Thank you for the compliments.
Yes, I wrote this one as I do all my submissions. I do not plagerize ANY poems nor do I even utilize one sentence or word of any one else's.
Yes, as with all my poems and or writings, (I feel) there is profound and in-depth meanings contained within. I have tapped a "source" for my poems and writings that I am both, humbled and grateful to transmit them to others. As such, I have also written numerous books from spirituality, to mystery/comedy and I have even translated Crop Circles. These books are published on the internet with "Reports Unlimited." The web site is
www.reports-unlimited.com, if you are interested. Just click on my (real) name and it will show you my other writings.
Also, I have written a book called, "Still Waters Run Deep," of which the publisher is currently working on to put on the site and it will be a FREE read for anyone interested.
I apologize if I OVER-explained my response to you, but I think there are others who may be interested as well.
Thank you again for your compliments and inquiry.
Peace be with you.