Good morning, edgar, and I have done so much research on Pat's Anastasia.
The movie with Yul Brynner and Ingrid Bergman was excellent. Ingrid was Anna Anderson of Charlottesville, Va. who was suicidal and roaming the streets. Yul decided to convince her that she was Anastasia in order to get the money from the Bank of England. In the end, I think they ran away together because of each ones love for the other. Although I didn't see the movie, I have been watching the trailers.
More info.
LONDON (Reuter) -- The late Anna Anderson, who for decades claimed to be the Grand Duchess Anastasia, could not have been the youngest daughter of Russia's last tsar, according to tests using blood of the husband of Britain's Queen Elizabeth.
Instead, Ms Anderson, 83, who died in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 1984, was identified as being of Polish peasant stock.
Doctors compared Ms Anderson's DNA with that of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, who is related in the intricate web of European royalty to the dead tsarina through his mother. The Massies wrote the book about them because their son had hemophilia. If I made an error, it's because I have relentlessly been doing more research since the early morning.
Here's a birthday boy that may make us think RAIN. Texas,