I too, think it is fun to give gifts, to find something people like. It should be
because you just found the thing you think would be the right thing.
All my life relatives and friends have often been living in other countries than I did - at one time in four continents. Then you apriciate a thank you for knowing the postal system worked.
In Sweden we used to be very strict about formal things. Almost worse than in Germany. Things have changed a lot. People are still formal, but in a very nice relaxed and still correct way. It seems more to come from the heart than "it must be like this"
In Germany things are getting more relaxed too. Especially amongst young people. Most of the time you are not on first name basis with people, but it is not as stiff and unfriendly as it used to be. Much less snobbism.
The Danes are more relaxed, more fun than the Swedes and Germans, do not
hang on to forms as much. But it is expected that you know how to behave in certain situations. "How to walk on polished floors" aas they would say.