., American politician (d. 1972)
1905 - Joel McCrea, American actor (d. 1990)
1906 - Fred Lawrence Whipple, American astronomer (d. 2004)
1911 - Roy Rogers, American actor (d. 1998)
1913 - Vivien Leigh, American actress (d. 1967)
1920 - Douglass North, American economist, Nobel Prize laureate
1921 - Fawzia of Egypt, Queen of Iran
1931 - Ike Turner, American musician
1941 - Art Garfunkel, American musician
1941 - Elke Sommer, German actress
1943 - Sam Shepard, American playwright and actor
1946 - Herman Brood, Dutch musician and artist
1946 - Gram Parsons, American musician (d. 1973)
1947 - Peter Noone, English musician and actor
1948 - William Daniel Phillips, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate
1949 - Armin Shimerman, American actor
1952 - Bill Walton, American basketball player and commentator
1955 - Bernard Chazelle, French-born computer scientist
1958 - Robert Patrick, American actor
1959 - Bryan Adams, Canadian musician
1963 - Tatum O'Neal, American actress
1965 - Famke Janssen, Danish model and actress
1971 - Corin Nemec, American actor
1973 - Johnny Damon, baseball player
1974 - Jerry Stackhouse, American basketball player
1974 - Ryan Adams, American musician
1975 - Angela Gossow, German singer (Arch Enemy)
1979 - Franz Black, Underground Rapper (NYC)-(Brothers East)
1986 - BoA, Korean singer
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 07:57 am
On this day, in 1872, Susan B. Anthony defied the law and voted in the national election. She was fined $100- ( which was a LOT of money in those days,) but never did pay the fine. Way to go, girl!.

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 08:11 am
Since Mrs. Walter twisted my arm to join her going to the theater tonight (and tomorrow as well!) - ehem, I mean, I wholeheartedly satisfied her wish and fully agreed to join her, of course ...

.... but don't post Saturday night at the movies :wink:

Saturday began just the same as other days
But ended up different in many ways
Love is in my world since Saturday

Mornin' came but somehow it didn't seem the same
The sadness of Friday had somehow changed
To the happy sounds of Saturday
Saturday, ever-loving Saturday

I whistle to bluebirds
I tried to tell them how you brought me sunshine
My head's filled with new words
That sing to the sounds of happy day after Friday
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 08:25 am
A quick reply to our listeners.

First, a smile for Bob and his pink pick. Isn't a pink a flower as well, Boston?

Thank you, Raggedy, for the celeb updates. Looking at Sam Shepherd "Stalking himself". I need to check that out as I met him and Jessica Lang.

Phoenix, whatever happened to the Susan B. Anthony dollar?

I talked forever to my niece on the phone last evening, and she told me this joke:

A dog walks into Western Union to send a telegram. He tells the clerk.

Arf, arf,arf,arf,arf,arf. The clerk responds. You can send one more arf for the same price, you know. To which the dog replies: "But then it wouldn't make any sense." I told her that was one shaggy arf joke.

poem by the Belle of Amherst:

Pink -- small -- and punctual --
Aromatic -- low --
Covert -- in April --
Candid -- in May --
Dear to the Moss --
Known to the Knoll --
Next to the Robin
In every human Soul --
Bold little Beauty
Bedecked with thee
Nature forswears
Antiquity --
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 08:28 am
Letty wrote:

Phoenix, whatever happened to the Susan B. Anthony dollar?

Biography of Susan B. Anthony
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 08:32 am
Apparently, originally, the Susan B. Anthony dollar looked and felt too much like a quarter, and people were loath to use them. The mint did change the feel of the coin, and plated it with a golden color.

Alas, the last 41 million coins were minted in 1999. They are still in circulation, but are seldom seen today.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 08:51 am
Here it is, Letty:

Sam Shepard: Stalking Himself

1997 - Biography

Type: Documentary
Rating: NR
Running Time: 60 minutes
Starring: Sam Shepard
Directed by: Oren Jacoby

This hour-long documentary presents the playwright, actor, and director Sam Shepard giving viewers a glimpse of his inner self through the prism of a group of his plays presented off-Broadway in 1996 and 1997. Shepard, who won the 1979 Pulitzer Prize for his play Buried Child, is also the writer behind Curse of the Starving Class, True West, and Fool for Love. Highlights include scenes excerpted from play performances, Shepard in his first television interview, and commentary by actors Ethan Hawke, Gary Sinise, John Malkovich, and Ed Harris. Directed by Oren Jacoby. ~ Steve Blackburn, All Movie Guide

(New York Times)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 09:20 am
a strange song by the replacements about big star/box tops singer alex chilton

Alex Chilton
The Replacements

If he was from Venus, would he feed us with a spoon?
If he was from Mars, wouldn't that be cool?
Standing right on campus, would he stamp us in a file?
Hangin' down in Memphis all the while.

Children by the million sing for Alex Chilton when he comes 'round
They sing "I'm in love. What's that song?
I'm in love with that song."

Cerebral rape and pillage in a village of his choice.
Invisible man who can sing in a visible voice.
Feeling like a hundred bucks, exchanging good lucks face to face.
Checkin' his stash by the trash at St. Mark's place.


I never travel far, without a little Big Star

Runnin' 'round the house, Mickey Mouse and the Tarot cards.
Falling asleep with a flop pop video on.
If he was from Venus, would he meet us on the moon?
If he died in Memphis, then that'd be cool, babe.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 09:46 am
The Never-Played Symphonies

Reflecting from my deathbed
I'm balancing life's riches against the ditches
and the flat gray years in between
All I can see are the never-laid
That's the never-played symphonies

I can't see those who tried to love me
All those who felt they understood me
and I can't see those who very patiently put up with me
All I can see are the never-laid
Or the never-played symphonies

You were one, you meant to be one
and you jumped into my face and laughed
and kissed me on the cheek and then were gone forever
...not quite

Black sky in the daytime
and I don't much mind dying
When there is nothing left to care for anymore
Just the never-laid, the never-played symphonies

You were one, you knew you were one
and you slipped right thru my fingers
No not literally but metaphorically
and now you're all I see as the light fades
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 10:56 am
Thank you everyone. I am sorry that I cannot acknowledge each of you by name as is my wont, but you know that I will eventually.

dj, "cerebral rape and pillage" leapt out from that song.

time for a station break:

This is cyberspace, WA2K radio.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 04:14 pm
A listener rings the station to say: Have we got any Irish in the audience who can help this man with questions on the Irish tongue?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 04:29 pm
Mikey is Irish/American and smokingunne is from Northern Ireland. I will check with Mikey, later.

I have lost smokingunne's addy, I'm afraid.

Well, McTag. Nice to see you back whatever the reason. How about you, Manchester. Do you have any requests? <smile>
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 04:38 pm
In the interim, folks:

English: May the hounds of hell tear your cornflakes.
Irish: Go stróice cúnna ifrinn do chuid calóga arbhair.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 04:47 pm
Hello dear Letty.
How nice to hear your tuneful and mellifluous tones on the airwaves this evening.
Tonight on the TV we watched a dancing programme, and one of the songs they chose to dance to was "Brazil":

"..The morning found me miles away
With still a million things to say..."

I would like to hear that again, please, any singer will do, any singer of your choice who can do it justice.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 05:08 pm
Frank Sinatra

Brazil, where stars were entertaining jewel
We stood beneath an amber moon
And softly murmured "Someday soon"
We kissed and clung together

Then, tomorrow was another day
The morning found us miles away
With still a million things to say
And now, when twilight dims the skies above
Recalling thrills of my love
There's one thing I'm certain of
Return I will to old Brazil


Then, tomorrow was another day
The morning found us miles away
With still a million things to say
Now, when twilight dims the skies above
Recalling thrills of my love
There's one thing that I'm certain of
Return I will to old Brazil
That old Brazil
Man, it's old in Brazil
Brazil, Brazil
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 05:55 pm
You see, McTag? our dj has done it for you. Old Blue Eyes. Thanks, Canada. Just sent this song to seaglass:

East Of The Sun (West Of The Moon) Lyrics
by Diana Krall

East of the sun and west of the moon
We'll build a dream house of love dear
Close to the sun in the day
Near to the moon at night
We'll live in a lovely way dear
Sharing our love in the pale moonlight

Just you and I, forever and a day
Love will not die; we'll keep it that way
Up among the stars we'll find a harmony of life to a lovely tune
East of the sun and west of the moon dear
East of the sun and west of the moon.
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