ok, you're really thinking this through!
Sorry Joe. You're just not the type of person I have undie pillow fights with.
I know this is a major letdown, and littlek was getting her camera ready. Sorry to you, too, littlek.
I hope the sting isn't too harsh.
It's just at the Catholic school I went to as a kid, the priests made to do this with them, and I didn't like it.
I'll bet the priests liked it.
Aw, poor slappy. I bet the little kid inside is still all torn up.
He sure is.
And he hates you all for suggesting being put in that situation again.
Unless of course, hot women are involved. Not priests or guys named "Joe."
How about if I let you win?
this thread must go on It must!
it must go where no thread has gone before
can it even come close to the word association thread?
Can you change your avatar again?
I can change my avatar almost constantly.
I'm in disguise right now so that my father won't recognize me on kicky's porn dilemna thread.
I just realized that I'm doing what my tagline recommends.
Cookie (Swedish Ginger Orange Thins)
Taliesin181's guess is coming up. We all have to stop posting at 43 pages for him to win. What do you think, people?
Geez, you guys are tough. Okay, SCREW Taliesin181! We're gonna take this baby as far as it'll go!
Interested in seeing more Shibari pics?
Well wait a minute, who does he want to make-out with?
willow_tl wrote:Interested in seeing more Shibari pics?
Hey, I forgot to go back and check that picture out, now that I'm home! I'll be back...