Mon 8 Nov, 2004 01:12 pm
we walk around alone
surrounded by people
who are all superficial
hallow an empty
pryin an prodein
but never acknowledging
they will never know you
they will never know me
they are hallow an empty
like a childs play thing
as can see im no writer
Reminds me of Remy Zero - Hollow (great song)
Vex, you really have me confused. From the way you talk, I would guess you are around 16. But from your art, I would guess you were in your late 20's. You have me vexed. How old are you?
im 18
an the way i the way i talk is largely due to the fact iv had my
confidence bashed in some many times that goes for both
my "art" (as u call) an myself. i could easily come off as bein older
i just chose not to
i think its a great work... you have ag reat talent and i hope that you post more
your art is bashed? I can hardly imagine that. I'm not anywhere near your talent, but all I get is have mine.
(you draw all those cartoons and airbushes yourself I am assuming)
i agree with stuh... i cant even draw... poor stick figured end up looking alike stick things...
iv drawn for so long its easy an yes it was bashed early on by teachers an other kids so i just stoped showin it this is the first time anything of mine has been seen in years i even stop drawin for the past 2 years
just havent felt like doin it an that poem up there is my first iv never
writen anything befor (an i see no talent in anything i do anymore)
Vex...I would like to see more of your work. You appear to not only have "skill" but professional level some more in the original artwork section will you?
I like it too. Is "hallow" supposed to be "shallow"?
yes its post to be shallow not hallow sry bout that
(my spellin sucks)
stuh i may show some more pics but they will all
probly be pencil an payper an that will only happen
if i get around a scaner an if i feel like drawin
an i have a ? even if i do have "professional level talent"
what good does it do me...there are lots of ppl
that can do the samething i do
what good does it do you?
well it must do something for you, or why have you invested the effort to learn?
well besides all the personal satisfaction, the envy and respect of others, you can actually make something that lots of people will look at...doesn't that mean something to you?
don't you think it would be cool to have fans of your comic books?
and yeah it's a wide world, but I'll tell ya...there arent very many with talent.
I was the resident artist in kindergarden, and I thought that as I moved up in the grades and met more people I would find more people like myself...but it surprised the heck out of me that even all the way up to my college classes, I haven't ever found somebody who I thought was better than me in the same I don't mean to be cocky or anything, I don't think I'm all that good, but my point is that there aren't many people with talent
it's much more rare than the ability to get a 4.0 GPA...and you should just give yourself more credit.
I loved it! Your talent is your own. Your personality is unique to your own self. The inside of you....belongs only to YOU!
There goes Brooke again telling everyone they're special....
i was told i was special.. but that was cus i ate pennies...
lmao @ seed
why do i draw an put the time into it i have
easy b/c once along time ago i loved it
i loved everything about it i could sit an do
it for hours on end an toke great pride in it
those days are gone they left along time ago...
now i do good to finsh a pic that i start
(i have so many have drawn things layin around its sad)
an u may not have seen other with the same talent
as u but i have i was born into a line of ppl that have it
my mother father grandmother even my greatgrandmama
an they all have done nothin with it an i have been told
many times that i dont have the skill needed to do anything with it
there was a time that i wanted to be a cartoonest
now i dont really care but then i know ill never be happy
doin anything else
an im sry for the other post i didnt mean to sound
ungreatful u must remeber im young
an i dont see things the way others do
an ty to the peeps that like the poem
I beg to differ. If you are here, then you are a writer amongst writers, my friend. I enjoyed 'alone' very much!