WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 01:50 pm
Been a Gene Autry fan all my life. Here is one first introduced by him, in a movie.

I found my thrill on blueberry hill
On blueberry hill where I found you
The moon stood still on blueberry hill
And lingered till my dreams came true

The wind in the willow played
Loves sweet melody
But all of those vows we made
Were never to be

Tho were apart youre part of me still
For you were my thrill on blueberry hill

The wind in the willow played
Loves sweet melody
But all of those vows we made
Were never to be

Tho were apart youre part of me still
For you were my thrill on blueberry hill
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 02:32 pm
Wow! folks. Our puppy popped in, did a marvelous montage of the celebs, then pounced out. She wasn't even too pooped to pop. Thanks, PA, ya done good.

edgar, I had no idea that Gene did Blueberry Hill. I recall it by Fats Domino, however.

This is the most amazing thing. Madeline Kahn did a truly ribald song in Blazing Saddles, and this one in Young Frankenstein.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword;
His truth is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His day is marching on.

I have read a fiery Gospel writ in burnished rows of steel;
"As ye deal with My contemners, so with you My grace shall deal";
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with His heel,
Since God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Since God is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet;
Our God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Our God is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free;
[originally Â…let us die to make men free]
While God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! While God is marching on.

He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
He is wisdom to the mighty, He is honor to the brave;
So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of wrong His slave,
Our God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Our God is marching on.

I recall only a few scenes from that movie, so I hope that I am not incorrect.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 04:54 pm
i certainly can't compete with letty's STIRRING music ; this is the best i can do :

I'm Popeye the sailor man
I live in a garbage can.
I eats all the worms
And spits out the germs
I'm Popeye the sailor man.

I'm Popeye the sailor man
I live in a frying pan
I turn up the heat
And burn up my feet
I'm Popeye the sailor man

I'm Popeye the sailor man
I've never stepped foot on the land
I like to go swimmin'
With them mermaid women
And float on my back to get tan.

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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:09 pm
hbg, every kid on the planet probably knows that sailor man, including this one. (me) To this day I still love spinach. Thanks, honey.

Well, it's dedication time, folks. This one was chosen by the abstract man himself, because he likes the way it's done regardless of the lyrics. Razz (apologies to Mrs. JLNobody)

Tony Bennett

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among those stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars

In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby kiss me

Fill my heart with song
Let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore

In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Instrumental Bridge

Fill my heart with song
Let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore

In other words, please be true
In other words, in other words, I love...you
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:15 pm
i HATE SPINACH. I am a better cook than my mother was.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:30 pm
Ah, come on, John of Virginia. You know there's still a little boy in you, right?

Here ya go, RJN

Trout Fishing In America

Boiled Okra And Spinach lyrics

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face,
I got dressed, made my bed, and then I picked up the place;
I did what you told me, I didn't whine or cry.
Took a nap, never saw time out, now all I can ask is why.

Why am I being punished? Have I been so bad?
I sat down to dinner and this is what I had:

Chorus: Boiled okra and spinach, it's dangerous,
Fishy fish with a thousand bones, cooked in asparagus,
I'd rather eat bugs than black-eyed peas,
I'd trade it all for a hamburger, or a pizza with double cheese.
(No anchovies, no pepperonis and no mushrooms;
No black olives or any other rabbit food!)

I've got an idea that's bound to work
You finish the spinach and the black-eyed peas,
then I'll go get dessert.
Ice cream, or maybe a refrigerated candy bar,
I'd scream with joy for a little piece of cake.
Vegetables are very good for you,
Eat your fish, eat your okra too.
Clean your plate, it's easy, it's just a piece of cake!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 06:19 pm
here's an old fisherman's song that could have been popeye's - perhaps with a side of spinach :wink: ? :

Song of the Fishes

Come all you bold fishermen, listen to me,
While I sing to you a song of the sea.

Then blow ye winds westerly, westerly blow,
We're bound to the southward, so steady we go.

2. First comes the blue-fish a-wagging his tail,
He come up on the deck and yells: "All hands make sail!"

3. Next comes the eels, with their nimble tails,
They jumped up aloft and loosed all the sails.

4. Next come the herrings, with their little tails,
The manned sheets and halliards and set all the sails.

5. Next comes the porpoise, with his short snout,
He jumps on the bridge and yells: "Ready, about!"

6. Next comes the swordfish, the scourge of the sea,
The order he gives is "Helm's a-lee!"

7. Then comes the turbot, as red as a beet,
He shouts from the bridge: "Stick out that foresheet!"

8. Having accomplished these wonderful feats,
The blackfish sings out next to: "Rise tacks and sheet!"

9. Next comes the whale, the largest of all,
Singing out from the bridge: "Haul taut, mainsail, haul!"

10. Then comes the mackerel, with his striped back,
He flopped on the bridge and yelled: "Board the main tack!"

11. Next comes the sprat, the smallest of all,
He sings out: "Haul well taut, let go and haul!"

12. Then comes the catfish, with his chuckle had,
Out in the main chains for a heave of the lead.

13. Next comes the flounder, quite fresh from the ground,
Crying: "Damn your eyes, chucklehead, mind where you sound!"

14. Along came a dolphin, flapping his tail,
He yelled to the boatswain to reef the foresail.

15. Along came the shark, with his three rows of teeth,
He flops on the foreyard and takes a snug reef.

16. Up jumps the fisherman, stalwart and grim,
And with his big net he scooped them all in.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 06:27 pm
Judy Collins - Farewell To Tarwathie

Farewell to Tarwathie
Adieu Mormond Hill
And the dear land of Crimmond
I bid you farewell
I'm bound off for Greenland
And ready to sail
In hopes to find riches
In hunting the whale

Farewell to my comrades
For a while we must part
And likewise the dear lass
Who first won my heart
The cold coast of Greenland
My love will not chill
And the longer my absence
More loving she'll feel

Our ship is well rigged
And she's ready to sail
The crew they are anxious
To follow the whale
Where the icebergs do float
And the stormy winds blow
Where the land and the ocean
Is covered with snow

The cold coast of Greenland
Is barren and bare
No see time nor harvest
Is ever known there
And the birds here sing sweetly
In mountain and dale
But there's no bird in Greenland
To sing to the whale

There is no habitation
For a man to live there
And the king of that country
Is the fierce Greenland bear
And there'll be no temptation
To tarry long there
With our ship under full
We will homeward repair

Farewell to Tarwathie
Adieu Mormond Hill
And the dear land of Crimmond
I bid you farewell
I'm bound off for Greenland
And ready to sail
In hopes to find riches
In hunting the whale
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 07:07 pm
Ah, hbg, I could smell the salt as I drove home in the dark. Your song was perfect, Canada. Thanks.

edgar, I knew that Greenland was so named BECAUSE it was barren and cold and could not attract settlers without a verdant title. That was so wistful, Texas.

Well, folks, these two songs will be my goodnight songs, and perhaps the surf will lull me to sleep.

Pearl Jam
The Song of the Whale

The sun was in clouds. The sun looked out. Exposed a trail of mist and spouts.
Ships followed the ancient lead. Deceiving friends under the sea.
Wow, imagine that? They won't fight back. I got a theory on that.
A whale's heart is as big as a car. A whaler's thought must be smudged by the dark.

They won't fight back. I'm sure they know how. Means they love or are too proud.
They won't fight back. I'm sure they know how. Means they love or are too proud.
They swim. It's really free. It's a beautiful thing to see. They sing.

Hunters of land. Hunters of sea. Explored anything formally.
I refer to anybody that takes advantage of what is free.
They won't fight back.
It's only a thought that makes it seem right. What you don't see is because of your sight.

Take what you want. Kill what you can. That's just one way of the mind of man.
Take their lives. Sell their parts but there is no taking of their hearts.
If I were lost at sea. That harpoon boat in front of me. It's the whale I'd like to be.

They won't fight back. (x5)
They don't know how.
They won't fight back. (x3)

And, finally, a sweet song for the child inside.

Three Little Fishes

Down in the meadow in a little bitty pool
Were three little fishes and their mommy fishy too
Swim! said the mommy fishy, Swim if you can!
And they swam and they swam right over the dam

Boop boop dittum dattum wattum, choo (3x)
And they swam and they swam all over the dam (repeats last line)

Stop! said the mommy fishy, You'll get lost!
But the three little fishes didn't want to be bossed
So the three little fishes set off on a spree
And they swam and they swam right out to the sea

Whee yelled the fishes, oh here's a lot of fun.
Swim in the sea 'til the day is done
So they swam and they swam, it was all a lark.
'Til all of a sudden they saw a shark.

Whoa, cried the fishes, oh look at the whales
Quick as they could they turned on their tails
Back to the pool in the meadow they swam
And swam and swam back over the dam.

Goodnight, my friends
From Letty with love.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 08:38 am
Good morning, WA2K folks.

Before the hawkman arrives. (hope he is not having problems). I just found out that today is Johnny Mathis' birthday, so let's play this one by him, shall we?

Life is a song worth singing
Why don't you?
Sing It!
You hold the key in the palm of your hand.
Use it!
Don't blame your life on the master plan
Change it!
Only you generate the power
To decide what to do with your life
You're a fool if you think you're helpless
you control what you do with your life
Life is a song worth singing
Why don't you?
Sing It!
Don't like the way you're living
Too bad!
Can't change your life because it's out of your hand
so sad!
So you sit on your pants and holler
cause the world ain't been treating you right
Don't you know you contain the power
to control destiny with your mind

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the prince
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 08:41 am
Letty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 08:43 am
Johnny Mathis

Twelfth of Never

(Words & music by Livingstone - Webster)

You ask how much I need you
Must I explain
I need you oh my darling
Like roses need rain

You ask how long I'll love you
I'll tell you true
Until the twelfth of never I'll still be loving you

Hold me close
Never let me go
Hold me close
Melt my heart like April snow

I'll love you 'till the blue bells forget to bloom
I'll love you 'till the clover has lost its perfume
I'll love you 'till the poets run out of rhyme

Until the twelfth of never
And that's a long long time
Until the twelfth of never
And that's a long long time
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 08:47 am
Prince Gautam. What would you like to hear, honey?

Hey, Texas. Love that one, buddy. I think we can spell Johnny's name two ways, but who cares. He's still a great singer.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 08:54 am
I think we can spell Johnny's name two ways

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Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 09:04 am
Well, edgar, when I searched for his photo, it came up Johnny Mathias. Who knows what painters will do with a name.

Prince G. I found this Song of India, but it's not the original.

And still the snowy Himalayas rise
In ancient majesty before our eyes,
Beyond the plains, above the pines,
While through the ever, never changing land
As silently as any native band
That moves at night, the Ganges Shines

Then I hear the song that only India can sing,
Softer than the plumage on a black raven's wing;
High upon a minaret I stand
Upon an old enchanted land,
There's the Maharajah's caravan,
Unfolding like a painted fan,
How small the little race of Man!

See them all parade across the ages,
Armies, Kings and slave from hist'ry's pages,
Played on one of nature's vastest stages.
The turbaned Sikhs and fakirs line the streets,
While holy men in shadowed calm retreats
Pray through the night and watch the stars,
A lonely plane flies off to meet the dawn,
While down below the busy life goes on,
And women crowd the old bazaars;

All are in the song that only India can sing,
Softer than the plumage on a black raven's wing;
Tune the ageless moon and stars were strung by,
Timeless song that only could be sung by
India, the jewel of the East.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 12:22 pm
Good afternoon WA2K.

Wondering of those lyrics to Song of India are the same ones Kuhlman sang in the movie, "The Song of Scheherezade". Still waiting for AMC to air it again. Very Happy

A Happy 76th to Angie Dickinson; 72nd to Johnny Mathis; 50th to Fran Drescher and 46th to Eric Stoltz.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 01:01 pm
Hey, PA. A lovely quartet today.

No, those are not the original lyrics, but since I really like Johnny Mercer, I played them again for our Prince who must be at an internet cafe.

Now I am wondering about Eric Stoltz. I discovered to my amazement, that he played in The Rockinghorse Winner, one of my very favorite short stories by D.H. Lawrence. I simply cannot recall the man, and going to Wikipedia didn't help too much.

More synchronicity, folks. AMC showed The Jungle Book last evening. What a fantastic actor Sabu was, right?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 01:23 pm
We'll do this one, folks, for Angie and Burt.


Do you know the way to San Jose?
I've been away so long. I may go wrong and lose my way.
Do you know the way to San Jose?
I'm going back to find some peace of mind in San Jose.
L.A. is a great big freeway.
Put a hundred down and buy a car.
In a week, maybe two, they'll make you a star
Weeks turn into years. How quck they pass
And all the stars that never were
Are parking cars and pumping gas
Do you know the way to San Jose?
They've got a lot of space.There'll be a place where I can stay
I was born and raised in San Jose
I'm going back to find some peace of mind in San Jose.
Fame and fortune is a magnet.
It can pull you far away from home
With a dream in your heart you're never alone.
Dreams turn into dust and blow away
And there you are without a friend
You pack your car and ride away
I've got lots of friends in San Jose
Do you know the way to San Jose?
Can't wait to get back to San Jose.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 01:34 pm


I am a workin' man
But I ain't worked for a while
Like some old tin can
From the bottom of the pile

I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement

My words are like a rope
That's wrapped around my throat
Wash my mouth with soap
For words unfit to quote

I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement

I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement

And now I'm free to go
But time cannot remove
The only life I know
Now only time will prove
Yes only time will prove

I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement

Yeah I lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement

0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 01:57 pm
Ah, hbg, the oil and the coal. I guess King Coal (not Nat) lost, right?

No You Won't Get Me Down In Your Mine
(Trad / Colin Wilkie)
No you won't get me down underground in your mines
Away from the trees and the flowers so fine
Down in the dark where the sun never shines
No you won't get me down in your mines

They work in the dark for the most of their lives
Away from the children, away from their wives
To make others rich, in the heat and the dark
But who's going to care when you're too old to work

There's many a miner has died underground
Died all alone when the roof tumbled down
Or choked out his life underneath the great beams
Or buried and gassed in that lousy coal-seam

I've worked in your factories, I've worked on your farms
Until all the muscles stood out on my arms
I've been in your armies and I've been out to sea
But by Christ you won't make a coal-miner of me

(as sung by The McCalmans)

Tune: by Colin Wilkie
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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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