Hey, I was away and never voted! Is it dead yet, is it dead yet? If not, I think 46 is the answer.
...said the person on page 47...lol.
You're going to have to up the ante, Clary.
Yes, isn't this the Natural History Museum? There are a lot of ex-living specimens on display.
Mon dieu...this will go on forever...the HORROR!!!!
Phoenix: *Hangs head in shame* I am ashamed.
Taliesin181- And don't ever forget it. It IS a horror, and one day we may be stuffed, and in some natural history museum, stared at by some snotty nosed baby ubermensch who will look down upon us as less than civilized beings.
Okay, since I'm insanely competitive, even on meaningless idiotic things like this, here's the new list of people who are still in the running...in order, no less!
Joe Nation--71
Your not insanely competitive.......................your just insane, period.
Paula, I couldn't agree more. Now are you going to guess or what? You too, Phoenix!
Is THIS a contest???? :wink:
HA! Yes, I love competition! Okay, I lost, but I still love it! At this rate, we will almost definitely break 100...maybe even 200...I don't know if I have the patience for this...oh what the hell, YEAH I DO!!!
Wait...are we supposed to guess again if we lose?
NO! Not yet at least. Wait a little while, then slip in a new guess when nobody's paying attention.
yes...only people that lose can guess again...I guess it's mandatory.
You know, this thread is really a metaphor for life. It's all just pointless drivel, you never know when or how it will all end, and in between there's just so much **** that doesn't matter at all. Pretty deep, huh?
Like a self-replicating virus...this thread threatens to paralyze the whole internet.
I'm working the numbers........