Sat 13 Nov, 2004 02:58 pm
I was just going through some other forums that allow posting for promotion (so it's work, not play) and someone had posted:
What's the new rule that can lose you your domain name???
Date: Saturday, 13 November 2004, at 3:14 p.m.
Do any of you know about the new rule that lets a company hijack domain names a lot more easily???
No one had answered yet, and it isn't a very busy forum, so in order to find out, thought I would ask ya'll if you know anything about this.
ICANN changed the rules of domain transfers so that registrars have to respect a domain name transfer regardless of whether the domain owner email is responded to.
This was aimed at smoothing out the way domains are transfered but it also opens up the possibility of easier domain name hijacking unlesss the domain is locked by the registrar.
So domain owners simply have to tell their resitrar to lock the domain and that's that.