Oh! Olga
Not again!
Didn't you convert to Islam, or Judaism, or Buddhism - or something similar - or, if not, why not!
LIE, woman, LIE!!!!
margo wrote:Oh! Olga
Not again!
Didn't you convert to Islam, or Judaism, or Buddhism - or something similar - or, if not, why not!
LIE, woman, LIE!!!!
Yeah, yeah, again! I can't escape it! Trust me, I tried, margo, but was held hostage!
I swear I'm the only sane person in that family. But immediately after the visit I feel decidely unhinged for a bit.

I guess Christmas is my punishment for avoiding the crazy family stuff the other 364 days a year? At least I don't try so hard any more. Just try to sort of float through it.
Noddy, you're right. I won't feel guilty about the tree. I will be happy knowing that I've condensed Christmas down to a weekend instead of a month of shopping ad other foolishness. I love Christmas Eve and that's the time I go all out. I might even decorate the house that night. Just no tree, dagnabbit!
Good for you!
Today I reminded Mr. Noddy that this was the year we would be going O-U-T for a Christmas buffet someplace. His suggestion is that we get a pizza on the 24th and heat it up on the 25th. If necessary, I'll accept this as the price of not cooking.
Actually, he's sure we'll be able to order a fresh pizza on Christmas Day. He's given up on Santa, but he still believes that Mrs. Claus is willing to work overtime in the Merry & Bright department.
Hold your dominion.
Happy pepperoni and mushroom, Noddy.
Strive for something better than pizza, Noddy! Afterall,
you cooked all those Chrismas dinners for years & years, & years .... Heck, Mr N should treat you to a meal you'd
really enjoy! Please tell him I said so.

Thanks for the good wishes.
Mr. Noddy has become a very conservative eater and the idea of spending money for a lavish buffet--where he might not like the food--is not a festive notion for him.
I'll be lucky to talk him into two toppings on the pizza, but he'll be the one to suggest paper plates.
I bet Cinderella never had to compromise her holiday plans--although anything would have been better than huddling the the ashes of the kitchen fire.
Well, treat yourself to a nice beverage to wash it down!
Does Mr Noddy eat Chinese food? Reminiscent of "The Christmas Story", the Chinese restaurants are open, and actually quite busy here. There was an article in the Chicago Tribune last year about the new Jewish tradition of gathering at the local Chinese restaurants on Christmas day.
We are also trying to figure out what to do for Christmas dinner this year. Mr' B's extended family will all be out of town this year and we've decided not to travel for Christmas. It will be just the four of us and we're still discussing the plans. I'm doing our traditional Christmas Eve buffet but Christmas dinner is up for grabs. My kids want to join their Jewish friends for Chinese and we might just end up doing that!
Since most Christmas traditions are really hijacked non-Christian traditions,
I'd say that's a valid plan.
Mr. Noddy does not do Chinese food.
American. Italian-American. Deserts from every land.
msolga - good luck with the family ordeal - fingers crossed for you.
I agree with MsOlga and Swimpy. But unlike Swimpy, who confesses: "I wish I could blame my lack of holiday spirit on my family, but it's my own fault," I don't accept fault for my Grinchatitude; I take credit for it, for the ability to transcend and remain aloof from the commercial trap.
Vivien wrote:msolga - good luck with the family ordeal - fingers crossed for you.

Oh thank you, Vivien! So nice of you!

I think I
might just survive this! :wink:
It's Christmas morning & I'm online to read the morning papers. (No home delivery today). I've been up since 6 am. You could hear a pin drop outside, so quiet! I must get moving in about an hour's time to make the trip to the country.
Here's wishing all A2K folk a happy & safe holiday!
Its started already. eveerybody and their brother has stopped by and is so downright f**kin happy, I wanna puke. Ive been out splitting firewood like a steam drill that killed John Henry.
I cant believe all these chochkies that we get every year fdrom people I normally like during the light months, and whom I cannot stand this week.
As Ive said Before, for me , Christmas is something to "get over" and not to really celebrate. LAst yeaar wasnt so bad because I was kept busy making stuff and in meetings. This year its been me at home and being depressed. The wife understands and barks orders to get my ass outta the room if Im gonna be an old raptor.
Tomorrow, at least, were gonna take a hike and spot eagles. Then on Dec 26, like JL , Ill begin to revive.
So, everybody's downstairs eating nutroll, and Im up here sharing my feelings of melancholy and hoping that I dont spoil it for the others.
I know, Im a headcase, but I didnt see that the TOS contained a "no headcase" clause.
Good luck with it, farmerman! Tomorrow the worst will be over! (well here anyway, but you next!)
This too shall pass. "Normal" life is only 36 hours away. Hold your dominion.
I hope you held your dominion--and wiped your family's world off your feet on their dormat.
Yep, Noddy, I'm very proud to tell you that my dominion was well & truly held! Proud of myself I am!
I'm glad you made it through unscathed, Olga. I'm proud of you, too.
We had a quiet, pleasant Christmas Eve. Planning a quiet, pleasant Christas Day, as well. I'm leaving now to walk to the river to see the eagles feed on the shad that surface at the dam.
Why, thank you, Swimpy! I'm very proud of
you, too! Gosh we're terrific!