Keeping distance is in my nature lezzles, never had a run in with my neighbours yet because of noisy parties, only the roos complain as you can see by the nosy blighter on the picture.
I've got to find a photo I took a few winters ago of my neighbour shovelling snow off of his roof. I took the photo from inside the back bedroom of my house. We coulda shook hands if I'd opened the window back there.
I trust you had your curtains shut ehBeth, gee I couldn't live that close to someone else, but I suppose it could have its advantages too. Is that where the saying comes from, 'love thy neighbour'?
Still the enthusiastic lover of himself, eh?
Why don't you paint this sign on your bedroom-blind ehBeth?
dlowan wrote:
Still the enthusiastic lover of himself, eh?
I think he should get a late night tv show. Or something.
Who is this guy, practicing at home, for a night club performance or something?
Sounds as though he gives quite a performance. Tried laughing uproariously?? It's been known to get rid of flashers.
Lezzles what's happening in your neck of the woods, anything exiting? Would appear you have had experience with 'flashers', waiting for an answer from ehBeth to see if she has solved the problem. Our mutual friend is still communicating which makes me feel good. Your new watch keeping good time?
I guess after nearly ten years I've mostly adjusted to the 'problem'.
I've learned that turning on the bathroom light before I go in at night prevents most surprises from next door.
Almost ten years.... Talking about persistence, this guy obviously will never take no for an answer. He is very lucky not being my neighbor, he wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes!
Hanging a pair of garden shears in your window could perhaps tell him something or perhaps a photo of him taken from your window, in his glory tacked to a post or tree outside his house with a relevant caption?? - "this is what we have to put up with when we use our bathroom".
(Don't mind me I'm feeling somewhere between whimsical and dead vicious at present.)
And thank you Dutch, but our mutual friend is ignoring my existence.
Sorry to hear that Lezzles, perhaps she may have a change of heart in the future. Up to date with my Lovatts battles, have joined the Crossword Puzzle Club recently, and by golly they had a couple of beauties to solve in last couple of months. Took me ages to complete.
I got some sample puzzles from that club to try, but they seem to have a few typos. (And paying up front is a bit beyond me, so I thought I'd back off from them for a while.)
Did you ever do the the online Lovatts prize puzzles Lezzles? They were quite good, free to enter with money prizes for each puzzle. When they overhauled their site late last year this section disappeared, but they promised they would return one day! Well they seem to be still working on that but have a look at the following address, copy it, and keep an eye on it, this would appear (not certain though) to be Lovatts new prize puzzle site:
Thanks Dutch, will certainly give it a go! I have not visited the Lovatts site for some time, must get back to it.
Lezzles I have always assumed you possess a great sense of humour so I hope you don't mind I have entered your profile in the Celebrity/Famous Person thread. Once I read what Linkat had in mind I liked the idea, I hope many of the regulars will follow suit and provide some new form of entertainment to the threads.
i have never finished a crossword in my life but my forte' is sodoku
spelling is also not my forte
how do u spell sodoku? is that the right way?
I have noted your spelling leaves a lot to be desired soul_collector, have remarked about it somewhere else, nevertheless you're never to old to learn. I suggest you start doing ordinary crosswords where you will gain a lot of experience in spelling words correctly, also buy yourself a good dictionary to assist you with your puzzles. By the way "sodoku" is not spelt that way, it is "sudoku".