WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 04:38 pm
I Go To Work
Kool Moe Dee

I go to work
Like a doctor
When I rock the mic
You got to like
The way I operate
I make miracles happen
Just from rappin'
I'm so lyrically potent
And I'm flowin'
And explodin'
On the scene mean
I got the potential
To make you go
Then chill
I got the credentials
That is of which I chose
To make a rhyme
And chill
Then you know
I will fulfill
To make a couple of mill
As I build a guild
For all the rappers and skills
And kill the weak rappers and no thrills
Hang 'em an ephigy
If he's a sucker
Hang 'em to the left of me
Cause my right hand man
Is my mic stand and
The microphone that I own
And my game plan
Is keeping at a steady pace
Ain't no need for a rush
It ain't no race
I'ma hit the top
Just when I wanna
And it's a matter of time
And I'm gonna
Cause I know when to
Go 'head enter
The classic Moe Dee rap
That sent ya
Runnin' around
Holdin' ya head
Askin' ya homeboy
Yo man
You hear what he said
Another funky rhythm
Look at ya man
And give him a high five
Cause I'm live
Runnin' around with him
Telling everybody
Hanging out on the block
It's time to wake up
And check the clock
Punch it
I go to work
I go to work
I go to work
Like an architect
I build a rhyme some times it climbs so erect
Skyscrapers look like atoms
Cars electrons rollin' in patterns
Writing out word after word
With each letter it becomes visably better
Cause my foundation built a nation of rappers
And after I came off vaction
I came to roam
The land I own
And stand alone on the microphone
Daddy's home
Open the door playtime is over
Time to go to work and show the
Suckers in the place who run their face
The base and a taste of who's the ace
Start the race
I'm coming in first
With each verse
I build a curse
So rappers can't capture Moe Dee's rapture
After I got ya
I have to slap ya
Senseless with
Endless rhymes don't pretned this
Is anything short of stupendous
And when this rhyme is done
Your mind will become
So trapped in the rap
You'll lust on another one
You gotta wait it takes time
I don't write I build a rhyme
I draw plans draft the diagrams
An architect in effect
And it slams
And if it's weak when I'm done
Renovate and build another one
I go to work
I go to work
I go to work
Like a boxer
Train the brain and aim
To out fox ya
Like a punch my rhyme knocks ya
Some times it rocks ya
So hard it stops ya
Dead in your tracks
So power packed
Before you can react
You're flat on your back
Down for the count
Get up and dismount
Cause I'm coming
With an endless amount
Of words in a hurry
Like a flurry
A collage to camouflage
The power punch but don't worry
Knowledge is an antidote
I got hand of smoke
Writing at the speed of light with insight
I wrote
Rhymes at a level
So you can't relate
Unless you're intelligent
So stay awake
Slick talkers
This time a native New Yorker's
Riding a crescendo wave to save the mental
State of the fan so he can understand my pencil
Rhymes in its highest form
I'm a drop it on ya like a bomb
When it explodes I'll blow up
A few casualties but so what
If you're slow
You blow
You know you go
I flow
I throw all pro
I go to work
I go to work
To say rap is not work
Is ludicrous
Whoever said it
Must be new to this
When you hear me
You'll compare me
To a prophet for profit
Not merely
Putting words together for
Each rhyme's a dissertation
You wanna know my occupation
I get paid to rock the nation
I go to work
I go to work
I go to work

can you guess where i am?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 04:43 pm
and one for the aussies

Morton (song For Tex)
Weddings Parties Anything

He stopped to change a tyre out near Warnambool,
His Chevy it was all over the road.
He pulled into town sometime in the early afternoon,
More than a normal travelling salesman, the guitar his only load.
And we were all there waitin', in the Colac hall,
Our little legs a-swinging 'neath the chairs,
But I just sucked a butter menthol and never once looked at the girls,
Would the 'Cat Come Back' like last time? I fell into despair.
But here's a go, let's catch the show and lay your money down,
Cause Morton's back in town.
And I still hear the way he played his old guitar,
And I still hear the way he sang those songs.
And I still hear his voice so crisp and clear above the crowd,
Do I remember? Am I joking?
Somehow it all just seems so strong.
And could he crack a whip?
You bet he could (don't you make me laugh!)
And could he tell a joke? He would make you cry.
And could he hypnotise and do a dance and spin a yarn?
You name it, he could do it with the winkin' of an eye!
But here's a go, let's catch the show and lay your money down,
Cause Morton's back in town.
Ain't it funny how time passes, how the years just slip away.
And the memories we have they play their games.
And now it's me who's strumming guitars,
Now it's me who's travelling round,
But somehow I get the feeling that it isn't quite the same...
For it was never quite this easy,
It was never quite this hard.
But it never made much sense to theorise,
When the show closed down you'd pack your things,
You'd soon be on your way.
First you see him, now you don't,
He'd be gone before your very eyes.
But here's a go, let's catch the show and lay your money down,
Cause Morton's back in town.
From the U.S.A. to Canada,
He played the roving clown,
Morton's back in town.
From Dunedin to Germany and on to Darling Downs.
Hey, Morton,
The Great Morton, Tex Morton!
Morton's back in town.

and one more

Sergeant Small
Weddings Parties Anything

I went broke in Western Queensland in 1931,
Nobody would employ me so my swaggy days begun.
I headed out through Charlieville to the western towns,
I was on my way to Roma, destination Darling Downs.
Hey my pants were getting ragged, my shoes were getting thin,
And when we stopped at Mitchell, a goods train shunted in,
The engine blew her whistle, I was looking I could see,
She was on her way to Roma, that was very plain to me.
And I wish that I was 16 stone and only 7 foot tall,
I'd go back to Western Queensland and beat up Sergeant Small.
Well as I sat and watched her, inspiration seemed to grow,
And I remember the Government slogan,
"It's the railway that you own."
So by this time the sun was setting and night was growing nigh,
So I gathered my belingings and I caught her on the fly.
And as we came into Roma, I kept my head down low,
I heard a voice say "any room mate" and I answered "plenty 'bo!"
Then out there stepped this noble man, the voice of Sergeant Small,
He said I've trapped you very nicely, you're headed for a fall.
And I wish that I was 16 stone and only 7 foot tall,
I'd go back to Western Queensland and beat up Sergeant Small.
The judge was very kind to me, he gave me 30 days,
He said maybe that would help to cure my rattler jumping ways.
So if you're down and outback let me tell you what I think,
Just stay off the Queensland railway, it's a short cut to the clink.
And I wish that I was 16 stone and only 7 foot tall,
I'd go back to Western Queensland and beat up Sergeant Small,
I'd go back to Western Queensland and beat up Sergeant Small.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 04:56 pm
Well, dj. We can always count on you, my friend, to make us think. <smile>

In response, listeners, we must try and sort out our lives and get on with things, I guess.:

Artist: Lyrics
Song: Hard Work (Reprise) Lyrics

Work, work, work
Hard work,
Work, hard work, work, hard work
Work, hard work
Work, work, work, work
Hard work, hard work

I'm alive
And I will survive
Show the world that I can take it
When I hot the heights
Put my name in lights

Yes I'm gonna put my name in lights, yeah!

Show the world that I can make it
By doin' doin' doin' doin'
By doin' Hard Work!

By doin' Hard Work!
By doin' Hard Work!
By doin' Hard Work!

Hard Work!

Do you know something, audience? Not working is just as difficult, sometimes, as working.

I have had two of my friends tell me that I have become isolated, but that is simply not true, because, you see life has isolated me.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 05:40 pm
Greetings Letty of the Lyrics,
....I need a bit of help from you. My old dance group is having a reuion this summer. We are inviting any of our former co-workers, producers andgroupies. We traveled over much of the U.S/ and Canada.
....Since there are so many members of a2k, I was thinking some body on here should have come in contact with us. I was wondering, do you thin I could make a "call to friends" on A2K, and if so which forum would be best?
.....After posting this, I have to make a run to the store, but you can reply, here or on my PM. ( I can't answer by PM, I am still on probation). If you can't answer, I'm sure you can tell me where to go.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 05:52 pm
Boo, I am trying to think how best to help you. dj is from Canada as is ehBeth, BoGoWo, JoeBlow and many others whom I do not know.

How about posting a "gathering in North America".


Always good to see you, Boo.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 06:28 pm
Everybody's talking at me
I don't hear a word they're saying
Only the echoes of my mind

People stopping staring
I can't see their faces
Only the shadows of their eyes

I'm going where the sun keeps shining
Thru' the pouring rain
Going where the weather suits my clothes
Backing off of the North East wind
Sailing on summer breeze
And skipping over the ocean like a stone
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 06:51 pm
Well, edgar. I certainly know that tune.

Funny tale about Midnight Cowboy, listeners:

At the time that it first came out, our Presbyterian minister's wife went to see it because she thought it was a western movie. She's gone now, but I declare I liked that woman. When the Jesus movement was big, the kids on the Baptist college campus would come up to her and say, "Jesus loves you."

In talking about that incident, her reply was so droll:

Well, I guess that's what you're supposed to say, but it seems rather silly. <smile>

So for Mrs. R.
Artist: Lyrics
Song: JUDAS' DEATH Lyrics


My God! I saw him.
He looked three-quarters dead!
And he was so bad I had to turn my head.
You beat him so hard that he was bent and lame,
And I know who everybody's going to blame.
I don't believe he knows I acted for our good.
I'd save him all this suffering if I could.
Don't believe...our good...
And I'd save him if I could...


Cut the confessions, forget the excuses.
I don't understand why you're filled with remorse.
All that you've said has come true with a vengeance.
The mob turned against him, you backed the right horse.


What you have done will be the saving of everyone.
You'll be remembered forever for this.
And not only that, you've been paid for your efforts.
Pretty good wages for one little kiss.


Christ, I know you can't hear me,
But I only did what you wanted me too.
Christ, I'd sell out the nation,
For I have been saddled with the murder of you.
I have been spattered with innocent blood.
I shall be dragged through the slime and the mud.
I have been spattered with innocent blood.
I shall be dragged through the slime and the mud!
I don't know how to love him.
I don't know why he moves me.
He's a man. He's just a man.
He is not a king. He is just the same
As anyone I know.
He scares me so!
When he's cold and dead will he let me be?
Does he love me too? Does he care for me?
My mind is in darkness.
God, God I'm sick. I've been used,
And you knew all the time.
God, God I'll never ever know why you chose me for your crime.
You're so bloody, Christ.


Poor old Judas. So long Judas.


You have murdered me.

and to this day, listeners, there is a tree named after him.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 07:02 pm
Midnight Cowboy had such a strong impact on me, because I was footloose much like John Voight's character, often landing in situations in which the impact often mirrored the emotional state he found himself in.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 07:14 pm
I know, edgar. We can identify with a lot of people even if they are in the movies.

Well folks, I guess it's time for a goodnight song.

Once more with feeling:

The flowers nod their sleepy heads,
A star creeps over the hill,
The youngest lamb has gone to sleep,
The smallest bird is still.

The world is full of drowsy things,
And sweet by candle light.
When all the world has gone to sleep,

From Letty with love.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 07:15 pm
....How could you leave out.........."Wouuuw,... wouw, wouw,wouw...,
................................................."Wouw,wouw, wa, Wooouuuw.....,
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 07:17 pm
Backacha' Letty! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 07:38 pm
Sorry, I'm tone deaf.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 08:09 pm
booman2 wrote:
Greetings Letty of the Lyrics,
....I need a bit of help from you. My old dance group is having a reuion this summer.

Dance Band

Watch them go one two three
I'm so happy and so is she
In a 'Danceband'

Slow slow
Quick quick slow
Heel to hell and toe to toe
In a 'Danceband'

You can do the Bosanova
'Till the night is through
You know Gay Gordon
You can meet him too

But when you hear that tune
One and one makes two

Don't step on my toes
woah woah
Don't step on my toes

You can do the Bosanova
'Till the night is through
You know Gay Gordon
You can meet him too

But when you hear that tune
One and one makes two

Slow slow
Quick quick slow

Slow slow
Quick quick slow

Slow slow

Quick quick

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 08:16 pm
Come fly with me, let's fly let's fly away
If you can use, some exotic booze
There's a bar in far Bombay
Come fly with me, let's fly let's fly away

Come fly with me, let's float down to Peru
In lama land, there's a one man band
And he'll toot his flute for you
Come fly with me, let's take off in the blue

Once I get you up there, where the air is rarefied
We'll just glide, starry eyed
Once I get you up there, I'll be holding you so near
You may hear, angels cheer - because were together

Weather wise it's such a lovely day
Just say the words, and we'll beat the birds
Down to Acapulco Bay
It's perfect, for a flying honeymoon - they say
Come fly with me, let's fly let's fly away

Once I get you up there, where the air is rarefied
We'll just glide, starry eyed
Once I get you up there, I'll be holding you so near
You may hear, angels cheer - because were together
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 09:32 pm

There's a storm outside, and the gap between crack and thunder
Crack and thunder, is closing in, is closing in
The rain floods gutters, and makes a great sound on the concrete
On a flat roof, there's a boy leaning against the wall of rain
Aerial held high, calling come on thunder, come on thunder

Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul
Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul

It's a monsoon, and the rain lifts lids off cars
Spinning buses like toys, stripping them to chrome
Across the bay, the waves are turning into something else
Picking up fishing boats and spewing them on the shore

The boy is hit, lit up against the sky, like a sign, like a neon sign
And he crumples, drops into the gutter, legs twitching
The flood swells his clothes and delivers him on, delivers him on

Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul
Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul

There's four new colors in the rainbow
An old man's taking polaroids
But all he captures is endless rain, endless rain
He says listen, takes my head and puts my ear to his
And I swear I can hear the sea

Somtimes, when I look in your eyes I can see your soul
(I can reach your soul)
(I can touch your soul)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 03:22 am
Good morning listeners. I scanned the news for a means to cheer you up but found only abhorrent articles. I chose one of the brighter ones for our travelers. No, don't thank me. It's all part of the job.

Bed bugs threaten to put bite on U.S. hotel industry

By Paul Simao Thu May 12,11:15 AM ET

ATLANTA (Reuters) - The quaint bedtime saying "sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" has become a grim mission statement for even the finest hotels in the United States amid a resurgence of the tiny bloodsucking pests.

Rising complaints about these unwelcome guests that bite in the night are leading to red faces at reception desks and an increase in the number of help calls, according to pest control firms and entomologists.

Hotels battling infestations typically request discreet and immediate service, and for good reason. Even though they don't pose a health threat, bed bugs, which live off human blood, can take a nasty bite out of a hotel's reputation and business.

"If a facility is known to have bedbugs, it certainly is going to cut into their client base," said Frank Meek, technical director of Orkin Inc., a pest control firm that saw a 20 percent jump in bed bug-related calls in 2004.

Many came from the hospitality industry.

Concerns about the wingless insects are such that the Atlanta-based firm, a unit of Rollins Inc., will soon begin offering hotels and motels as well as private homes a preventive treatment that it says will ensure a bed bug-free environment for one year.

Besides embarrassing hotel managers and leaving guests itchy and squeamish, bed bugs can trigger lawsuits. A number of companies have been sued by guests who complained of being bitten by the insects.

Even upscale hotels are not immune to litigation, and bug specialists say the pests can thrive even in a spotlessly clean room.

In 2003, a Mexican businessmen sued the Helmsley Park Lane Hotel in New York after he and a companion allegedly suffered numerous bedbug bites to their torsos, arms and necks while staying at the property, which overlooks Central Park.

Helmsley Enterprises Inc., the owner of the hotel, settled the suit quietly last year. Stopping short of confirming bed bugs had been a problem, Howard Rubenstein, a company spokesman, said the hotel had not had any problems with bed bugs since the lawsuit.


Although bed bugs can prosper in almost any type of building, hotels and motels are particularly vulnerable because of the transient nature of their clients and the ease with which the insects travel in luggage, clothing and furniture.

Oval-shaped and less than a quarter of an inch long, the brown-colored insects like to settle close to their food source, often hiding out under mattresses and bed frames, in crevices and behind picture frames.

Once attached to a sleeping human, they use a barbed proboscis to bore through the skin and suck their blood meal. They can go months without feeding, patiently awaiting a new host or travel companion.

Tamara Shipley became both in 2003. The 38-year-old business consultant discovered that her Atlanta home had become infested shortly after she returned from business trips to Miami and New York and believes the bed bugs came home in her luggage.

"I know for certain that I got them in a hotel, and I stay in nice hotels," said Shipley, who was bitten extensively in her bed for two weeks. "They just don't walk into your house. You bring them in from somewhere else."


Entomologists are not sure what has caused the recent surge in bed bugs. Some believe it is linked to a reduction in the use of powerful pesticides that once kept the insects at bay.

Although common in many countries, bed bugs were all but eliminated in America in the late 1940s and 1950s when the insecticide DDT was used to rid infestations in hotels, houses and boarding rooms.

DDT was banned in the 1960s for environmental reasons.

More recent changes in the way pest control is conducted also may have played a role in the bed bug's return.

Unlike in the past, when exterminators used products and methods designed to kill a broad spectrum of insects -- cockroaches, bedbugs and ants for instance -- today's pest controller is more likely to target one particular species.

The result is that other pests often survive.

Although divided over why bed bugs are thriving, experts agree that the insects are not a public health threat.

Unlike mosquitoes, which can transmit malaria, yellow fever and
West Nile virus, bed bugs have not been linked to anything more serious than the itchy, red welts that often appear on a victim's skin.

"There are no studies that have been done that show they vector anything," said Bill Brogdon, an entomologist with the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. "Hepatitis B has been specifically looked for and the studies have been negative so far."

But that is cold comfort to Shipley and the growing number of hotel guests who are finding that a chocolate mint is not the only surprise awaiting them in their beds. "It really freaked me out to know I got it in a hotel. It's not something you think about," she said.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 03:27 am
Now that I've cheered you up. Health reports say we're dealing more and more with stress related issues. Ever vigilant I found a list to help recognize signs of stress.


10. Conversations often begin with "Put the gun down, and
then we can talk".
9. The school principal has your number on speed-dial.
8. The cat is on Valium.
7. People have trouble understanding your kids, because they
learned to speak through clenched teeth.
6. You are trying to get your four-year-old to switch to
5. The number of jobs held down by family members exceeds
the number of people in the family.
4. No one has time to wait for microwave TV dinners.
3. "Family meetings" are often mediated by law enforcement
2. You have to check your kid's day-timer to see if he can
take out the trash.
1. Maxwell House gives you industrial rates.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 04:21 am
And now listeners... Hey Bob, put a zipper on it so we can get some coffee.What's wrong with you? You've got your mouth on cruise control. Well, I sing tonight and I've gotta practice some songs. So? These things have to be done first. Awright, what have you got planned? I wouldn't call it planned. I was being kind. Thanks. I watched The Bandwagon the other night and I thought they'd like to hear Triplets. Ok.


From the MGM Picture "The Band Wagon"
Music by Arthur Schwartz; Lyric by Howard Dietz
Performed by Nanette Fabray, Fred Astaire and Jack Buchanan

Three little unexpected children
Simultaneously the doctor brought us in
you can see we'll be three forever and
A E I O You wouldn't know how agonising being triple can be
Each one is individually the victim of the clinical day (?)
E I O Every summer we go away to Baden Baden Baden
Every winter we come back home to Walla Walla Walla

We do everything alike
We look alike
We dress alike
We walk alike
We talk alike
and what is more we hate each other very much
We hate our folks
We're sick of jokes on what an art it is to tell us apart!

If one of us gets the measles
another one gets the measles
then all of us gets the measles
and mumps and grippe

How I wish I had a gun
A 'widdle' gun
It would be fun to shoot the other two and be only one!

Mrs Whifflepoofer loves to talk to Mrs Hildendorfer on the fatal natal day she had her silly Willy
Mrs Hasslepoofer loves to talk to Mrs Goldenwasser of her major operation when she had her twins
But when Mother comes along she silences the others
She accomplished something that is very rarely mothers

MGM has got a leo but Mama has got a trio
she is proud and says three is a crowd

We do everything alike
We look alike
We dress alike
We walk alike
We talk alike
and what is more we hate each other very much
We hate our folks
We're sick of jokes on what an art it is to tell us apart!

We eat the same kind of vittles
We drink the same kind of bottles
We sit in the same kind of high chair
high chair! high chair!

How I wish I had a gun
A 'widdle' gun
It would be fun to shoot the other two and be only one!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 04:57 am
Good morning, WA2K radio fans. In the words of Boy George, people do come and go here, no?

It was nice going to bed by dj's music and it is always so original. edgar's "Come Fly With Me" gave me a smile, because I just went through Walter's album and enjoyed looking at all the smiling faces.

As the first light of dawn seeps through my blinds, I took a quick look to see if my little alligator was still lying in cold and stoic silence on the edge of the pond. I woke up thinking of Bangor, Maine and wondered what other places in this world are called Bangor. Strange the things that stay in our mind, listeners.

Well, it is always a pleasure to see Bob the hawk man entertaining us with bed bugs and triplets and whiskers on kittens. Love it, Bob, although I automatically felt a strange itching sensation.

Now let's see, folks. Be certain and check out Bob's criteria for stress on the home front. The life you save may be your own.

"Put the gun down and then we can talk"--

Lay that pistol down, Babe.
Lay that pistol down.
Pistol packin mama
Lay that pistol down.

Oh, drinkin beer in a cabaret
Was I havin fun!
Until one night she caught me right
And now I'm on the run.

Oh, lay that pistol down, Babe.
Lay that pistol down.
Pistol packin mama
Lay that pistol down.

Oh, I'll sing you every night Bing
And I'll woo you every day.
I'll be your regular mama
And I'll put that gun away.

Oh, lay that pistol down, Babe.
Lay that pistol down.
Pistol packin mama
Lay that thing down before it goes off and hurts somebody!

Oh, she kicked out my windshield
And she hit me over the head.
She cussed and cried and said I lied
And she wished that I was dead.

Oh, lay that pistol down, Babe.
Lay that pistol down.
Pistol packin mama
Lay that pistol down.

We're 3 tough gals
From deep down Texas way.
We got no pals
They don't like the way we play.
We're a rough rootin tootin shootin trio
But you ought to see my sister Cleo
She's a terror make no error
But there ain't no nicer terror
Here's what we tell her:

Lay that pistol down, Babe.
Lay that pistol down.
Pistol packin mama
Lay that pistol down

Pappy made a batch of corn
The revenuers came.
The draugh was slow
So now they know
You can't do that to Mame.

Lay that pistol down, Babe.
Lay that pistol down.
Pistol packin mama
Lay that pistol down

Oh, singing songs in a cabaret
Was I havin fun!
Until one night it didn't seem right
And now I'm on the run.

Oh, lay that pistol down, Babe.
Lay that pistol down.
Pistol packin mama
Lay that pistol down.

Oh, pistol packin mama
Lay that pistol down.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 05:16 am
Good morning, Letty! Very Happy
I'm one of those "readers, never posters" to your thread.

And yes, put that pistol down! Excellent advice! Very Happy

Have a wonderful day, Letty. It's 9:15 here & the end of the working week. <Phew!>
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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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