@Fil Albuquerque,
Yes, I already get that. You have an experience and you judge it. We can, for example, use the terms apples and oranges. But these would not be value judgments. They would refer to the apples and oranges themselves. It doesn't matter if we redefined the apples and oranges as being, for example, kiwis and pineapples. All you did here was simply changed the terms. However, the properties still remain the same. The orange itself is still a fruit abundant with citric acid, it is still a soft fruit, etc. Changing the terms did not change these properties. It did not change these apples and oranges into kiwis and pineapples.
This same concept would also apply to the good value, bad value, worth, joy, misery, etc. in our lives. You can define any experience you have without your pleasant and unpleasant feelings as being the experience of real value and worth in your life, but that did not change the properties these feelings actually have. It did not change the quality of experience these feelings have. These feelings, as I stated before, have a quality of experience to them that give real value, real worth, real joy, real suffering, etc. to your life.
Therefore, it didn't matter that you redefined a certain experience in your life without your good feelings as a quality of experience that gives your life real good value and real worth, such an experience still possesses a devoid quality. It is no different than trying to redefine the harmful and cruel acts of a sociopath who has no empathy whatsoever as being acts of empathy. This sociopath does not have the characteristics ("properties") that would deem him/her the quality of empathetic.