Fri 12 Nov, 2004 05:39 pm
Is what differentiate us from other animals, not that we are aware of ourselves, but that we are aware of ourselves in an objective world?
I was thinking. Beings who only care for themselves are not seeing reality but is actually only seeing its subjectivity. Yet we as human beings are able to see objectivity and know that we are in overall not the only thing that is what we assume as reality and thus not the only things that is "important"?
Am I confusing you guys?
Homo sapiens sapiens (the human that knows that it knows or some such) (the human that is aware of its awareness) (something along those lines)
Many would say that the key issue is human language which segments reality by "languaging".This "self awareness" of which we speak can be taken to mean "languaging about internal states".
I've given here the "strong form of the Sapir Whorf hypothesis" i.e. that "language determines thought". The weaker version would be that language influences thought but for the purposes of this thread the distinction seems irrelevent.
Re: The objective view
I dont understand what you mean by objective world. I think that we humans, like all other species, exist in the world of our own experience. World is the human configuration of external stimulus in an organized reality, compatible to us.
I think that other animals do exist in the same way, I mean, in the configuration they give of their reality.
To me the difference between us and other animals is the fact that we developed an evolutionary tool, the language, that allows us to create a conceptual reality.
What I mean by the objective world is the world outside our subjective experience. Other beings merely respond to their environment while we and other animals which have the cerebrum realized the outside world as existant rather than merely something to respond to. I guess it does depend a lot on language.
Ho Einherjar. Nice to see a fellow countryman in here.
Quote:Homo sapiens sapiens (the human that knows that it knows or some such) (the human that is aware of its awareness) (something along those lines)
I like your post. Made me think, how about classifying the human species as it is today? What does "the human that thinks he knows everything" translate to?