Wed 3 Nov, 2004 02:56 pm
For some time now, I have experienced this phenomena and wonder about it.
Today, after posting the song, "I Just Called to Say I Love You", the first thing that I heard in the supermarket was Stevie Wonder singing that song. That's just one example, but there are many more.
Does this often happen to you? and if so, how do you explain it?
Hello Letty !
Good to see you on Advanced Truth 101 ( as Woody might call it) !
Both Jung and Sheldrake had/have something to say on synchronicity which I think we all experience from time to time (or to time from time

This looks like a more exotic link
My Gawd, fresco. Now here's another odd one. CarbonSystem started a thread about an odd ringing in his ears, and I posted a link that had exactly the same importations. I was thinking of Schumann and ran across an almost identical article.
Halloween ain't over until the fat witch sings.
Good to see ya, buddy.
I've thought about this, and I think it would be odd if it didn't happen, considering all of the billions of opportunities. I mean, it could happen with anything... it just stands out when it does happen.
Well, SCoates. That, of course, is another explanation. Rather like one learning a new word, then seeing it everywhere.
But it has occurred to me more than the area of probabilities allows.
I humbly suggest magic is at play. Dark, dark magic.

Go read CarbonSystem's thread and then read that link that Fresco posted.
To Russia with love from Letty.
Later. Happy hour here!
I once (circa 1992) saw John Mack in a Leningrad hotel bar. It was pointed out to me that he was a well-known psychiatrist who's reputation was in danger because of his willingness to give his alien abductee patients the benefit of the doubt. I had no idea that he was so involved in "esoteric" thought.
oops, JL. Had to look up John Mack. Perhaps the XFiles is viable after all.
I want to believe; help thou my unbelief.
Perhaps we are all subjected to subliminal learning at birth, but it really doesn't matter. I have just always wondered why artists have to starve to be recognized, and why poets and musicians lead cryptic lives.
One other interesting thing. After I posted my Be True--Be True--Be True thread. Some youngun posted a thread on The Scarlet Letter and wondered about the assignment of re-writing the ending.
P.S. psychedelic memories without benefit of stuff.
Goodnight from Letty with love.
How dull of me. I've always referred to my experiences of "synchronicities" as "coincidences".
Letty, it has happened to me. It is weird when it does. But, I would have to go with the notion that it's coincidence and you notice it when it happens. Of all the things that happen in your life, nothing seems to stand out more than thinking about ordering a pizza and then a pizza commercial comes on the television or you are thinking about a friend and they happen to call. I have picked up the phone to call someone and they were already on the phone. It threw me off for a second because the phone hadn't even rang. I picked it up and heard a voice, the exact person I wanted to call. He was thrown off too because he had just dialed the number and it hadn't rang on his end either. But, no divine regulation of the allignment of the moons or anything like that. It just happens. I think the cosmic hopper is quite full at this point and really can't stand to be put to the test any longer.
What amazes me is all those times when I think of calling someone and they are not home, or when I go to order a pizza and the line is busy. THAT'S wierd.
I think it's just a simple coincidence. I mean if you think about the millions of times you do things where it doesn't occur
Good morning all.
JL, you dull? Never!
Michael and alf, I'm certain that you're both right in that coincidences would be an explanation, but obviously many have legitimitized the concept of synchronicity, and deemed it worthy of exploration.
Peripheral learning is also a consideration--a "corner of the eye" type observation that we don't recognize until some clue in the environment elicits it.
Incidentally, alf. Welcome to A2K.
Letty: Since you started this thread I've been wading through pages on the Net searching for an explanation of synchronicity - the difference between synchronicity and noncausal synchronicity - and find myself drowning in the theories of Jung and others. I rather like this definition (I can't decipher who wrote it):
"Synchronicities are people, places or events that your soul attracts into your life - to help you evolve or to place emphasis on something going on in your life.
The more 'consciously aware' you become of how your soul creates - the higher your frequency goes and the faster your soul manifests.
Each day your life will become filled with meaningful coincidences - synchronicities - that you have attracted - or created in the grid of your experiences in the physical.
There are no accidents - just synchronicity wheels -the gears of time - the wheels of time - the wheel of karma - wheels within wheels - the alchemy of creation - the Philosopher's Stone - Sacred Geometry=SG=StarGate - evolution of consciousness"
I have no interest in , or knowledge of Karma, but I do enjoy the mystery of synchronicity.
This thread drew me in because synchronicity happens so frequently here on A2K- in the 20 Questions thread, on music threads, and mostly on my movie thread and we A2Krs who have experienced it, chalk it up to being on the same wave length. We joke about it, we call it "spooky", weird, but whatever, it is here and it does make me wonder. (lol)
Ah, Raggedy. That was a clear and faithful description. Thank you, my friend. It seems that we may often make things what we would like them to be, but then we have unusual happenings and it leaves us to wonder about the events that surround us that we never notice.
From the corner of my eye,
A saw a scrub jay--fleeting--fly.
How does that simple little bird,
Reflect the meaning of the word
Merely this--
at the risk of sounding unduly cynical;
the universe runs entirely, and is emersed most deeply in "chance"; all is because of 'nothing'!
Therefore why would 'coincidence' seem 'out of place', and raise the spectre of 'super'natural?
[the human animal likes to know why things happen, in spite of the fact that there are no 'whys'! (er.... no wise!)]
Well, I'll be damned, Bo. I just lost my bet.
[i would never be so foolish as to place wagers on my thoughts or activities!]