Julieta Venegas
Andar Conmigo
Walk with me
Hay tanto que quiero contarte,
Hay tanto que quiero saber de ti,
Ya podemos empezar poco a poco,
Cuentame que te trae por aqui,
There is so much I want to tell you
There is so much I want to know about you
We can start slowly
Tell me what brings you around here
No te asustes de decirme la verdad,
Eso nunca puede estar así tan mal,
Yo tambien tengo secretos para darte,
Y que sepas que ya no me sirven más,
Don't be afraid to tell me the truth
This could never be wrong
I too have secrets to tell you
And they are no longer useful to me
Hay tantos caminos por andar,
There are so many roads to walk
Chorus: Dime si tu quisieras andar conmigo, oh, oh, oh,
Cuentame si quisieras andar conmigo, oh, oh, oh
Dime si tu quisieras andar conmigo, oh, oh, oh
Cuentame si quisieras andar conmig oh, oh, oh, oh
Tell me you want to walk with me, oh, oh, oh
Say you want to walk with me, oh, oh, oh
Tell me you want to walk with me, oh, oh, oh
Say you want to walk with me, oh, oh, oh
Estoy anciosa por soltarlo todo,
Desde el principio hasta llegar al día de hoy,
Una historia tengo en mi para entregarte,
Una historia todavia sin final,
I'm anxious to tell you everything
From the beginning until today
A story in me to give you
A story still without end
Podriamos decirnos cualquier cosa,
Incluso darnos para siempre un siempre no,
Pero ahora frente a frente aqui sentados,
Festejemos que la vida nos cruzó,
We could say anything
Including a forever no
But, here face to face sitting
Lets celebrate that life brought us together
Hay tantos caminos por andar,
There are so many roads to walk
Chorus: Dime si tu quisieras andar conmigo, oh, oh, oh,
Cuentame si quisieras andar conmigo, oh, oh, oh
Dime si tu quisieras andar conmigo, oh, oh, oh
Cuentame si quisieras andar conmig oh, oh, oh, oh
Tell me you want to walk with me, oh, oh, oh
Say you want to walk with me, oh, oh, oh
Tell me you want to walk with me, oh, oh, oh
Say you want to walk with me, oh, oh, oh
Si quisieras andar conmigo
Si quisieras andar conmigo
SI quisieras andar conmigo
Si quisieras andar conmigo
If you wanted to walk with me X3more