Thu 18 Nov, 2004 03:04 pm
I'm writing a paper about literacy which is almost done, however I have been having some problems with the multicultural literacy paragraph, as an internationl student I thought it'd be great to include some of my personal ideas on it, however I would also like to include something like... What kind of Multicultural literacy universities in United States offer, how can American prepare their kids to adapt to a multicultural society.
If you have any kind of personal idea, experience, comment or whatever about it please post here, it'd be a HUGE help
well, I live in Canada so I wouldn't know about the states. But Canada is bilingual(english&french) and VERY multicutural (people here are from over 200 countries or more I think), so if any Americans plan on living in Canada for awhile,they should definitely adapt to the multicultural society. And for kids, to help them, parents should probably talk to them a lot about racism,ethinism(spelt wrong) etc.
hope this helped.