Hello everyone, I'm from Croatia, and I'm currently translating Friedrich W. Nietzsche's book We Philologists (orig:Wirr philologen) to Croatian. I was doing fine until I came across a sentence in Latin, where Nietzsche qoutes an author named Bentley. I would really aprecciate it if someone could translate this sentence for me. I will write the whole paragraph, because I think it might help you to translate the latin sentence more easily if you see the context.
"I was pleased to read of Bentley "non tam grande pretium emendatiunculis meis statuere soleo, ut singularem aliquam gratiam inde sperem aut exigam."
Newton was surprised that men like Bentley and Hare should quarrel about a book of ancient comedies, since they were both theological dignitaries."
Thanks in advance y'all
p.s. If it might help context-wise, this whole book is basically Nietzsche's criticism of philology, student training, and education in general.