Good Morning, WA2K listeners:
May 27 Birthdays:
1794 Cornelius Vanderbilt, financier/railroad builder (Port Richmond, Staten Island, NY; died 1877)
1819 Julia Ward Howe, poet/writer and social reformer (New York, NY; died 1910) (Battle Hymn of the Republic)
1836 Jay Gould, financier/railroad executive (Roxbury, NY; died 1892)
1837 Wild Bill Hickock, frontiersman/lawman/gambler (Troy Grove, IL; died 1876)
1894 Dashiell Hammett, mystery writer (St. Marys County, MD; (Maltese Falcon; The Thin Man) died 1961)
1908 Harold Rome composer (Fanny, Pins & Needles, I Can Get It For You Wholesale) died 1993
1911 Hubert H. Humphrey, vice president of the United States and presidential nominee (Wallace, SD; died 1978)
1911 Vincent Price, actor (St. Louis, MO; died 1993)
1912 John Cheever, writer (Quincy, MA; died 1982)
1912 Sam Snead, golfer (Hot Springs, VA)
1915 Herman Wouk, novelist (New York, NY) The Caine Mutiny, The Winds of War; War and Remembrance, Marjorie Morningstar
1923 Henry Kissinger, secretary of state, national security adviser, scholar (Fuerth, Germany)
1925 Mai Zetterling Sweden, actress/director (Only 2 Can Play, Quartet) died 1994
1935 Lee Meriwether Los Angeles CA, Miss America (Time Tunnel, Cat Woman, 1965; Barnaby Jones)
1936 Louis Gossett Jr., actor (Brooklyn, NY) (Oscar, An Officer and a Gentleman)
1939 Don Williams Floydada TX, country singer (I Believe in You)
1943 Bruce Weitz, actor (Norwalk, CT) (Hill Street Blues)
1948 Pete Sears bassist (Jefferson Starship)
1963 Peri Gilpin, actress (Waco, TX)
1965 Todd Bridges San Fransisco CA, actor (Diff'rent Strokes, Fish)
1968 Frank Thomas, baseball player (Columbus, GA)
1970 Joseph Fiennes, actor (Salisbury, England)

One of my favorite Don Williams recordings:
When I was a kid uncle Remus he put me to bed,
With a picture of Stonewall Jackson above my head.
Then Daddy came in to kiss his little man,
With gin on his breath and a bible in his hand,
And he talked about honor and things I should know.
Then he'd stagger a little as he went out the door.
I can still hear the soft southern winds in the live oak trees
And Those Williams boys they still mean a lot to me,
Hank and Tennessee.
I guess were all gonna be what were gonna be,
So what do you do with good ol' boys like me?
Nothing makes a sound in the night like the wind does,
But you aint afraid if youre washed in the blood like I was.
The smell of cape jasmine through the window screen,
John R. and the wolfman kept me company
By the light of the radio by my bed,
With Thomas Wolfe whispering in my head.
When I was in school I ran with a kid down the street,
And I watched him burn himself up on bourbon and speed,
But I was smarter than most, and I could choose.
Learned to talk like the man on the six oclock news.
When I was eighteen, lord, I hit the road
But it really doesn't matter how far I go.
Yeah, what do you do with good ol' boys like me?