What more do you want? It was supercool. he was smiling and waving at people when the cameras weren't on. He seems like a great guy.
no snoozin' on the job oddsocks
hmmmmmm, i was just gonna call you hotrocks.
what's that all about?
(yawn) Worst that can happen., I can fail. If I'm not conscious even that won't matter. Sleep is a better hallucinogen than a lot of drugs.
That's a really cute avatar, EhBeth
Taliesin181 said 43 pages. We're getting close!!! Are you all also tingling with excitement? I wonder who he or she will want to make out with.
I haven't picked a number yet, is it to late?
Go ahead, Paula, I won't tell anybody.
wouldn't we get there a lot faster if we just
wouldn't we get there a lot faster if we just
wouldn't we get there a lot faster if we just
I say.........................I can't say right now.