WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 02:27 pm
I think we posted "With a Song in My Heart" last year, Letty. We couldn't find it on the net then either. Laughing I'm listening to Jane perform it now. She had a beautiful voice.

With a song in my heart
I behold your adorable face
Just a song at the start
But it soon was a hymn to your grace

When the music swells
I'm touching your hand
It tells me you're standing near

At the sound of your voice
Heaven opens its portals to me
Can I help but rejoice
That a song such as ours came to be

But I always knew
I would live life through
With a song in my heart for you.
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Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 02:32 pm
Yes, we did, Raggedy. But thanks for playing it again.

Here's one from Camelot, then, that Tony Shalhoub sang on a Monk episode:

If Ever I Would Leave You

If ever I would leave you
It wouldn't be in summer.
Seeing you in summer I never would go.
Your hair streaked with sun-light,
Your lips red as flame,
Your face witha lustre
that puts gold to shame!

But if I'd ever leave you,
It couldn't be in autumn.
How I'd leave in autumn I never will know.
I've seen how you sparkle
When fall nips the air.
I know you in autumn
And I must be there.

And could I leave you
running merrily through the snow?
Or on a wintry evening
when you catch the fire's glow?

If ever I would leave you,
How could it be in spring-time?
Knowing how in spring I'm bewitched by you so?
Oh, no! not in spring-time!
Summer, winter or fall!
No, never could I leave you at all!

That was sooooo funnny. Razz
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Tai Chi
Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 07:14 pm
Hi Letty

Here's another one from Ian Robb (co-written with Sheldon Posen) -- a reworking of "The Maple Leaf Forever" on Finest Kind's "Silks and Spices" CD:

In days of yore to this wild shore French and British strangers came
And planted firm their conqueror's flags where Native peoples reigned.
In struggle and in hope they forged a nation here together
That there might wave so proud and free the Maple Leaf forever.

Through bitter wars in freedom's cause brave Canadians fought and died.
Now we their children guard the peace where hate and war divide.
We'll not break faith with glories past, the torch we'll lower never --
A shining light to all the world -- the Maple Leaf forever!

From Arctic land to Great Lake strand, Bay Despair to Nootka Sound
May patriot love unite us and true Commonwealth be found.
And may Canadians new and old uphold the great endeavor
And proudly wave from sea to sea the Maple Leaf forever.

The Maple Leaf, our emblem dear, the Maple Leaf forever,
And proudly wave from sea to sea the Maple Leaf forever.

We Canadians aren't usually into flag-waving or overt patriotism but it is Remembrance Day tomorrow after all so this song seemed appropriate. At 11 am tomorrow we'll be honouring our war veterans and war dead (already an alarming number in Afghanistan). We have a great deal for which to be thankful, including the brave men and women of our military.
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Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 07:36 pm
Tai Chi. It really doesn't matter about the symbolism, honey. It's just the wonder of the words and the music. That was lovely, incidentally, and all of us here appreciate music of the people.

Right now, Tai, I am listening to a lovely song called the Emmigrant's daughter.

The tune is based an old English song The Grenadier and the Lady The words are new - written by Barry Taylor. The poignant words are based on his family history. It is a tragic story often repeated in the emmigrant story.

Oh please ne'er forget me though waves now lie o'er me
I was once young and pretty and my spirit ran free
But destiny tore me from country and loved ones
And from the new land I was never to see.
A poor emigrant's daughter too frightened to know
I was leaving forever the land of my soul
Amid struggle and fear my parents did pray
To place courage to leave o'er the longing to stay.

They spoke of a new land far away 'cross the sea
And of peace and good fortune for my brothers and me
So we parted from townland with much weeping and pain
'Kissed the loved ones and the friends we would
ne'er see again.
The vessel was crowded with desperate folk
The escape from past hardship sustaining their hope
But as the last glimpse of Ireland faded into the mist
Each one fought back tears and felt strangely alone.

The seas roared in anger, making desperate our plight
And a fever came o'er me that worsened next night
Then delirium possessed me and clouded my mind
And I for a moment saw that land left behind.
I could hear in the distance my dear mother's wailing
And the prayers of three brothers that I'd see no more
And I felt father's tears as he begged for forgiveness
For seeking a new life on the still distant shore.

Oh please ne'er forget me though waves now lie o'er me
I was once young and pretty and my spirit ran free
But destiny tore me from country and loved ones
And from the new land I was never to see.

I think of my country every time I hear this, and should any like to listen with me:

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Tai Chi
Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 07:52 pm
The Emigrants Daughter is lovely, Letty. Are you originally from Ireland, then?
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Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 07:59 pm
Oh, no, Tai. I am a Virginian born and bred, but my ancestors on my mother's side go back to Wales. You see, dear, America is a nation of immigrants, and I love it that way.

I love your Canadian musicians as well. I know that you may not have met BoGoWo, but he is the one that introduced me to Diana Krall and Holly Cole.

Happy Remembrance Day to you and all you wonderful Canadians.
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Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 08:52 pm
and I will say goodnight with this song of Finland:


Finland, behold, thy daylight now is dawning,
the threat of night has now been driven away.
The skylark calls across the light of morning,
the blue of heaven lets it have its way,
and now the day the powers of night is scorning:
thy daylight dawns, O Finland of ours!

Finland, arise, and raise towards the highest
thy head now crowned with mighty memory.
Finland, arise, for to the world thou criest
that thou hast thrown off thy slavery,
beneath oppression´s yoke thou never liest.
Thy morning´s come, O Finland of ours!

Jean Sibelius.

From Letty with love
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Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2006 10:55 pm
Dedicating this one to Gustav Ratzenhoffer

If you see a faded sign by the side of the road that says
15 miles to the... Love Shack! Love Shack yeah
I'm headin' down the Atlanta highway, lookin' for the love getaway
Heading for the love getaway, love getaway,
I got me a car, it's as big as a whale and we're headin' on down
To the Love Shack
I got me a Chrysler, it seats about 20
So hurry up and bring your jukebox money

The Love Shack is a little old place where we can get together
Love Shack baby, Love Shack bay-bee.
Love baby, that's where it's at, Ooo love baby, that's where it's at

Sign says.. Woo... stay away fools, 'cause love rules at the Love Shack!
Well it's set way back in the middle of a field,
Just a funky old shack and I gotta get back

Glitter on the mattress
Glitter on the highway
Glitter on the front porch
Glitter on the hallway

The Love Shack is a little old place where we can get together
Love Shack baby! Love Shack, that's where it's at!
Huggin' and a kissin', dancin' and a lovin', wearin' next to nothing
Cause it's hot as an oven
The whole shack shimmies! The whole shack shimmies when everybody's
Movin' around and around and around!
Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby!
Folks linin' up outside just to get down
Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby
Funky little shack! Funky little shack!

Hop in my Chrysler, it's as big as a whale and it's about to set sail!
I got me a car, it seats about 20
So hurry up and bring your jukebox money.

Bang bang bang on the door baby! Knock a little louder sugar!
Bang bang bang on the door baby! I can't hear you!
Bang Bang! On the door baby!
Bang Bang! On the door!
Bang Bang! On the door baby!
Bang Bang! On the door!
Your what?... Tin roof, rusted!
Love Shack, baby Love Shack!
Love Shack, baby Love Shack!
Love Shack, baby Love Shack!
Love Shack, baby Love Shack!
Love baby, that's where it's at
Huggin' and a kissin', dancin' and a lovin' at the love shack

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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 06:16 am
Good morning, WA2K listeners and contributors. First, let me thank dadpad on behalf of Gus for that wonderful dedication. Such a lovely folk song, Aussie. We all appreciate it. Razz

Last evening, Tai Chi informed us that it was Remembrance Day in Canada, and today, I would like to remind our listeners that it is Veteran's Day in the U.S. of A.

Armistice Day Becomes Veterans Day
World War I officially ended on June 28, 1919, with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. The actual fighting between the Allies and Germany, however, had ended seven months earlier with the armistice, which went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918. Armistice Day, as November 11 became known, officially became a holiday in the United States in 1926, and a national holiday 12 years later. On June 1, 1954, the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor all U.S. veterans.
In 1968, new legislation changed the national commemoration of Veterans Day to the fourth Monday in October. It soon became apparent, however, that November 11 was a date of historic significance to many Americans. Therefore, in 1978 Congress returned the observance to its traditional date.

Salute to all our Veterans with appreciation for what you gave at such a great price.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 06:21 am
Some people say I'm a no 'count
Others say I'm no good
But I'm just a nat'ral born travellin' man
Doin' what I think should, oh yeah
Doin' what I think should

When I was a little baby my mama said, hey son
Travel where you will and grow to be a man
But sing what must be sung, poor boy Sing what must be sung

And I don't give a damn about a greenback dollar
I spend it fast as I can
For a wailing song and a good guitar
The only things that I understand, poor boy
The only things that I understand


Now that I'm a grown man
I've travelled here and there
I found that a jug of brandy and a song
Are the only ones who care, poor boy
The only ones who care
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 06:43 am
Good morning, dys. Thanks for the traveling song, cowboy, and salute to you, Vet.

Here's a funny tea song, if that's what you are having this morning.

» Pennyroyal Tea

I'm on my time with everyone
I have very bad posture

Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty

Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld
So I can sigh enternally

I'm so tired I can't sleep
I'm anemic royalty
I'm a liar and a thief
I'm anemic royalty

I'm on warm milk and laxatives
Cherry-flavored antacids

Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
I'm anemic royalty
I'm anemic royalty

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 08:39 am
Good morning. Have you met…
Kinks lyrics
I met her in a club down in old soho
Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola
C-o-l-a cola
She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said lola
L-o-l-a lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

Well Im not the worlds most physical guy
But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
Oh my lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola
Well Im not dumb but I cant understand
Why she walked like a woman and talked like a man
Oh my lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

Well we drank champagne and danced all night
Under electric candlelight
She picked me up and sat me on her knee
And said dear boy wont you come home with me
Well Im not the worlds most passionate guy
But when I looked in her eyes well I almost fell for my lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola
Lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

I pushed her away
I walked to the door
I fell to the floor
I got down on my knees
Then I looked at her and she at me

Well thats the way that I want it to stay
And I always want it to be that way for my lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo lola
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
Its a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo lola

Well I left home just a week before
And Id never ever kissed a woman before
But lola smiled and took me by the hand
And said dear boy Im gonna make you a man

Well Im not the worlds most masculine man
But I know what I am and Im glad Im a man
And so is lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 08:48 am
Love it, Try, and I can see why you might be shocked. Here's an answer:

Whatever Lola Wants Lyrics

Whatever Lola wants
Lola gets
And little man, little Lola wants you
Make up your mind to have no regrets
Recline yourself, resign yourself, you're through
I always get what I aim for
And your heart'n soul is what I came for

Whatever Lola wants
Lola gets,
Take off your coat
Don't you know you can't win?
You're no exception to the rule,
I'm irresistible, you fool, give in!...Give in!...Give in!

Hello, Joe
It's me
He hits so far
-hold on-that's you
Poo poo pa doop

I always get what I aim for
And you heart'n soul is what I came for
...Lola wants
...Lola gets
...You'll never win
I'm irresistible, you fool,
Give in...Give in...Give in.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 08:56 am
David Frizzell

You're The Reason God Made Oklahoma

There's a full moon over Tulsa and I hope that it's shining on you
Nights are gettin' colder here in Cherokee County there's a blue norther passin' through
I remember green eyes and a rancher's daughter but remember is all that I do
Losin' you left a purty good cowboy, with nothin' to hold on to.

Sundown came and I drove to town to drink a drink or two
You're the reason God made Oklahoma, you're the reason God made Oklahoma
And I'm sure missin' you. And I'm sure missin' you.

Out here the city lights outshine the moon I was just now thinkin' of you
Sometimes when the wind blows you can see the mountains and all the way to Malibu
Everyone's a star here in L.A. county you ought to see the things that they do
All the cowboys down on the Sunset Strip, wishin' they could be like you.

Santa Monica Freeway sometimes makes a country girl blue
You're the reason God made Oklahoma, you're the reason God made Oklahoma
And I'm sure missin' you

I worked ten hours on a John Deere tractor, just thinkin' of you all day
Got a calico cat and a two-room flat on a street in West L.A.
You're the reason God made Oklahoma, you're the reason God made Oklahoma
And I'm sure missin' you. And I'm sure missin' you.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 09:07 am
Great song, edgar, especially the line about the calico cat. <smile>

there's a cat on the steps
and I sure could use a lesson from her
she got sly yellow eyes
she got three-coloured crazy-quilt fur
she slinks and creeps, she leaps and she teases
but whatever she does, she does just as she pleases
ooh she's the calico cat

when she's feeling lazy,
she just stretches out in the sun
oh but when she's feeling crazy
she got all the local dogs on the run
she's lean and mean, she's a backyard queen
and she looks out for number one
and nobody can break her heart

on those hot summer nights
all the toms come 'round to woo her
but she turns up her nose
'cause they don't mean a damn thing to her
well she'll pick them over when she's in the mood
but when she's not, look out,
she ain't afraid to be rude
ooh she's the calico cat

when she's feelin' lazy
ooh she's the calico cat

This one looks like my calico cat, Big Mamma. <smile>

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 12:52 pm
Good afternoon WA2K.

I'm chuckling at Big Momma. I wouldn't want to tangle with her. Laughing

Some of today's birthday celebs:

Remembering Robert Ryan and Jonathan Winters:


and wishing a Happy 46th to Stanley Tucci; 44th to Demi Moore and 32nd to Leonardo DiCaprio:

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 01:07 pm
Well, there's our Raggedy with a great collage of celeb's. Love 'em all, PA.

Incidentally, gal. My Big Mamma was one smart cat. She really, and I mean REALLY played the piano. Nope, it wasn't "Kitten on the Keys, " either. She sat at the end of the keyboard and delicately touched several of the notes with one paw. Talk about dissonant and eerie. I heard it one early morning and I froze. Another time, I got up early and heard someone using the downstairs bathroom. I froze then as well, because my husband was still in bed. It was Big Mamma. I made the mistake of giving her to my daughter, and as cats will do, she tried to find her way home, and that is the last I saw of her.

I think we know most of those stars, gal, but I, for one, am not familiar with Stanley Tucci.

I loved the comedy of Jonathan Winters. I hope BioBob comes along soon, cause I want to read about Jonathan.

I'll wait to comment later in hopes that the hawkman is able to fly.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 01:33 pm
Love that Big Mamma story, Letty. Very Happy Sorry that she never made it back to see you, though. I'm trying to recall where I saw a program recently that mentioned a cat that liked to play piano. Hey, I wonder if that was Big Mamma.

And here's Stanley Tucci's bio. I saw him recently in The Devil Wears Prada (Meryl Streep), a fun movie.

Stanley Tucci is an American actor, writer, producer and film director.

An Italian-American, he was born on November 11, 1960 in Katonah, New York, and studied at SUNY Purchase, from which he graduated in 1982.

Tucci made his Broadway debut in The Queen and the Rebels on September 30, 1982 and his film debut in 1985's Prizzi's Honor. Tucci is known for his work in films such as Kiss of Death, Road to Perdition, and Big Night, and in the television series Murder One. Big Night (1996), which he co-wrote with his cousin, Joseph Tropiano, starred in, and directed with Campbell Scott, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. The film also featured his sister, Christine Tucci, and mother, who wrote a cookbook for the film. Tucci is often cast as a heartless bureacrat, a mean-spirited character, or the 'bad guy', yet by accounts he is an approachable and affable person.

He as been nominated twice for Golden Globes, and won both times -- for his title role in Winchell (1998), and for his supporting role as Adolph Eichmann in Conspiracy (2001), both for HBO films. He also received a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination for Winchell. He was nominated for Broadway's Tony Award as Best Actor in a Play for his role as Johnny in the 2002 revival of Terrence McNally's Frankie and Johnny in the Claire de Lune.

On November 14, 2006, Tucci's latest TV series, the medical drama 3 Lbs., will debut on CBS in the 10 p.m. timeslot, replacing the canceled series Smith.

Tucci lives in Westchester County, New York with his wife, Kate, and their three children, twins Isabel and Nicolo, and Camilla. His sister is actress Christine Tucci and his cousin is the screenwriter Joseph Tropiano.

In addition to his acting profession, Tucci is co-owner of the Finch Tavern restaurant in Croton Falls, New York.[1]

Selected Film Acting Credits
Cat Tale (2008) (pre-production) (voice) .... Simon
The Tale of Despereaux (2007) (pre-production) (attached) .... Boldo
3 lbs. (2006) TV Series (filming) .... Dr. Douglas Hanson
Four Last Songs (2006) (post-production) .... Larry
The Hoax (2006) (completed) .... Shelton Fisher
The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
Lucky Number Slevin (2006)
Robots (2005)
Shall We Dance? (2004)
The Terminal (2004)
The Core (2003)
Road to Perdition (2002)
Conspiracy (2001)
America's Sweethearts (2001)
The Whole Shebang(2001)
In Too Deep (1999)
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999)
The Impostors (1998)
Life During Wartime (1997)
Deconstructing Harry (1997)
Big Night (1996)
The Daytrippers (1996)
Jury Duty (1995)
Kiss of Death (1995)
Murder One (1995)
The Pelican Brief (1993)
Undercover Blues (1993)
Prelude to a Kiss (1992)
Beethoven (1992)
Slaves of New York (1989)
Monkey Shines (1988)
Who's That Girl? (1987)
Prizzi's Honor (1985)

Film Directing Credits
Joe Gould's Secret (2000)
The Impostors (1998)
Big Night (1996)
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 01:47 pm
Thanks, Raggedy. (hope that was my kitty cat) <smile> I saw "Prizzi's Honor". One weird movie, as I recall.

I also found out some amazing info on Jonathan Winters; one being that he was a painter of abstract art.

An accomplished abstract painter.

Served in the Marines during World War II.

Wrote a collection of short stories entitled "Winters Tales".

Was voluntarily institutionalized twice in his life (and even made light of it in his stand-up comic act).

Has painted a series of abstractionist artwork which was collected into a book titled "Hang Ups".

Considered by many to be one of the finest improvisational comics ever.

Very close friend of Robin Williams (the two paired up for the TV show "Mork & Mindy" (1978) with much of their material ad-libbed).

Mr. Winters made his semi-annual visit to the "Hollywood Collectors & Celebrities Show" for an autograph session and to meet his fans.

According to the book Tomorrow I Die, Jonathan Winters appeared in the short film "Screen Test of Mike Hammer" as a wino. This short film also featured Jack Stang and Betty Ackerman. Stills are found in the aforementioned book.

He is of Native American ancestry.

He was awarded The Annual Kennedy Centre Mark Twain Prize.

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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 02:48 pm
cat story
visited friends yesterday . walter is in a seniors' home after he had a severe stroke a year ago . he is getting somewhat mobile again thanks to an electric wheel-chair . luckily walter has all his faculties , so we can always have a good chat .
else , his wife , has a condo just a stone-throw away , so she can visit her husband regularly .

o.k. , getting to the cat - or mr. GUS as he is called .
when i arrived at the codo , mr gus was not there . else had started housecleaning in the morning , and gus had demanded to be let out - too noisy for him .
since she lives on the groundfloor , gus usually goes for a walk once or twice a day . now he even brings a "visitor" back with him on occasion (another cat !) , and he lets the other at share his food with him ! (that's pretty unusual i think) .
after i had been there for a while , gus appeared at the patio-door , inspected things by peeking through the door , and decided that it was now o.k. to return .
so i let him in , he quickly marched through all the rooms , apparently he approved of the job else had done .
i was allowed to scratch his belly before he marched over to his various foodbowls to help himself to a tasty spread .
one funny cat !
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