WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 05:33 pm
Well, listeners, there are so many things going on within our vast audience, that I am not surprised that I am alone with my thoughts here in an echoing studio

Francis is still continuing with his tour
Walter is entertaining his guests
Bob is singing at his favorite karaoke cafe
McTag is pondering his species and still contending that Doris Day is a virgin
Big dice is trying to make do without Urs.
Raggedy and I are still looking at George Clooney
Cyracuz is slogging along trying to get donations from the testy public
edgar is fine tuning his poetry
and dear dj is searching his cabinet of beautiful and endless casket of poetry within songs.

As for me, I am still considering a wonderful conversation that I had with Mathos about the insular position of secret societies.

For our listeners who delve into the mystic:
I Wonder Why Dreams Aren't Real!

I wish I could sleep and never have to wake,
because nothing is better than dreams my heart makes...
you hold my hand,
you always care,
you look into my eyes,
you play with my hair,
you smile that sweet smile
that makes me wanna melt
and the feelings we share I've never felt...

You always know how to make me smile and not frown,
you drop everything to rush to my side, and for me,
there's nothing you'd hide, so when I awake with tears in my eyes,
I wonder why dreams aren't real,
'cause if they were, you'd be mine and
I wouldn't have to keep these feelings locked up inside!

- Lubaina
May 1, 2005

Hmmm. Nothing too mystic about that, listeners. <smile>

We miss our weather lady and her singular cowboy, but we know that they are enjoying their visit abroad.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 06:22 pm
delving into the mystic

Where Do They Make Balloons?
They Might Be Giants

Marmalade's from Scotland
Rugs from Pakistan
Mexico has jumping beans
And cars are from Japan

Clowns are from the circus
Barking comes from dogs
Eggs come from a chicken
And log cabins come from logs

But where, where do they make balloons? (where)
But where, where do they make balloons? (where)

New York has tall buildings
New Jersey has its malls
Pisa has a leaning tower
Will it ever fall?

The ocean has the fishes
London has a tower
In Holland they have windmills,
Lots of bikes, and pretty flowers

But where, where do they make balloons? (where)
But where, where do they make balloons? (where)

Balloons (da, da, doodoodoodoo, da, da, doodoodoodoo)
Balloons (da, da, doodoodoodoo, da, da, doodoodoodoo)
Balloons (da, da, doodoodoodoo, da, da, doodoodoodoo)
Balloons (da, da, doodoodoodoo, da, da, doodoodoodoo)

Spaghetti is from China (doo, doodoo, doodoodoodoo)
But Italians make it best (doodoo, doodoodoodoo)
Ants can make an anthill (doodoo, doodoodoodoo)
And monkeys make a mess (doodoo, doodoodoodoo)

Hungary isn't hungry (doodoo, doodoodoodoo)
And french fries aren't from France (doodoo, doodoodoodoo)
Turkeys aren't from Turkey (doodoo, doodoodoodoo)
They can't fly but they can dance (doodoo)

But where, where do they make balloons? (where)
But where, where do they make balloons? (where)
But where, where do they make balloons? (where)
But where, where do they make balloons? (where)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 06:38 pm
Indeed, dj. Where do they make balloons? What a thought provoking song, Canada.

They make them in the corner of some warehouse where hoboes sleep and dream of helium, and lighter than air delight.

They make them in the corner of a crib where children reach small hands in hopes of soaring in airborne flight.

They still make them for you and for me,
As we float out to sea about all the chaos
Of eternity.

And when the balloon lazily goes out of sight,
They are still out there, somewhere,
Amid the stars of our lost sight.

It's that time of night, listeners, when all is put on hold
And the leaves of grass unfold to expose only the flight of
Those angels which we casually call, balloons. for they might be called giants.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 06:53 pm
more songs about or mentioning balloons

Balloon Man
Robyn Hitchcock

I was walking up Sixth Avenue when Balloon Man came right up to me
He was round and fat and spherical with the biggest grin I'd ever seen
He bounced on up toward me but before we could be introduced
He blew up very suddenly, I guess his name was probably Bruce

And I laughed like I always do
And I cried like I cried for you
And Balloon Man blew up in my hand

He spattered me with tomatoes, hummus, chick peas, and some strips of skin
So I made a right on 44th and I washed my hands when I got in

And it rained like a slow divorce
And I wish I could ride a horse
And Balloon Man blew up in my hand

I was walking up Sixth Avenue when Balloon Man blew up in my face
There were loads of them on Bryant Park so I didn't feel out of place
There must have been a plague of them on the TV when I came home late
They were guzzling marshmallows and they're jumping off the Empire State

And I laughed like I always do
And I cried like I cried for you
And Balloon Man blew up in my hand
Balloon Man blew up in my hand

London Town
Paul McCartney

Walking Down The Sidewalk One Purple Afternoon,
I Was Accosted By A Barker Playing A Simple Tune Upon His Flute.
Silver Rain Was Falling Down
Upon The Dirty Ground Of London Town.
People Pass Me By On My Imaginary Street,
Ordinary People It's Impossible To Meet,
Holding Conversations That Are Always Incomplete.
Well I Don't Know.

Oh, Where Are There Places To Go?
Someone, Somewhere Has To Know.
I'don't Know.

Out Of Work Again,The Actor Entertains His Wife
With The Same Old Stories Of His Ordinary Life.
Maybe He Exaggerates The Trouble And The Strife.
Well, I Don't Know.

Oh, Where Are There Places To Go?
Someone, Somewhere Has To Know.

Crawling Down The Pavement On A Sunday Afternoon,
I Was Arrested By A Rozzer
Wearing A Pink Balloon About His Foot.
Toot Toot Toot Toot.
Silver Rain Was Falling Down
Upon The Dirty Ground Of London Town.

Someone, Somewhere Has To Know.
Silver Rain Was Falling Down
Upon The Dirty Ground Of London Town.

Up, Up And Away
The Supremes

Would you like to ride
In my beautiful balloon ?
Would you like to glide
In my beautiful balloon ?
We could flow among the stars
Together you and I
For we can fly
For we can fly

Up and away
In my beautiful
My beautiful balloon

The world's a nicer place
In my beautiful balloon
It wears a nicer face
In my beautiful balloon
We can sing a song
And sail along the silversky
For we can fly
For we can fly

Up and away
In my beautiful
My beautiful balloon

Suspended under a twilight canopy
We'll search the sky for a star to guide us
If by some chance you find yourself loving me
We'll find a cloud to hide us
Keep the moon beside us

Love is waiting there
In my beautiful balloon
Way up in the air
In ly beautiful balloon
If you'll hold my hand
We'll chase your dream across the sky
For we can fly
For we can fly

Up and away
In my beautiful
My beautiful balloon

Up, up and away
Up, up and away
Up, up and away
Up, up and away
Up, up and away
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 06:59 pm
"...and it rained like slow divorce..."

powerful, dj.

We do, indeed, covet your ability to find just the right phrase for just the right moment, right listeners?

Just a quiet contemplation................................................
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 07:03 pm
sometimes one line is all it takes to make you love a song

lines that make you say, i wish i'd written that

maybe that's my next project
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 07:03 pm
e.e. cummings

in just-
in Just-
spring when the world is mud-
luscious the little
lame baloonman

whistles far and wee

and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it's

when the world is puddle-wonderful

the queer
old baloonman whistles
far and wee
and bettyandisbel come dancing

from hop-scotch and jump-rope and




baloonMan whistles
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 07:07 pm
i'm such a fan of e.e. cummings

the other day you were discussing those among us who were wanderers, and i tried to find a poem by stevie smith called, the voice of the wanderer (i think), but couldn't, so you'll have to settle for this instead

a girl who chose not to be my girlfriend once said this poem reminded her of me

but that was many years ago now

Not Waving But Drowning

Nobody heard him, the dead man,
But still he lay moaning:
I was much further out than you thought
And not waving but drowning.

Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he's dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
They said.

Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 07:17 pm
dj, I cannot believe the ties that now binds us together. It is more than just coincidence, my sweet young man>


from Letty with love
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 09:54 pm
The Floods of Florence
By Phil Ochs

Picasso leans out of the window, looks out on the ghetto
Changing the shapes he sees.
His old friend El Greco, soon is expected,
Now just an echo of Spanish seas
And outside, the people stare;
Wondering what's going on in there!
Tossing the dice; they pay the price, so they can compare.

And the holy words of love and reverence
Fell before the floods of Florence.

The shop girls go out to the galleries spending their salaries
To see if they catch a hold.
They meet an old master, like some unknown lover,
For some unknown reason he's never old.
And the auctioneer clears his throat,
What am I bid for this bottled boat?
A tap on the rail
Sunk with a sail, but soon she's afloat. (chorus)

Griffith pulls out his whiskey; the mad room is misty
Covered with yesterdays.
The girl is so pretty, she asks for a memory.
He touches her knee and she fades away.
But the box office line is long;
The spectacular show is on.
Thirsty for thrills, the fountain is filled
With dreams of the dawn. (chorus)

The troubador comes from the country, falls by the factory,
Sliding on simple strings.
Armed with his anger, he sings of the danger
He senses a stranger is in the wings.
But the fledgling has learned to fly;
All of the innocence leaves his eye.
Echoes explode, rolled from the road--
The melody dies. (chorus)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2005 03:41 am
Good morning (very early here) WA2K radio.

edgar, that song contains some of the best lyrics that I have heard to date. I think we all need to examine Phil Ochs' words more carefully.

Here's an interesting item from the outer space of the mind:

Russian astrologer cleared to sue NASA over plans to bombard "sentimental" comet Fri May 6, 1:06 PM ET

MOSCOW (AFP) - A Russian court ruled that an astrologer could proceed with a lawsuit against the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration for plans to bombard a comet whose destruction would "disrupt the natural balance of the universe," ITAR-TASS said.

Star-reader Marina Bai's case was thrown out of a lower court because Russia has no jurisdiction over NASA, but the ruling was overturned when her lawyer, Alexandra Molokhova, was able to show that the agency's office in the US embassy in Moscow does fall under Russian jurisdiction.

Bai seeks a ruling that would restrict NASA in its plans to annihilate a section of the Tempel 1 comet in a project that has been dubbed "Deep Impact," as well as punitive damages of 8.7 billion rubles (300 million dollars, 240 million euros).

"My client believes that the NASA project infringes upon her spiritual and life values as well as the natural life of the cosmos and would disrupt the natural balance of forces in the universe," Molokhova was quoted as saying.

The lawyer said Tempel 1 had sentimental value to Bai because her grandparents met when her grandfather pointed the comet out to his future wife.

In a 279-million-dollar (215-million-euro) project, NASA in January launched the Deep Impact spacecraft which will travel to the comet and release an "impactor" -- a 370-kilogram (820-pound) self-guided mass -- on US Independence Day (July 4) which is expected to create a crater that could be as large as a football stadium.

Scientists believe that the exposed material from the resulting crater will yield clues to the formation of the solar system and provide important information on altering the course of comets or asteroids on a collision course with earth.

Effects of the collision will be visible from earth with an amateur telescope, according to the mission's website.

Now there's a Starwars episode that surpasses even our wildest imagination.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2005 05:27 am
A couple showed up last night at karaoke that I hadn't seen in over a year. Immediately I went over to greet them. Handshake for him and a hug and a kiss for her. They told me they'd been there ten times already hoping to see me but always on Saturday. Since karaoke at the Beachfront is only on Friday they always missed me. There's an aura about them. He is so attentive to her and she has that smile that you know is only for him. You feel warm just being near them. She asked me if I'd sing Crazy for her. Of course I did. When they left at the end of the evening I cautioned him to take care of her as she's a national treasure.
I usually post a song I'd sung that night but will instead give you one I haven't sung but will.

The Story Of My Life
------Neil Diamond

Words and music by Neil Diamond

The story of my life is very plain to read
It starts the day you came
And ends the day you leave
The story of my life begins and ends with you
The names are still the same
And the story's still the truth

I was alone.
You found me waiting and made me your own
I was afraid
That somehow I never could be a man that you wanted of me

You're the story of my life, and every word is true
Each chapter sings your name
Each page begins with you
It's the story of our times and never letting go
If I die today, I wanted you to know

Stay with me here
Share with me, care with me
Stay and be near
and when it began I'd lie awake every night
Just knowing somewhere deep inside
That our affair just might write

The story of my life it's very plain to read
It starts the day you came
It ends the day you leave
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2005 05:36 am
Bod, what a wonderful anecdote. I always feel that a man/woman who can experience the happiness of others is a true national treasure.

I had never heard that Neil Diamond song before, but I must say the words are beautiful.

Listeners, there is a certain aura in the air today. Can you feel it?

Thought for today:

"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2005 06:00 am
A Happy May 7 day to all:

Celebrities of the day:

1812 Robert Browning, poet (Camberwall, England; died 1889)
1833 Johannes Brahms, composer (Germany; died 1897)
1836 Joseph Cannon, Illinois U.S. representative and Speaker of the House (New Garden, Guilford County, NC; died 1926)
1840 Peter Tchaikovsky, composer (Vatkinsk, Russia; died 1893)
1885 George "Gabby" Hayes Wellesvile NY, actor (In Old Santa Fe, El Paso) died 1969
1892 Archibald MacLeish, poet/playwright and Librarian of Congress (Glencoe, IL; died 1982)
1901 Gary Cooper, actor (Helena, MT; died 1961)
1919 Eva Perón, Argentine political leader and wife of Juan Perón (Argentina; died 1952)
1922 Darren McGavin, actor (Spokane, WA)
1923 Anne Baxter Michigan City IN, actress (Myra-Marcus Welby, Victoria-Hotel) (All About Eve), died 1985
1931 Teresa Brewer, singer (Spokane, WA)
1932 Pete Domenici, New Mexico senator (Albuquerque, NM)
1933 Johnny Unitas, football quarterback (Pittsburgh, PA)
1945 Robin Strasser, actress (New York, NY)
1950 Tim Russert, TV journalist (Buffalo, NY)
1950 Janis Ian [Janis Eddy Fink] New York NY, rock vocalist (At 17, Society's Child)
1954 Amy Heckerling, filmmaker (New York, NY)
1955 Peter Reckell, actor (Elkhart, IN)

So many pictures I might choose, but unfortunately I'm on my way out -- maybe, I'll feel that "aura" on my jaunt. It's just a wee bit too early in the day. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2005 07:37 am
My word, listeners, I called Bob, "Bod". UhOh! Sorry, Boston.

And as Raggedy goes out for her jaunt, I contemplate the wonderful poetry of Robert Browning, and look at the rest of the personages whose birthdays are celebrated on this day.

However, our lovely researcher left one out:


All right, listeners, let's see if we can guess which celeb these lyrics accompany:

None But the Lonely Heart Lyrics

None but the lonely heart
Can know my sadness
Alone and parted
Far from joy and gladness
Heaven's boundless arch I see
Spread about above me
O what a distance dear to one
Who loves me
None but the lonely heart
Can know my sadness
Alone and parted
Far from joy and gladness
Alone and parted far
From joy and gladness
My senses fail
A burning fire
Devours me
None but the lonely heart
Can know my sadness

The clue lies in today's observations.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2005 07:37 am
Whoooeeee! I went out in search of the elusive life ging elixir--coffee. The wind is ferocious this morning accompanied by that ever welcome rain. The surf acts angry as if it's aim in life is the destruction of the sand. Weather report:

Feels Like: 37° Dewpoint: 43°
Barometer: 29.93 in and falling Wind: NNE 31 mph
Humidity: 87% Sunrise: 5:31 am
Visibility: 6.44 mi Sunset: 7:50 pm

Today: Windy with periods of rain. High 47F. Winds NNE at 25 to 35 mph. Rainfall may reach one inch. Winds could occasionally gust over 50 mph.

Tonight: Windy with rain showers likely. Low 42F. Winds N at 25 to 35 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.

Thank you aggie for those dates. Letty you've got to stop calling me bod. People will think you know something they don't.

Let's ask CCR if they can tell us about the weather.

Have You Ever Seen The Rain?

(J.C. Fogerty)

Someone told me long ago
There's a calm before the storm
I know
It's been coming for some time
When it's over so they say
It'll rain on a sunny day
I know
Shining down like water

I wanna know
Have you ever seen the rain?
I wanna know
Have you ever seen the rain?

Coming down on a sunny day
Yesterday and days before
Sun is cold and rain is hard
I know
It's been that way for all my time
Till forever on it goes
Through the circle fast and slow
I know
And it can't stop I wonder

I wanna know
Have you ever seen the rain?
I wanna know
Have you ever seen the rain?

I wanna know
Have you ever seen the rain?
I wanna know
Have you ever seen the rain?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2005 07:53 am
Thanks, Bob the Bod, for that weather report. Razz It is unseasonably cool here in my little corner of Florida. May? sheeeeze.

Now that song, folks, I have heard. Thanks again, Bobby!

For Roger and his new avatar:
Donkey Serenade
There's a song in the air,
But the fair senorita
doesn't seem to care
for the song in the air.
So I'll sing to my mule
if you're sure she won't think that
I am just a fool
serenading a mule.

Amigo mio, does she not have a dainty bray?
She listens carefully to each little word we play.
La bella Senorita?
Si, si, mi muchachito,
She'd love to sing it too if only she knew the way.
But try as she may,
in her voice there's a flaw!
And all that the lady can say
is "E-E-AW!"

There's a light in her eye,
Tho' she may try to hide it,
She cannot deny,
there's a light in her eye.
Oh! the charm of her smile
so beguiles all who see her
that they'd ride a mile
for the charm of her smile.

Amigo mio, is she listenin' to my song?
No, no, mi muchachito, how could you be so wrong?
La bella Senorita?
Si, Si, la senorita,
If she knew all the words,

Well, maybe she'd sing along . . .

Her face is a dream
like an angel I saw!
But all that my darlin' can scream
is: "E-E-AW!"
Senorita donkey sita, not so fleet as a mosquito,
but so sweet like my Chiquita,
you're the one for me.

You're . . . the one . . . for me!

Music by Rudolf Friml and Herbert Stothart,
with lyrics by Robert Wright
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2005 08:27 am
Fondly remembered with a strident voice and enthusiastic delivery. One of the remarkable things about her is she never learned to read music, she had a demo sent to her to learn the tunes of her songs.

Teresa Brewer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Teresa Brewer (born as Theresa Breuer, May 7, 1931) is a United States singer. She was born in Toledo, Ohio. Her father was an inspector of glass for the Libbey Owens Company (now Libbey-Owens-Ford), her mother was a housewife.

At the age of two, Teresa was brought by her mother to audition for a radio program, "Uncle August's Kiddie Show" on Toledo's WSPD. She performed for cookies and cupcakes donated by the sponsor. Although she never took singing lessons, she took lessons to tap dance. From age five to twelve, she toured with the "Major Bowes Amateur Hour," then a popular radio show, both singing and dancing. She travelled with her aunt Mary until she married in 1949 and was devoted to the aunt, who lived with her until 1993, when Teresa's aunt Mary died.

At the age of 12, Teresa was brought back to Toledo, ceasing touring to have a normal school life. She did, however, continue to perform on local radio.

In January 1948 the sixteen-year-old Teresa won a local competition and (with three other winners) was sent to New York to appear on a talent show called "Stairway to the Stars," featuring Eddie Dowling. It was about that time that she changed the spelling of her name, as she won a number of talent shows and played night clubs in New York (including the famous Latin Quarter).

An agent, Richie Lisella, heard her sing and took her career in hand, and soon she was signed to a contract with London Records. In 1949 she recorded a record called "Copenhagen" with the Dixieland All-Stars. The B side was a song called "Music! Music! Music!" by Stephen Weiss and Bernie Baum. It turned out that this side was the one that took off, selling over a million copies, and became Teresa's signature song.

Another novelty song, "Choo'n Gum," hit the top 20 in 1950, followed by "Molasses, Molasses." Although she preferred to sing ballads, the only one of those that made the charts was "Longing for You" in 1951.

In 1951 she switched labels, ging to Coral Records. By this time she was married with a daughter. Since she never learned to read music, she had a demo sent to her to learn the tunes of her songs. Even so, she had a number of hits for Coral, though one of her recordings, "Gonna Get Along Without You Now," (1952) was better known in a 1956 version by Patience and Prudence and was also a hit in 1964 for Skeeter Davis. Alo that year she recorded "You'll Never Get Away" in a duet with Don Cornell, and in 1953 came her best selling hit, "Till I Waltz Again with You."

More 1953 hits were "Dancin' with Someone," "Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall," and another gold record, "Ricochet." In later years she followed with "Baby, Baby, Baby," "Bell Bottom Blues," "Our Heartbreaking Waltz" (written by Sidney Prosen, who had written "Till I Waltz Again With You"), and "Skinnie Minnie." During those years she continued to play the big night clubs in New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, and elsewhere.

In the mid-50s, she did a number of covers of rhythm and blues songs like "Pledging My Love," "Tweedlee Dee," and "Rock Love." She also covered some country songs like "Jilted," "I Gotta Go Get My Baby," and "Let Me Go Lover," (better known by Joan Weber).

In 1956 she had a two-sided hit with "A Tear Fell" and "Bo Weevil," covers of R&B songs. This was followed by "Sweet Old-Fashioned Girl." Also that year she co-wrote "I Love Mickey," about New York Yankees centerfielder Mickey Mantle, who appeared on the record with Teresa. Another big hit for Teresa in 1956 was "Mutual Admiration Society."

Though she is often dismissed as another pop singer, most of her songs have a decidedly pre-rock beat to them, especially "Ricochet", "Jilted" and "A Sweet Old Fashioned Girl".

In 1957 she made more covers: of country song "Teardrops in My Heart" and R&B songs "You Send Me" and "Empty Arms.". The last chart hit of hers was "Milord" in 1961, an English language version of a song by Edith Piaf.

In 1962 she switched labels again, to Philips Records, and subsequently made a few recordings for other companies, but no more big chart hits.

All together, she recorded nearly 600 song titles. For her contribution to the recording industry, Teresa Brewer has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1708 Vine Street.

Music, Music, Music
by Teresa Brewer




0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2005 10:02 am
Well, listeners, there you have it. A complete bio of Teresa Brewer. How interesting that the woman never learned to read music, but that is so true of many professional musicians. All it takes is talent and a good ear.

Our Francis has almost completed his tour, folks. You might want to take a look see.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2005 11:39 am

(waving from Germany)

Muss i' denn, muss i' denn
Zum Staetele hinaus.......
0 Replies

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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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