dont like pancakes, the baking powder taste is easily detectable.
I love waffles if they are made with an extra buttery batter thats has a taste reminiscent of "funnel cake". The extra butter makes the waffle crispy on the outside and soft in the middle. Waffles erved up with butter and Loganberry syrup .
Crepes are special , very thin .Pour batter in a crepe pan (Crepe pans are great for searing steaks and browning scallops so they areNOT one purpose pans) Swoosh the batter around and pour it out. The crepe should be just a very thin wet coat on the inside of the pan.
Serve em with chopped strawberries or red raspberries with whip cream and chocolate drizzle. Hershey syrup works fine for me (MOst people hate Hershey syrup, thats ok, theres more for me).
Dont like most savory crepes except a lobster roll mix made into a wrap. Thats good