hey everyone - I just got home and off to sleep - will read up later
good job husker. get some sleep dude.
Yes, take a rest husker, and I'm glad your home again.
What an ordeal to go through.
All the best to you!
Wow! That stay didn't last long! Great, you're home!
I guess all those good thoughts & prayers worked!
I'm sure you'll still be on meds, etc. for awhile, but at least you can get some uninterrupted rest now. And decent food. Right?
If you have any pain killers left over, husker, send them to me.
Yay Husker! You're getting the hang of this. Now, let's hope that means you're about to be all-together done with it.
Yeah I still have some healing to do and a bunch of pills to take. When I called my Mrs at 7:30 am and said come get me she about flipped out.
Like how could I change that much in like 18 hours, according to her and a couple or nurses I have this glazed look expression yesterday- I said yeah right - I was just tired and frustrated.
About 5:15am this morning the gentleman in the next room over passed away - but they didn't tell me due to the HIPPA laws, I could hear enough going on there to know it was a tough ending. Last thing I remember him saying was "HelpMe" - very sad. I was pretty impressive the amount of people there to help in whatever the situation was.
That takes me to the thought that everytime I get one of these episodes these are truly life threating events.
You guys don't know how much your thoughts, prayers, emails, and telephone calls mean.
I think I finally found a place to get the internet in the hospital but lets say I'm not in any hurry to see if I can get a pass to use it.
Hospitals are a place to
get a procedure
take large amounts of drugs legally
try and heal
not get alot of sleep
and hell to a stomach sleeper with an IV
gustavratzenhofer wrote:If you have any pain killers left over, husker, send them to me.
Gus I'm using them right now for my migraine - normally my migraines are in control but with the crap in my system the past two days - my systems is a little unbalanced - sorry dude not sharing right now.
Aw.... stay cool, keep the light dim, rest and heal.....
Did you see farmerman's questions about what your doctors should investigate?
lemme look I forgot
oh one addition this my fever blisters from earlier in the week erupted now - yuck
wandeljw wrote:Husker,
Did you see farmerman's questions about what your doctors should investigate?
like this time there was no staph that shoulded up when they cultured
and this last time I must have heard MRSA 25 times if not more by the nurses, and on the outside of my room they have the contact warning signs - cause they didn't know what I had.