maxdancona wrote:I think the GMO deniers present a great example of people who are rejecting science, but who are on the same side of the political spectrum that you are on. It is fundamentally dishonest to label a fight to silence a political stance by framing your objection as "science".
Not sure I understand your reasonning here. Yes, some people on the left demonize GMOs in an irrational way. I suppose you and I would agree that GMO is but a technique, a tool, and not any more demoniac than any other. Like for any tool, some applications appear to be bad ideas while others seem promissing or already useful. GR for instance is potentially a good idea. Whether it makes sense in farmers' fields or in the market remains to be seen.
Quote:I object to the parts of this thread that suggest that people who are labeled "deniers" in one issue lose credibility on any other issue.
I never said that.
Quote:People are complex, they believe different things for different reasons. All of them have the right to voice their opinion...
Nobody has the right to misrepresent anybody else's position though, and least of all mascarade and caricature the expert opinion of the most qualified scientists of the time in order to debase them in the public eye. That's where I draw the line. Our societies are scientifically and technologically complex. They rely on expertise to keep going. Democracy in this day and age requires that the electorate and their leaders be competently advised by the scientific community on complex subjects, such as GMOs or climate change. We cannot afford the present proliferation of anti-science messages and campaigns. It is dangerous for all.
If enough people don't vaccinate, desease pressure grows for the whole population.
If enough people doubt GW, we will never do much about it.
If enough people doubt the holocaust, we will have it again.