@cicerone imposter,
Quote:Pure doo doo to you, because you have never accomplished anything close to what Gareth Evans has accomplished. As a matter of fact, you show yourself to be a narcissist like Trump with no redeeming characteristic or humanity. Trump is a moron, and so are you!
When you look at the stars, you are looking at them at their current status and location simultaneously with your current status and location.
How this is a truth?
Because here, me, the one you say I have never accomplished anything, I discovered a law that allows us to perceive solely the present.
You can check online, and hundreds of so called "scientists", including NASA- think that we can see the past of the universe when we look far away galaxies.
My discovery of this law deletes those fantasies invented by those so called scientists.
As you can see, they -of course- enjoy the benefit of controlling the media and pay good money for keeping their fantasy alive.
On the other hand, the truth -which is that our brains are not capable at all to perceive past events together with present events- is hidden, because these dudes can't accept their error.
I am a master in Sensation and Perception. No one can play with me when is about how we perceive the entire universe.
And in base of this law I discovered, I was able to open doors to discover what is time, what is gravity, etc.
And this is because if you don't know to distinguish illusions in your perceptions, then your idea of the universe becomes wrong and void.
The key for good science is learning how to interpret our perception of the universe. If you are an ignorant about the way of interpreting what you perceive, then whatever your theory is, it becomes false.
Lets say, people in the past thought that the Sun orbits around the earth, but other by observation and mathematical calculations based in the observation, concluded that the earth orbits around the Sun. And this was because they ignored the right interpretation of the perception made.
Pythagoras, on the other hand, knew that the earth orbited around the Sun, and that the Sun also orbited around a greater center. The way we know about this opinion of Pythagoras is thru his followers, whom were mentioned by Plato, who was a defender of a static earth and the orbiting Sun around it.
Same as well, Relativity is a poor interpretation of perception caused by the illusions created by velocity and distance.
And, several other theories of science fall in the same category of fables, simply because the authors of them were ignorant about what they were perceiving in reality.
This law is a law, not a theory. A LAW.
Just find the best expert who explain why he says he observes the universe as it was in its past because the period taken by light to arrive to us from far away distances, and ask him with total courtesy if he can prove that light travels as images... and to prove it.
Ask any specialist in psychology to prove you that our brain is able to perceive past and present events at the same time.
And this is nothing, when you apply this LAW in all kind of interpretation of perception you make, science becomes so easy to understand.
I did accomplish the greater discovery in science ever, because if you fail in interpreting correctly a perception of a phenomenon, everything you conclude from that phenomenon is simply false.
The correct interpretation of our perception of the universe is the key of true science.
The rest is just fantasies.
The Australian dude who criticized president Trump has accomplished the collecting of pure "recognition of participating in some group or event", bit nothing that really changed the world, his country, his city, but solely the decoration of the walls in his house with pure paper enclosed in frames hanging for been seeing by others.
In other words, a loser who is recognized as someone important by other losers.