Thu 11 Nov, 2004 03:08 pm
I have the common problem of not being able to access the second page of a topic with this rewrite. I know that this is a common problem because I have read of it on several boards.
Here is the strange thing. I have contacted technical support for my server. I have tried to install it on two different websites. I get the same problem on both websites.
I've tried to install it on a forum with no mods. Same problem. I've tried to install it on a forum that presides in the root directory. Same problem.
What I have noticed on different boards is that most people with this problem give up on the modrewrite. But I want to know is there anything else that one can suggest?
My server told me that the problem resides within the rules themselves.
I see that a lot with people using similar code to mine, but code thatw as not authored by me, or with modded boards that conflict.
Are you using my code?