Sun 7 Nov, 2004 11:01 am
How many evangelicals believe that the Rapture will happen in their lifetime?
I usually wear a truss to prevent that from happening, so far so good.
I had double rapture surgery in problems now....
is that pre or post millenial rapture?
even the evangelicals and the scholars can't make up their wonder Jesus is telling Pat Robertson one thing and bush's like an end times Tower of Babel strategy....and it works great...hey, that's why they call him God....
I hope not in my lifetime. All those crashing cars while I'm going down the freeway could be a bother.
edgarblythe wrote:I hope not in my lifetime. All those crashing cars while I'm going down the freeway could be a bother.
think if you were doing the nasty and suddenly your partner disapeared...
talk about your coitus interuptus
Holy ****. I didn't think about that.
Jeezz...she got raptured just before the rapture!
edgarblythe wrote:Holy ****. I didn't think about that.
now if that happened and you could keep it up long enough to finish yourself that's a man......
On the beach, finishing in the sand ... euu
or getting head..your partner disapears but the dentures remain...yowch!!!
welcome to A2K upstatesteve.....why aren't you in church?
on a serious note upstatesteve my friend...before you think we're all a bunch of pagan clowns.....
I used to believe in a pre millenial rapture.....but now that I've had 50 some odd years to watch this doctrine, along with others perverted, changed, used for profit to scare hell out of people the one thing I do know is that whatever the truth may be it was buried by organized religion years ago.....damn shame too because religion, which is supposed to promote the word of God, has caused more people to throw the baby out with the bathwater than anything I can think of.....
I posted in fun, not meaning to offend ...
edgarblythe wrote:I posted in fun, not meaning to offend ...
but but edgar...we
are a bunch of pagan clowns aren't we? :wink:
I am as pagan as they come.
I meant...
What percentage of "Evangelicals" in the U.S. believe the Rapture will happen in their lifetime? There must be a survey out there.
I'm curious to know the number of Bush voters who actually believe such a thing. Twenty-three percent of all voters were "White Evangelical/Born Again", of whom 78% voted for Bush. (
So, 20.7 million Bush voters are evangelicals (.23 * .78 * 115,809,878). That's 35% of Bush voters.
Is it unreasonable to suspect that from one-fifth to one-third of Bush's support came from people who believe that the world is literally about to end?
Any direction to data of this sort would be welcome.
Upstate, sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it already happened.
Re: I meant...
upstatesteve wrote:
Is it unreasonable to suspect that from one-fifth to one-third of Bush's support came from people who believe that the world is literally about to end?
Any direction to data of this sort would be welcome.
This link would seem to dispell the idea.
According to that link less than half of self-defined evangelicals believe in the rapture never mind believing that it will occur in their life time.