Oooh, I just googled that...highly interesting, freaky stuff.
ain't the picture bitchin!
Not to change the subject, but I just saw AL PACINO!
He's filming a movie with Matthew Macconahey (I can't spell it) and they were doing a scene walking down the street! Pretty cool. And now, I just heard he's in the lobby of my building! Should I go down there?
I walked down the street behind him. Maybe I'll be in the movie! It's called "Two for The Money".
<speaks quickly> ooh-ooh, can I have your autograph? <stumbles while walking backwards> OUCH!
kicky, did you go downstairs? was he there?
I just got back. They are right at the entrance of my building. There are two director-style chairs in the lobby though with their names on them, so I'm sure they'll be coming back inside. I was down there for about ten minutes, and I saw them again outside, but they haven't come back into the lobby yet. I started to feel guilty about not being up here in case there is work to do though, so I had to come back up. The building is buzzing about it. Everybody is talking about it. Al F*cking Pacino! That is so cool!
I love pachino.
you lucky schmuck.....
Kicky, wait until he enters the lobby, and run in yelling "YOU'RE OUT OF ORDER! THIS WHOLE DAMN BUILDING IS OUT OF ORDER!" while ripping off your shirt, then guzzle a bottle of ketchup.
I'll give you a dollar.
I was thinking of going up to him, unzipping my pants, and saying, "Say hello to my little friend!"
Kicky, I thought you said you had a big friend, which is it?
Oy. You know that it's a line from a Pacino movie, right?
No I didn't. But if I was a guy I would not use it. Now, how big, I'm bored.
Oh my God! Scarface? Tony Montana? One of the best movies of all time? Pacino? How could you not have seen that movie?
6 and 1/16 inches.
Walk up to him and say
You..talking to me?
That's Deniro, Shewolfnm.