Darn, Raggedy. Well, perhaps someone else will recall it or phone in the answer.
You know, folks, it's odd how certain things pop up in the news, and suddenly you find yourself wondering about celeb's you never heard of. One, for me anyway, was Anna Nicole Smith. Now a joyful young man claims he is the father of her child and he looks soooooo happy. Don't suppose it has to do with the money, do you? Nah. Another is Imus.(not to be confused with our Irish friend, Imur)

Now suddenly there's a an explosion of the media because he made a serious racial slur. Ah, well. As I have often observed, there is no such thing as negative publicity.
Another question for our speckled pup. I bet you do recall some movie in which Michael York starred, that involved the idea of a society where no one was over thirty. Then he and his young female companion found an aging Peter Ustinov.
As we wait, we wonder about our edgar, dj, and others but let's listen to a nice and easy Eagle song.
I like the way your sparkling earrings lay,
against your skin, it's so brown
and I wanna sleep with you
in the desert tonight
with a billion stars all around
'cause I gotta peaceful easy feeling
and I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the
And I found out a long time ago
what a woman can do to your soul
Ah, but she can't take you anyway
You don't already know how to go
and I gotta peaceful, easy feeling
and I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the ground
I get this feeling I may know you
as a lover and a friend
but this voice keeps whispering
in my other ear, tells me
I may never see you again
'cause I get a peaceful, easy feeling
and I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the ground
'cause I'm already standing...
on the ground
oooo, oooo