Reminds me, "The One Word Thread" on Abuzz went on for 2294 posts before, well, before Abuzz went down ... and all on one page too
Could be that Gus gets it right ... pity he wont ever benefit from it! ;-)
How many pages?
I think we're slowing down here.
You dont have to go that far to keep the thread alive, Phoenix ...
although if you want to, of course, who am I to begrudge you ...
Does anyone else have a sudden, unexplained craving for fudge?
I don't even like fudge.
I think we should have more discussion re: one-eyed avatars. They are reminiscent of keyhole peekers, voyeurs of the sort that usually are the authoresses of bodice-ripping novelettes, peeping thomasinas who regard us out of one jaundiced eye with something more than distain but less than respect.
No one on A2k fits this description, I am making it up while the chicken breasts brown in the saute pan.
hmmm, I could make fudge.....
Maybe we could peep through the keyhole while Joe makes chicken, and l'k gets the fudge ready.
what does one need for fudge? chocolate. sugar and....? oh, a candy thermometer, which I don't have.
You don't need a thermometer, you melt the chocolate and mix in the sugar, (just enought heat to keep things liquid) stir well till the granular look of the mixture starts to look shiny and smooth......mix in the nuts,,,,,,, pour while still hot and a little bubbly.
Try to keep me from spooning my share onto a saucer before it sets.
Pass the vanilla ice cream////////
Oh great, now everybody's talking about chocolate again...I'm lactose intolerant, dammit! Oh well, I'll just sit here and chomp on some Bocconcini.
Ain't no heavy cream in this chocolate. Just sugar and bittersweet chunks melted together. You can make sugar syrup if you have the time (water and sugar solution boiled to about half it's measure)..,, melt those chunks stir in the sugar, let it bubble but not burn. It's rough chocolate... no milk no cream..... just coco, chico.
Takes forever to set but mmmm
I think I'll toast some slivered almonds. We can drizzle them with some of that unset fudge.
That's the spirit!
Now what kinda spirits wouldja like wit yer almonds?
I don't know. I'm not a very refined gentleman. What goes with almond fudge?
a little brandy. Warmed by your hands on the glass.
Got no idea what the current subject of conversation is, but i think i'll add my random digression anyway.... what's the longest thread on A2k? Is there a limit? What happens if there are sooo very many posts that when u look at the number of replies on the menu type thing (i kno what i mean).. the number is too large to fit into the little gap?
Is the internet infinate.. or is it a mystery like the universe..? As it must be constantly expanding with all the new sites and suchlike being added... do u think that it might start.. erm... de-expanding.. and implode into itself...?
Oh lordy I just don't know what to think!
chocolate, almonds and a light red wine..... or an IPA.