WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 01:21 pm
Hey, Try, nice try. I always referred to Kickycan as K.c, and the sunshine band. Don't think that is the right one either.

Well, listeners, while I look, let's have a lovely painting from our art secion of WA2K:


Yesterday, a friend of mine was telling me about seeing this one in Vegas.
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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 01:33 pm
Gare Saint Lazare, by Monet.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 01:40 pm
Letty wrote:

Yesterday, a friend of mine was telling me about seeing this one in Vegas.

Since I've seen that picture in Chicago and ealier, the train was leaving from a different platform :wink:

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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 01:41 pm
Thanks, Francis, for having a look. Is that the same thing as Notre Dame Cathedral? That painting is so captivating. As I stood in my dry yard last evening and watched the beginning of the sunset with its pinks, greys and shades of dark, in my mind, I compared that to this painting. I never cared for Monet until now.

Well, folks, we attempt to do it all here in our little studio.
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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 01:44 pm
Not at all, Miss Letty, Gare Saint Lazare is a railway station in Paris.
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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 01:45 pm
Walter, Welcome back. Hey, Germany. I appreciate your having showed us another view. My friend told me that Monet rented an apartment across from Notre Dame and spent around six months completing his impression of the cathedral, hence the blues and pinks in the background.
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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 02:04 pm
Art and music, listeners, both the product of divergent thinking.

Here is the man of which I spoke:

Aviance performs in drag but was "dressed like a boy" when he was attacked. He had planned to take part in next week's Gay Pride parade and festivities, but will now be unable to perform, the publicist said.

Other popular songs by the singer have included "Give It Up," released in 2004, and "Din Da Da," which topped the Billboard dance chart in 1997.
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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 03:16 pm
My apologies for being so late. Clear blue sky, fresh air and a hearty appetite sent me venturing with my daughter this fine day.

Here's Richard Todd: (I liked him in The Hasty Heart with Patricia Neal, but I am very prejudiced about Robin Hood. Errol Flynn was Robin Hood. Very Happy
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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 03:31 pm
Ah, folks, there's our dilatory Raggedy. Thanks for the great picture of Richard Todd, PA. Don't blame you one bit for walking with your daughter. What a wonderful thing to do, honey. As usual, my sister tuned me in to Hasty Heart because she had a queen sized crush on the man. Razz

Wanted to take a walk to the beach myself, but it was too hot and muggy, and now, in the words of Winston Churchill, there is a gathering storm.
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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 03:57 pm
The Gathering Storm
Overture ~
A Garden In Vienna 1765

Madame Antoine, Madame Antoine
Kings, Sticks And Birds
Honest Bird, Simple Bird
I Want To Be King
Let Us Break All The Shields
The Grievances Of The People
France In Disarray
To Laugh Is To Know How To Live
Slavers, Landlords, Bigots At Your Door
The Fall Of The Bastille
To Freeze In The Dead Of Night
So To The Streets In The Pouring Rain
Dances And Marches
Now Hear Ye!
Flushed With Wine
The Letter
My Dear Cousin Bourbon Of Spain
The Ship Of State Is All At Sea
Silver, Sugar And Indigo
To The Windward Isles
The Papal Edict
In Paris There's A Rumble Under The Ground
The Fugitive King
But The Marquis Of Boulli Has A Trump Card Up His Sleeve
To Take Your Hat Off
The Echoes Never Fade From That Fusillade
The Commune De Paris
Vive La Commune De Paris
The National Assembly Is Confused
The Execution Of Louis Capet
Adieu Louis For You It's Over
Marie Antoinette - The Last Night On Earth
Adieu My Good And Tender Sister
And In The Bushes Where They Survive
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 04:07 pm
Try, that is one fabulous song. I can't seem to find anything on the net.

Where in the world did you get those lyrics.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 04:37 pm
may i post a picture too ?
we like the canadian painter (born a dutchman) 'cornelius krieghoff'
who painted scenes of country life .
he was a rather poor man and sold his paintings for a pittance - sometimes for a meal or a bottle of whisky .
now his paintings sell for large amounts of money and are exhibited by the national art gallery of canada .
since we can't afford an original of krieghoff , we bought a printing of one of his paintings from the national gallery for our enjoyment .


(our life is not quite as rugged any more ! Smile
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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 04:52 pm
Well, there's our hamburger. No you may not show us a picture. <smile>

Ah, that is lovely, Canada. Once in a while I see the "starving artists" exhibition here. It's always the ones who die that people seem to covet. Too bad, really. Isn't it Guggenheim whose gallery feature artists who are alive?

Speaking of artists, folks. Our JLNobody and wife are back from their European tour. Such a relief to know that they are safe.

Poetry and Paintings speak the same language.

Robert William Service - Artist

He gave a picture exhibition,
Hiring a little empty shop.
Above its window: FREE ADMISSION
Cajoled the passers-by to stop;
Just to admire - no need to purchase,
Although his price might have been low:
But no proud artist ever urges
Potential buyers at his show.

Of course he badly needed money,
But more he needed moral aid.
Some people thought his pictures funny,
Too ultra-modern, I'm afraid.
His painting was experimental,
Which no poor artist can afford-
That is, if he would pay the rental
And guarantee his roof and board.

And so some came and saw and sniggered,
And some a puzzled brow would crease;
And some objected: "Well, I'm jiggered!"
What price Picasso and Matisse?
The artist sensitively quivered,
And stifled many a bitter sigh,
But day by day his hopes were shivered
For no one ever sought to buy.

And then he had a brilliant notion:
Half of his daubs he labeled: SOLD.
And lo! he viewed with queer emotion
A public keen and far from cold.
Then (strange it is beyond the telling),
He saw the people round him press:
His paintings went - they still are selling...
Well, nothing succeeds like success.
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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 05:05 pm
i've never heard this song being sung , but the lyrics are just killing me !
hope you all enjoy it !
(any song written by "three dead trolls in a baggie" surely must be a winner !)

The Canada Song
Written by Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie

Between the ice caps of the north pole,
and the states of America,
there is a country in the middle that is known as Canada
Where the natives are all happy,
and the lakes are fresh and clean,
there is no unemployment,
and no one is mean.

In the summer there's no mosquitos,
and the winters are never cold.
There is no clear-cut logging,
and no ozone hole.

Oh Canada, your leaders are so swell.
In Canada, no one ever goes to Hell.

No criminals or taxes, and Visa never phones.
Elvis is alive in Moosejaw, but we leave him alone (thankyouverymuch)

'cause we're in Canada, whose army is so strong.
In Canada, no one has to mow their lawn!

No waiting for the busses, no standing in a line.
The banks are all nonprofit, and the dollar moves at
ninety-nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine (That's American, ya know)

So shout Canada (Canada!)
The courts are always fair.

So shout Canada (Canada!)
Whose mechanics never ever swear
(Oh, I put my finger on the darned manifold, ooh, that's hot!)

The rednecks and the hippies live in perfect harmony,
growing wheat and marijuana together, hydroponically.
Nobody has pimples, and the skies are all so clear,
and when Jesus Christ comes back to Earth,
I know he'll be born here.

The phone line's never busy, and you're never put on hold,
Canada's a country carved entirely from gold.

Oh in Canada, everyone says please.
In Canada, no one ever cuts the cheese.

Oh Canada, Oh Canadaaaa
The country of love is the country for me
starts with a "C".
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 05:15 pm
That pretty well says it, buddy. Do you know this one:

Girl In Saskatoon : .

I left a little town
A little south of Hudson Bay
I couldn't find a thing, to make a rounder want to stay
I fought the wind across the baren waste in the crystal doom
Going for to marry the girl in Saskatoon

I'm glad I realized that no one could take her place
My heart was beating for her like the winter beat my face
But knowing that I'd see her made my spirit bright as June
I'm freezing but I'm burning for the girl in Saskatoon

South and West and following the cold December sun
I bedded down in the Carragana when my daily trek was done
Then up and pressing onward by the light of the morning moon
A prodical returning to the girl in Saskatoon

Then I found the trail that had packed beneath the snow
I made the final miles where the prairie lillies grow
The steeple on a church glistened by the prairie moon
I'm freezing but I'm burning for the girl in Saskatoon

My journey was forgotten
When I held her in my arms
My wonderlust was stiffled
By possesion of her charms
And even beneath the steeple
Where we couldn't wait till June
I found eternal spring with the girl in Saskatoon
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 05:16 pm
"Where in the world did you get those lyrics."

Maybe it was from my private collection, on the other hand, perhaps it was fromÂ…

Bruce Springsteen LYRICS

Tonight my bag is packed
Tomorrow I'll walk these tracks
That will lead me across the border

Tomorrow my love and I
Will sleep 'neath auburn skies
Somewhere across the border

We'll leave behind my dear
The pain and sadness we found here
And we'll drink from the Bravo's muddy waters

Where the sky grows grey and white
We'll meet on the other side
There across the border

For you I'll build a house
High up on a grassy hill
Somewhere across the border

Where pain and memory
Pain and memory have been stilled
There across the border

And sweet blossoms fills the air
Pastures of gold and green
Roll down into cool clear waters

And in your arms 'neath the open skies
I'll kiss the sorrow from your eyes
There across the border

Tonight we'll sing the songs
I'll dream of you my corazon
And tomorrow my heart will be strong

And may the saints' blessing and grace
Carry me safely into your arms
There across the border

For what are we
Without hope in our hearts
That someday we'll drink from God's blessed waters

And eat the fruit from the vine
I know love and fortune will be mine
Somewhere across the border
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 05:31 pm
No doubt about it, Try. Bruce is proud to be an American. Great song, buddy, thanks.

from the pen:

Shall I paint a Picture
That tugs at the soul?
Showing nature
Without dole.

Shall I display life's best
That feels like a home?
Showing us rest
Fields to roam.

Shall you observe its flair
That's not in a haze?
Showing no care
Rejects craze.

Shall I display cute deer
That play a fun game?
Showing no fear
Creatures tame.

Shall you see these bowers
That reveals the bloom?
Showing flowers
Without gloom.

Shall you see blissfulness
A much better earth?
Showing stillness
Warmth of hearth.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 05:38 pm
i don't know the 'girl from saskatoon' ... but i know the story of the young german immigrant and the girl from 'regina , sask" .
the young german had immigrated to canada and settled in regina .
he kept writing letters to his mother and on the back of the envelope he placed his name and adress (being 'regina , sask ').
(i should add here that in germany 'regina' was quite a popular girl's name).
so after a few months his mother writes to him :
dear son ,
you have been living with this girl regina for some months now ; don't you think it's about time you two got engaged ?
your loving mother
ps. give my best to regina Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 05:50 pm
hamburger, Love it! it sounds as though Mamma knew this Victoria Regina.

The Bells and Queen Victoria


"GAY go up and gay go down
To ring the Bells of London Town."
When London Town's asleep in bed
You'll hear the Bells ring overhead.
In excelsis gloria!
Ringing for Victoria,
Ringing for their mighty mistress-ten years dead!

Here is more gain than Gloriana guessed-
Than Gloriana guessed or Indies bring-
Than golden Indies bring. A Queen confessed-
A Queen confessed that crowned her people King.
Her people King, and crowned all Kings above,
Above all Kings have crowned their Queen their love-
Have crowned their love their Queen, their Queen their love!

Denying her, we do ourselves deny,
Disowning her are we ourselves disowned.
Mirror was she of our fidelity,
And handmaid of our destiny enthroned;
The very marrow of Youth's dream, and still
Yoke-mate of wisest Age that worked her will!

Our fathers had declared to us her praise-
Her praise the years had proven past all speech.
And past all speech our loyal hearts always,
Always our hearts lay open, each to each-
Therefore men gave the treasure of their blood
To this one woman-for she understood!

Four o' the clock! Now all the world is still.
Oh, London Bells, to all the world declare
The Secret of the Empire-read who will!
The Glory of the People-touch who dare!

Power that has reached itself all kingly powers,
St. Margaret's: By love o'erpowered-
St. Martin's: By love o'erpowered-
St. Clement Danes: By love o'erpowered,
The greater power confers!

For we were hers, as she, as she was ours,
Bow Bells: And she was ours-
St. Paul's: And she was ours-
Westminister: And she was ours,
As we, even we, were hers!

As we were hers!

0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 06:18 pm
Bruce Springsteen LYRICS

I'm standing in the backyard
Listening to the party Inside
Tonight I'm drinkin' in the forgiveness
This life provides
The scars we carry remain but the pain slips away it seems
Oh won't you baby be in my book of dreams

I'm watchin' you through the window
With your girlfriends from back home
You're showin' off your dress
There's laughter and a toast
From your daddy to the prettiest bride he's ever seen
Oh won't you baby be in my book of dreams

In the darkness my fingers slip across your skin
I feel your sweet reply
The room fades away and suddenly I'm way up high
Just holdin' you to me
As through the window the moonlight streams
Oh won't you baby be in my book of dreams

Now the ritual begins
'Neath the wedding garland we meet as strangers
The dance floor is alive with beauty
Mystery and danger
We dance out 'neath the stars' ancient light into the darkening trees
Oh won't you baby be in my book of dreams
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