WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 07:04 am
A couple had been married for 50 years. They were sitting at the breakfast table one morning when the wife says, "Just think, fifty years ago we were sitting here at this breakfast table together." "I know," the old man said. "We were probably sitting here naked as a jaybird fifty years ago." "Well," Granny snickered. "Let's relive some old times." Where upon, the two stripped to the buff and sat down at the table. "You know, honey," the little old lady breathlessly replied, "My nipples are as hot for you today as they were fifty years ago." "I wouldn't be surprised," replied Gramps. "One's in your coffee and the other is in your oatmeal."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 08:35 am
Good morning, hawkman. Great bio's today, Boston. Of course the old lady can always blame Isaac Newton for her troubles, but I suspect that divorce proceedings are about to end that fifty years marriage. Love it!

Our Raggedy will be materializing soon and we'll be seeing spots before our eyes, but until then, here is one of my favorites from The Sound of Music.

Every morning you greet me.
Small and white, clean and bright,
You look happy to meet me.
Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow,
Bloom and grow forever.
Bless my homeland forever.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 01:28 pm
Good Afternoon WA2K. It's a beautiful day in PA today. Hope you are enjoying the same.

Here are Oscar Hammerstein II, Milton Berle (ugh) and Bill Cosby.


From Oscar:

(The producers wanted to strike this song from the score of South Pacific when it was originally written, but Oscar said if the song didn't stay, there would be no show.)

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 01:59 pm
There she is and bragging about PA's weather. Thanks, Raggedy, for the great trio. It's still too darn hot here.(hmmm. There's a song about that methinks)

Great song by Oscar, puppy. Glad he kept it in the show because as someone once said, "The Show Must Go on". <smile>

I was searching through the archives for show people from Florida, and came across this hilarious song about romance, listeners.

Dorothy Shay (Jacksonville, Florida)

Life used to be a gay thing
A filled with happiness, night and day thing
It was something to have and to hold
But it seems that your love grew cold

I never knew that our romance had ended
Until you poisoned my food
And I thought it was a lark
When you kicked me in the park
But now I think it was rude

I never knew that our romance had finished
Until that bottle hit my head
Though I tried to be aloof
When you pushed me off the roof
I feel our romance is dead

It wouldn't have been so bad if you'd told me
That someone had taken my place
But no, you didn't even scold me
You just tried to disfigure my face

You'll never know how my poor heart is breaking
It looks so helpless, but then
Life used to be so placid
Won't you please put back that acid
And say that we're sweethearts again

Oh, how well I remember
That night in Bridgeport
That was the night you gave me the hotfoot
I thought that there was sort of a strange look in your eyes
But you smiled, and well, it made everything alright
Then there was the time we went canoeing
And you set fire to my dress
You said you pushed me overboard to put out the flame
But I never quite understood why you held me under water so long
Now, I've never met this girl who's taking my place
But I wish you all the happiness in the world
And if there's anything I can do
You know you can always reach me in room number 304
In the General Hospital
Farewell, my sweet

You'll never know how my poor heart is breaking
It looks so helpless, but then
My love can go just so far
Won't you please put down that crow bar
And say that we're sweethearts again
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 06:33 pm
written by Wiley Walker and Gene Sullivan
as performed by Bill Monroe, Elvis Presley, Jim & Jesse, etc.

Memories that linger in my heart,
Memories that make my heart grow cold,
Someday we'll live them all again,
When my blue moon again will turn to gold.

When my blue moon turns to gold again,
When the raindrops turn the clouds away,
When my blue moon turns to gold again,
You'll be back here in my arms to stay.

The castles we built in dreams together
Tell the sweetest story ever told,
Someday we'll live them all again
When my blue moon again will turn to gold.

The lips that used to thrill me so,
Your kisses were meant for only me.
Someday we'll live them all again,
When my golden moon is just a memory.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 06:48 pm
the "little green men" have allowed me back on the internet and a2k .
to keep their favours , i have agreed to post this paean to them ! Laughing



We know ya come a long way

We hope that your ship is o.k.

We hope youre gonna stick around

Maybe to save the day.

Liw liw, liw liw,

Liw liw, liw

You look - a real keen

Even though you are green

With those big, large heads

Something off of the movie screen.

Liw liw, liw liw,

Liw liw, liw


little green men, they look so funny

funny green men

I want one to have and to hold and to

silly green men

where do they come from?

should we run away, should we start to pray

or is it a movie that theyre filim?

Are the people on your planet

Usually in a frantic panic like they are here

Most of the time?

(bla...im freakin out...)

Wait a minute, you, it is true about

Einsteins theory and darwins too?

What about war, the soul, the mind

Love, death, god, divine?

Little, little, little, little, little, little, little

Ladies & gentlemen of the world, it is my utmost privilege to announc to

You that these little green men actually do exist, for they are part of the

Eternal past and venture from all regions of our galaxy to find homage in

Our earths center. governments of the world have been very good at

Concealing these little visitors and preparing the public with loving movies

And pleasent melodies. (ya see, like that one - did ya hear that- yes.)

Controlled media as to cushion the arrival of our little friends. you see,

Throughout history many people have claimed to see strange lights in the


(oh no.) well, the truth of the matter is that these light, and beings, will

Only reveal themselves to those who are pure of heart, for these enlightened

Aliens leave permanent imprinted information on the psyche of those chosen

Human only to be revealed to our deteriorating planet at the point in which

Our civilization shall enter the new age of light without heat.

Little green men about four foot one

Maybe they want to have some fun.

Little green men about 4 foor two

Maybe he wants to mate with you

(ooh, ah, eee, etc...)(simulated alien sex sequence)

Little green men about four foot three

Maybe they wanna be set free.

Were hoping that the human race will become part of endless time. we love

You all and want you to know that in your heart and in your soul there is

Peower bigger than the world.

Little green men about four foot

Maybe they wanna kic some butt.

Mo fo

Uuuu, aaaa, eeee, grrr...



E.t.i.o.u. e.t.i.o.u. e.t.i.o.u

Ba-v-ni-ni na-ni-new,

Ba-nu-ni-ni-na-ni-new bda-da

Ba-nu-ni-ni-na-ni-new bra-da-di-dat.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 07:15 pm
the "little green men" have left ... it's time for Shocked Laughing

Me and my wife live all alone
In a little log hut we call our own;
She loves gin and I love rum,
And don't we have a lot of fun!

Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!

When I go toiling on the farm
I take the little jug under my arm;
Place it under a shady tree,
Little brown jug,'tis you and me.

Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!

'Tis you that makes me friends and foes,
'Tis you that makes me wear old clothes;
But, seeing you're so near my nose,
Tip her up and down she goes.

Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!

If all the folks in Adam's race
Were gathered together in one place,
I'd let them go without a tear
Before I'd part from you, my dear.

Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!

If I'd a cow that gave such milk,
I'd dress her in the finest silk;
Feed her up on oats and hay,
And milk her twenty times a day.

Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!

I bought a cow from Farmer Jones,
And she was nothing but skin and bones;
I fed her up as fine as silk,
She jumped the fence and strained her milk.

Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!

And when I die don't bury me at all,
Just pickle my bones in alcohol;
Put a bottle o' booze at my head and feet
And then I know that I will keep.

Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!

The rose is red, my nose is too,
The violet's blue and so are you;
And yet, I guess, before I stop,
We'd better take another drop.

Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Ha, ha, ha, you and me,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 07:19 pm
Ah, edgar. Do you know what causes a blue moon? according to BoGoWo it's ice crystals. Razz Thanks for the blue and the gold, Texas. I know that melody as well.

hbg. Welcome back. Did those little green men come from edgar's moon?

Love it, Canada. Glad all is well with your equipment, buddy.

Well, folks, I have been searching for lyrics to Moonlight Sonata with no luck. I'm humming the melody as we listen.

Dedicated to my yard(not really),but I love this song.
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II

Music by Sigmund Romberg

My desert is waiting,
Dear, come there with me.
I'm longing to teach you
Love's sweet melody.
I'll sing a dream-song for you,
Painting a picture for two


Blue heaven and you and I,
And sand kissing a moonlit sky.
A desert breeze whisp'ring a lullaby,
Only stars above you
To say I love you.

Oh, give me that night divine
And let my arms in yours entwine.
The desert song, calling,
It's voice enthralling
Will make you mine.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 07:24 pm
oops, missed "Little Brown Jug." Love it! Reminds me of Old Dan Tucker, but I'm not certain why, hbg.

Back in a moment, folks, with my goodnight song.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 07:35 pm
wll the notes to opus 27 help ?



where you see "bild 3/15" in upper right you can click backward and forward for adiitional info
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 07:50 pm
Thanks, hbg. With the help of a magnifying glass, I was able to see that the song was in three flats. UhOh. I'll print that one out and try it tomorrow on my studio piano. I still love Ode to Joy.

If Camille St. Saens' Danse Macabre had lyrics, I would do that in honor of Friday the Thirteenth, which is tomorrow.

Well, this will be my goodnight song, all.

Hank Snow, the singing ranger.

You're a tired buckeroo little pal,

You've been ridin' hard all day little pal,

Soon the sandman will be callin'

As the twilight shadows fall

And you'll go ridin' down the milky way.


So lay your curly head upon your pillow

While your faithful dog stands watching over you,

Close your tired little eyes

While I croon a lullaby,

And you'll ride the trail to dreamland, buckeroo.

Mr. Moon is shining high up above,

And your eyes they soon will close my little love,

So sweet dreams until the dawn

When the sandman will be gone,

And a new day then will greet you buckeroo.


So lay your curly head upon your pillow

While your faithful dog stands watching over you,

Close your tired little eyes

While I croon a lullaby,

And you'll ride the trail to dreamland, buckeroo.

So, folks, this tired buckeroo is off to bed.

From Letty with love
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 04:19 am
Good mystic morning, WA2K folks.

Well, it's Friday the thirteenth, so I thought that I would play a rather dark song by Donovan.

Artist: Donovan
Song: Season Of The Witch

When I look out my window,
many sights to see.
And when I look in my window,
so many different people to be.
That it's strange.
So strange.

You got to pick up every stitch.
Must be the season of the witch,
must be the season of the witch, yeah,
must be the season of the witch.

When I look over my shoulder,
what do you think I see?
Summer kept lookin over his shoulder at me.
And he's strange,
sure is strange.

You got to pick up every stich,
you got to pick up every stitch, yeah.
Beatnicks are out to make it rich.
Oh no
Must be the season of the witch,
must be the season of the witch, yeah,
must be the season of the witch.

You got to pick up every stitch,
the rabbits runnin in the ditch.
Beatnicks are out to make it rich.
Oh no
Must be the season of the witch,
must be the season of the witch,
must be the season of the witch.

When I look out my window,
what do you think I see?
And when I look in my window,
so many different people to be.
Its strange,
sure is strange.

You got to pick up every stitch,
you got to pick up every stitch,
two rabbits runnin in the ditch.
Oh no
Must be the season of the witch,
must be the season of the witch, yeah,
must be the season of the witch.

There's a tiny bit of superstition in all of us, right?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 05:16 am
I didn't realize it is Friday the 13th Shocked

You posted you were looking for lyrics for Moonlight Sonata and I
looked but could only find instrumental so I don't know if this helps at all:

I saw your child picture btw and it is adorable Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 05:41 am
Good morning, TTH. Although your sheet music has four sharps, I think I know enough of the melody to ascertain that the notes comprise the Moonlight Sonata of which I was thinking. Thanks, gal.

Are you speaking of the picture on Calamity Jane's thread? If so, honey, that was not I, just a joke to tease Gus about The Little Rascals and Our Gang comedies.

Artist: Spanky & Our Gang
Song: Like To Get To Know You

But I'd like to get to know you (Yes I would)
But I'd like to get to know you (If I could)
But I'd like to get to know you

Finally I've found
Searching all around
Just was not the answer
One I thought was true
Looked a bit like you
I figured I'd might chance her

But I'd like to get to know you (Yes I would)
But I'd like to get to know you (If I could)
But I'd like to get to know you

Hardly need to say
She went on her way
Said it was all over
Well it's been some time
And I guess that I'm just meant to be a

But I'd like to get to know you (Yes I would)
Yes I'd like to get to know you (If I could)

Well I can't promise that I'll spend a day with you
I can't promise that I'll find a way with you
I can't promise
No, I can't promise that I'll love you

But I'd like to get to know you (Yes I would)
Yes I'd like to get to know you (If I could)
I'd like to get to know you, know you, know
I'd like to get to know you, know you, know
I'd like to get to know you, know you, know
Yes I'd like to get to know you, know you, know

I do believe that I like Moonlight Sonata better. Razz and be sure that you knock on wood and cross your finger and say "God bless you" when you sneeze.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 05:46 am
That was the picture I was talking about. I really thought that was your child picture. The little girl is still cute.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 06:09 am
She was, TTH. Incidentally, that really was a picture of panz. (sure it was)

This looks a little like me as a child except I was tow headed and had a big dimple in my chin.


Loved the rounds that we used to sing. Here is one.

White Coral Bells
(source: "Sing A Song For Sixes", Girl Guides of Canada, 1975)
(To be sung as a 4-part round)

White coral bells upon a slender stalk
Lily of the valley deck my garden walk
Oh, don't you wish that you could hear them ring
That will only happen when the fairies sing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 06:44 am
Such a cute little girl Very Happy

Miss You When You Go Lyrics
Artist: David Wilcox

You're leaving me
That's alright
People gotta go new places
And on your journey
You will see
New friends and new faces
But if you think
I will forget
The good times we've had together
You don't know this friend too well
Here's something for you to consider
I will miss you
When you go
I will miss you
When you go

You may be coming back
We don't know when
I can't see the future
But if my bones can tell
What's gonna be
We'll drink a little wine together
And if you think I will regret
Two birds of a feather
Take a listen to this song my friend
Here's something for you to remember
I will miss you
When you go
I will miss you
When you go

I will miss you when you go
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 07:03 am
TTH, We listened and we like it. Thanks again.

Well, folks, they are serving breakfast in our kitchenette, so I think I'll give the pancakes and link sausage a try.

Time for a station break.

This is cyber space, WA2K radio.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 08:04 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 08:08 am
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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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