Wed 1 Dec, 2004 10:41 pm
In the day when I was drawing a regular paycheck, one of my regular duties was assisting in the writing of state legislation pertaining to children's rights/legal issues and I was constantly reminded that "liberal" ideas regarding children's right vs parents rights was taboo because christians who vote, voiced strong demands that parents rights superceded all childrens rights. Ok, that's a historically valid position but I was unable to get legistlative language that codified death of a child caused by a parent to be legally other than "death as a result of child abuse" when I was attempting to enter the code as being 'murder" Now this my seem insignificant to most but to me it was very significant as I was responsible to convince D.A.s that they should risk their careers by filing muder charges against parents whom (it seemed) deemed it a parental right to discipline in whatever manner they seemed fit. The rights of the child (prior to birth) seemed denied after-birth.
What a job, dys! Guess you didn't sleep much at night, huh?
Have attitudes/laws changed since then? A little, even?
Msolga, I asked Dys about that and he doesn't think the laws have changed. If it was in Children's court, murder was not one of the options for prosecutors. Think it doesn't make sense? Was the child murdered? Yes, to both questions.
It is disheartening when you realize how ineffective many of the laws are in relation to children.
So the Children's court bears little resemblance to what goes on in Judging Amy, Diane? :wink:
I agree, a murder is a murder, no matter what the age of the victim.
Ah, Judging Amy. If only...
Not intending to change the subject at all, but I see much the same thing in the treatment of old people, particularly when in the care of nursing homes, but many other instances too.