fbaezer wrote:Isn't Putin's unbending position towards terrorism what really matters to the US government?
Can we expect more than pro-democracy lip service from the Bush administration?
That seemed a little uncharacteristically cynical for you, fbaezer. No one wants Russia to morph back into what it was. I know Russia is a notable point of discussion on the NS briefings now. It is a tight rope to walk-- you wonder if Putin's just massaging some hardliner egos with this bold stuff--or if he's being egged on by Chirac or other world players, who can't tolerate Bush's lonely position at the top-- or if the Russians just can't make it work, and want things the way they were.
So, what's a President to do? Completely wreck what has been a good relationship with the US for a decade--over what may be nothing? Or come out with both barrels (public censure--which may ruin the relationship)? We do need him working with us re terrorism. Can you imagine if he went rogue again and helped the terrorists?
Scenario I don't even want to think about.