Yes, msolga, that one. Eeek and yucky.......
The recovery of the lips? I can understand that!
Yes, that bit, ulllllpppppppp.
I wonder what she looked like when the lips were sewn back on?
I wonder if she felt quite the same about her darling precious after that?
Monday December 27, 2004
Police officers rescued a 35-year-old man in a mini-skirt found wedged head-first in a charity clothing bin in the Sydney suburb of Surry Hills early yesterday. The man said he got stuck while donating clothes.
Yeah, sure, sure ....
The dogs that raided the kitchen and the ring leader was a lurcher named Red.
I own an English Lurcher Greyhound named Angel. She could roll over and disconnect her leash from her collar. And you know greyhounds, once they are loose, there is no catching them. We broke her to harness and now she can't do that any more.
We also have a fence in our backyard, a 5 foot chainlink fence with an 8 foot board privacy fence inside of it. The two fences are about a foot and a half apart. We were taking down the board fence and Angel decided she would explore. She got stuck about 30 feet from the end where she entered. We heard her scratching and whimpering (she will not bark). My son stood at the end and called to her. To our surprise, she looked over her shoulder at my son and then put her nose almost on the ground and backed out. We were amazed. A less intelligent dog would have panicked, torn down the fence and severely injured himself trying to get out.
She still never ceases to amaze us with her intelligence and her personality.